The National Women’s Council of Ireland launched their ‘Breakthrough Manifesto today.

The aim of the manifesto is to make the General Election 2016 a Breakthrough Election for Women.
The manifesto outlines 10 priority actions and asks GE candidates, male and female to Demonstrate their commitment to gender equality by signing up to the Manifesto and committing to supporting these policies when elected to Dáil Éireann whether in Government or Opposition. The National Women’s Council of Ireland also urge voters to ask the candidates in their constituency where they stand on gender equality.
The Manifesto
1. Change Ireland’s record on violence against women 2.
Make early years education and childcare a priority
3. End the gender pay gap and provide decent work for women
4. Close the gender pension gap and recognise the contribution of care
5. Make sure every budget delivers on equality
6. Support reproductive rights and repeal of the 8th Amendment
7. Strengthen social protection, training and employment supports
8. Advance women’s leadership and participation in decision making – local and national
9. Protect and invest in public services and ensure they serve the needs of all women 10. Deliver a strong National Action Plan for Women’s Equality
While the breakthrough manifesto is aimed squarely at General Election Candidates, as a Seanad Candidate I want to articulate my support for the manifesto.
In addition, in order to promote gender equality across the lifespan I also advocate making education and care provision across the lifespan a priority.
Don’t get mad, get equal.
Elect women in the 2016 General Election.
The power is in your ballot paper.
The National Women’s Council of Ireland manifesto can be downloaded in pdf format from