We all brush our teeth everyday but most of us never spare a thought for our brain health.

Adopting a brain healthy lifestyle is like investing in brain capital because it not only helps to keep our brain healthy now, but also builds cognitive reserves that can be cashed in at some point in the future to cope with or compensate for disease, damage or decline.

I’m on a mission to get everyone to look brain health as routinely brushing teeth.

On this page you will find links to various free online resources that I have developed including:

A free Brain Health App  – Hello Brain Health

And three websites; Hello Brain, Brain Health for MS and FreeDem Films.

You will also find information on my research projects and academic publications.


Brain scans

Project Title:Exercise and Chronic Health Conditions
From: 01/08/2018 To 31/12/2018
Summary: Animation promoting exercise in people with chronic health conditions
Funding Agency: Health Research Board

HRB Logo

Project Title:Older Irish in Britain
From: 01/12/2017 To 30/06/2018
Summary: Impacting health, wellbeing and vibrancy across ages and generations of the Irish in Britain
Funding Agency: Department of Foreign Affairs, Irish Abroad Unit – Emigrant Support Programme

Project Title: PATHFINdER
From: 01/12/2017 To 31/12/2018
Summary: Parental information on Therapeutic Hypothermia FollowIng Neonatal Encephalopathy
Funding Agency: Health Research Board

HRB Logo

Project Title: PPI-Ignite – Trinity College Dublin
From: 01/06/2017 To
Summary: Trinity College aims to increase public participation in all aspects of its research enterprise and to celebrate exemplars in order to develop a network of good practice that expands and sustains involvement.
Funding Agency: Health Research Board

HRB Logo

Project Title: No Pressure
From: 01/09/2016 To 30/06/2017
Summary: A pilot study to raise awareness of the impact of high blood pressure on brain health and dementia risk
Funding Agency: Global Brain Health Institute


Project Title: Brain Health for MS
From: 01/07/2016 To 30/11/2016
Summary: A bespoke brain health website and animations with easy-to-understand information about brain health for people with multiple sclerosis
Funding Agency: Novartis International
Website: www.brainhealth4ms.com

Novartis Logo

Project Title: Caring for Carers – DeStress
From: 01/12/2015 To 30/09/2016
Summary: Animated films and online resources for carers
Funding Agency: Health Research Board – KEDS
Website: www.hellobrain.eu/carers

HRB Logo

Project Title: Global Brain Health Institute
From: 01/10/2015 To
Summary: Co-Applicant
Funding Agency: The Atlantic Philanthropies

The Atlantic Philanthropies Logo

Project Title: DemPath
From: 2014 To 2017
Summary: Development of an integrated care pathway for people with dementia
Funding Agency: GENIO

Genio Logo

Project Title: RelAte – Benefit of relationship-based mealtime intervention in social isolated older adults
From: 01/04/13 To 31/03/15
Summary: to determine the benefit of a relationship-based nutritional intervention in older people living alone.
Funding Agency: Home Instead Inc

Home Instead Inc Logo

Project Title: DeStress:Cognitive function, caregiver stress and cortisol: Mechanisms and implications for prevention of adverse health consequences in spouse dementia caregivers. From 01/04/13 To 31/03/16
Summary: The main aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between cognitive function and the stress associated with caring for a spouse with dementia.
Funding Agency: Medical Research Charities Group and Health Research Board

HRB Logo

Project Title: FreeDem
From: 01/12/12 To 31/11/15
Summary:  develop and evaluate a series of online films that provide practical information, grounded in science, on memory loss, dementia and brain health
Funding Agency: GENIO
Website:  www.fredemliving.com

Genio Logo

Project Title: Early Intervention Coordination
From: 2012 To 2014
Summary:  research, develop and deliver a system of interventions that are responsive to the needs of people with early-stage dementia.
Funding Agency: Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht

Arts, Heritage Logo

Project Title: NEIL NeuroEnhancement for Independent Lives
From: 01/10/2010 To 30/09/2017
Summary: To develop, evaluate, and deliver neuroenhancement to older people
Funding Agency: The Atlantic Philanthropies

The Atlantic Philanthropies Logo

Project Title: Cognitive function in older adults
From: 2011 To 2016
Summary:  To investigate a range of hypotheses related to cognitive ageing


Project Title: ASAPS /Hello Brain
From: 01/10/2012 To 30/09/2014
Summary:  Promote health research and healthy ageing.
Funding Agency: The European Commission FP7 Programme
Website: www.hellobrain.eu

European Commission Logo

Project Title: Frailty, Cognitive Function and Caregiver Stress
From: 19/03/13 To 18/03/16
Summary Role: Co-Supervisor PhD Candidate: Michael O’Sullivan Aims: To increase the understanding of the relationship between frailty and caregiver stress. To develop markers that predict cognitive decline.
Funding Agency: Irish Research Council – Enterprise Scheme

Irish Research Council Logo

Project Title: VSL
From: 2014 To 2015
Summary: Intervention study to assess the impact of VSL on cognitive function
Funding Agency: CD Investments SRL

CDL Investments SRL Logo

Project Title: Age-Related Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline: A model of the social and neurocognitive mechanisms that influence the relationship between hearing loss and cognitive ageing
From: 2014 To 2017
Summary: Co-Supervisor PHD Candidate David Loughrey
Funding Agency: Irish Research Council

Irish Research Council Logo

Project Title An Investigation of the Protective Effect of Cognitive Reserve against Cognitive Impairment
From: 2012 To 2015
Summary:Co-Supervisor PhD Candidate: Caoimhe Hannigan  Increase understanding of cognitive ageing and the social and psychological variables that mediate and moderate cognitive function in later life.
Funding Agency: Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences

Irish Research Council Logo

Project Title: Identifying early inflammatory changes in monocyte-derived macrophages from a population with IQ-discrepant episodic memory
From: 2011 To 
Summary: This study, which builds on work conducted in my PhD, examines blood samples for cellular markers of inflammation. If successful, it could offer a major opening for early screening and hence early prevention.


Project Title: TCIN-GSK Neurodegeneration Program
From: 2007 To 2010
Summary: to identify novel cognitive, electrophysiological and behavioural endpoints in human participants that offer greater sensitivity to age-induced cognitive changes than previous endpoints.
Funding Agency: Glaxo-Smith Klein, IDA

GSK Logo          IDA Logo

Project Title: Neurocognitive and Electrophysiological Indices of Cognitive Performance in Ageing
From: 2007 To 2010
Summary: This project explored individual differences in cognitive performance in healthy elderly and aimed to identify neurocognitive and electrophysiological markers that index cognitive decline.
Funding Agency: Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology

Irish Research Council Logo

Trinity College Dublin: Research Projects and Publications

McHugh-Power, JE. Hannigan, C., Hyland, P Kee, F, Brennan, S, Lawlor, B (2018). Depressive symptoms predict increased social and emotional loneliness in older adults. Ageing and Mental Health (CAMH) https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2018.1517728 

O’Sullivan, M., Lawlor, B., Hannigan, C., Brennan, S., Robertson, IH. (2018) , Cognitive functioning among cognitively intact dementia caregivers compared to matched self-selected and population controls. Aging & Mental Health (CAMH), Notes: [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2018.1428937.

Wolfe H, Hannigan C, O’Sulivan M, Carrol, LB, Brennan S, Lawlor, R, Robertson, IH, Lynch, M, (2018) A shift to glycolysis accompanies the inflammatory changes in PBMCs from Individuals with an IQ-discrepant memory, Journal of Neuroimmunology, 317, p24 – 31 https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2018.1517728

Kelly, ME., Lawlor, BA., Coen, RF., Robertson, IH. and Brennan, S (2017) Cognitive rehabilitation for early stage Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study with an Irish population. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. pp. 1-17. ISSN 2051-6967Official URL: https://doi.org/10.1017/ipm.2017.23

Pertl, M.M., Hannigan, C., Brennan, S., Robertson I.H., Lawlor, B.A., Cognitive reserve and self-efficacy as moderators of the effect of stress exposure on executive functioning among spousal dementia caregivers, International Journal of Psychogeriatrics. , 29, (4), 2017, p615 – 625, Notes: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610216002337

Loughrey, DG., Lavecchia, S., Brennan, S., Lawlor, BA., and Kelly, ME. , The Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Cognitive Functioning of Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., Advances in nutrition, 8, (4), 2017, p571 – 586, Notes: https://doi: 10.3945/an.117.015495


Kelly, ME., Duff, H., Kelly, S., Power, JE, Brennan, S., Lawlor, BA., Loughrey., D. , The impact of social activities, social networks, social support and social relationships on the cognitive functioning of healthy older adults: a systematic review. , Systematic Reviews, 6, (29), 2017, p259 – 277, Notes: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-017-0632-2

Loughrey, D., Kelly, ME., Kelley, G., Brennan, S., Lawlor, BA. , The Association of Age-Related Hearing Loss with Cognitive Function, Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis, JAMA Otolaryngology – Head and, 2017, Notes: doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2017.2513

Power J., Lee O., Aspell N., McCormack E., Loftus M., Connolly L., Lawlor B., Brennan S., RelAte: Pilot study of the effects of a mealtime intervention on social cognitive factors and energy intake among older adults living alone, British Journal of Nutrition, 116, (9), 2016, p1573-1581 ,

McHugh Power, J.E., Carney, S., Hannigan, C., Brennan, S., Wolfe, H., Lynch, M., Kee, F. and Lawlor, B.A., , Systemic inflammatory markers and sources of social support among older adults in the Memory Research Unit cohort, Journal of Health Psychology, 2016,

Power, J., Lee, O., Aspell, N., Connolly, L., Lawlor, B.A., Brennan, S.,, Peer volunteer perspectives following a complex social cognitive intervention: a qualitative investigation. , International Psycho Geriatrics, 28, (9), 2016, p1545 – 1554, Notes:

McHugh, J.E., Lee, O., Lawlor, B.A. and Brennan, S. , The meaning of mealtimes: social and nutritional needs identified among older adults attending day services and by healthcare professionals., International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,, 30, (3), 2015, p325 – 329, Notes: DOI:10.1002/gps.4248 

Pertl MM, Lawlor BA, Robertson IH, Walsh C, Brennan S, Risk of Cognitive and Functional Impairment in Spouses of People With Dementia: Evidence From the Health and Retirement Study., Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology, 28, (4), 2015, p260-71 ,

Hannigan C, Coen RF, Lawlor BA, Robertson IH, Brennan S, The NEIL Memory Research Unit: psychosocial, biological, physiological and lifestyle factors associated with healthy ageing: study protocol., BMC psychology, 3, (1), 2015, p20

McHugh, J.E., Lee, O., Aspell, N., Lawlor, B.A. and Brennan, S.,, A shared mealtime approach to improving social and nutritional functioning among older adults living alone (RelAte: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, JMIR Research Protocols JMIR Res Protoc., 4, (2), 2015, Notes: [ doi: 10.2196/resprot.4050],

Dockree, PM, Brennan, S, O’Sullivan M, Robertson, IH, O’Connell, R., Characterising neural signatures of successful ageing: electrophysiological correlates of preserved episodic memory in older age, Brain and Cognition, 97, 2015, p40 – 50, Notes: [DOI: 10.1016/j.bandc.2015.04.002],

Kelly,M., Loughrey, D., Lawlor, B A., Robertson, I H., Brennan, S, The impact of exercise on the cognitive functioning of healthy older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Ageing research reviews, 16, 2014, p12 – 31, Journal Article, PUBLISHED URL

Elisa Di Rosa, Caoimhe Hannigan, Sabina Brennan, Richard Reilly, Viliam Rapcan, Ian H Robertson, Reliability and validity of the Automatic Cognitive Assessment Delivery (ACAD), Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6, (34), 2014,

Kelly, Michelle E. Loughrey, David Lawlor, Brian A. Robertson, Ian H. Walsh, Cathal Brennan, Sabina, The Impact of Cognitive Training and Mental Stimulation on Cognitive and Everyday Functioning of Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Ageing Research Reviews, 2014,

Eric J. Downer, Raasay S. Jones, Claire L. McDonald, Eleonora Greco, Sabina Brennan, Thomas J. Connor, Ian H. Robertson, Marina A. Lynch, Identifying Early Inflammatory Changes in Monocyte-Derived Macrophages from a Population with IQ-Discrepant Episodic Memory, Plos One, 8, (5), 2013, ppe63194

Laura P. McAvinue*, Mara Golemme, Marco Castorina, ElisaTatti , Francesca M. Pigni , Simona Salomone, Sabina Brennan and Ian H. Robertson, An evaluation of a working memory training scheme in older adults, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 5, (20), 2013, p1 – 11, J

Downer EJ, Jones RS, McDonald CL, Greco E, Brennan S, Connor TJ, Robertson IH, & Lynch MA, Identifying early inflammatory changes in monocyte-derived macrophages from a population with IQ-discrepant episodic memory, PloS one, 8, (5), 2013, pe63194 ,

Balsters, J.H., O’Connell, R.G., Martin, M.P., Galli, A., Cassidy, S.M., Kilcullen, S.M., Delmonte, S., Brennan, S., Meaney, J.F., Fagan, A.J., Bodke, A., Upton, N., Lai, R., Laurelle, M., Lawlor, B.L. and Robertson, I.H., Donepezil impairs memory in healthy older subjects: Behavioural, EEG and simultaneous EEG/fMRI biomarkers., Organisation for Human Brain Mapping Abstracts., Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, 2012,

O’Connell, R.G., Balsters, J.H., Martin, M.P., Galli, A., Cassidy, S.M., Kilcullen, S.M., Delmonte, S., Brennan, S., Meaney, J.F., Fagan, A.J., Bodke, A., Upton, N., Lai, R., Laurelle, M., Lawlor, B.L. and Robertson, I.H, Donepezil impairs memory in healthy older subjects: Behavioural, EEG and simultaneous EEG/fMRI biomarkers., Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Paris , Paris, 16-21 July 2011, 2011,

Joshua H. Balsters, Redmond G. O’Connell, Mary P. Martin, Alessandra Galli, Sarah M. Cassidy, Sophia M. Kilcullen, Sonja Delmonte, Sabina Brennan, Jim F. Meaney, Andrew J. Fagan, Arun L. W. Bokde, Neil Upton, Robert Lai, Marc Laruelle, Brian Lawlor, Ian H. Robertson, Donepezil Impairs Memory in Healthy Older Subjects: Behavioural, EEG and Simultaneous EEG/fMRI Biomarkers, PLoS ONE, 6, (9), 2011, pe24126 ,

Balsters, J.H., O’Connell, R.G., Brennan, S., Galli, A., Kilcullen, S., Bodke, A.L., Lai, R., Upton, N. and Robertson, I.H. , Describing memory decline in the ageing brain using multiple methods: Neuropsychology, volumetrics, electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2011,

Balsters, J.H., O’Connell, R.G., Martin, M.P., Galli, A., Cassidy, S.M., Kilcullen, S.M., Delmonte, S., Brennan, S., Meaney, J.F., Fagan, A.J., Bodke, A., Upton, N., Lai, R., Laurelle, M., Lawlor, B.L. and Robertson, I.H., Simultaneous EEG/fMRU and its role in generating novel biomarkers of Ageing and Drug effects., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2010,

Brennan, S., Dockree, P., Sobolowski, R. and Robertson, I.H. , Contribution of alpha to memory failures in healthy elderly, Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, 179, 2010, ppS105 – S105,

Brennan, S., Dockree, O., Sobolowski, R. and Robertson I.H., Markers of memory failure in healthy elderly., British Psychological Society Annual Conference, , 14-16 April 2010, 2010,

Brennan, S., Dockree, P., Sobolowski, R. and Robertson, I.H. , Contribution of alpha to memory failures in healthy elderly. Neuroscience Ireland Conference Presentation,, Neuroscience Ireland, 10-11 September, 2009,

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