Super Brain Blog – Season 4 Episode 8

Making New Dreams with Lauren White Murphy

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  •  00:11 – A shy young musician
  • 03:37 – Singing and songwriting
  • 08:34 – Ghost writing
  • 10:43 – American Horror Story
  • 11:37 – my rant about the lack of neurological health care
  • 14:57 – MS ambassador
  • 17:04 – sight loss, pain and loss of balance
  • 20:55 – You’re falling down – it must be the drink since your Irish
  • 22:58 – coping with diagnosis alone
  • 25:26 – not wanting to be a burden
  • 28:00 – The urge to paint
  • 31:49 – Lauren gifts Sabina a painting
  • 36:27 – Savant syndrome
  • 45:35 – manifesting
  • 1:00:00 – PTSD
  • 1:09:00 – Lauren’s tips for thriving and surviving in life




Brochure  for Lauren’s Art Exhibition at the IFSC, Custom House Plaza in Dublin 1


Lauren’s Soundcloud

LoloPopWorld on Instagram

LoloPopArt on Twitter





Guest Bio

Lauren White Murphy was born (prematurely) in Dublin in 1988. As a young child she showed a keen interesting in music playing both the saxophone and clarinet in bands and orchestras at school. After taking a course in songwriting at school Lauren was hooked and became convinced she would be the next Bono. Not one to rest on her laurels the teenage Lauren went knocking on RTE’s door looking to work as and learn more about songwriting. Her first song was given to the then hot band Belfire and became their first single. Lauren sparked up a songwriting partnership with Niall Mooney which continues today. Together they have written songs for Ireland and other countries for the Eurovision and other song contests. Lauren became a ghost writer and was signed by Warner Bros. After studying music in college she moved to LA in 2013 to pursue her career in music and also in acting. Five years and a marriage later and Lauren found herself falling down (literally) and felt her once fluid songwriting skills slipping away. After multiple investigations Lauren was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a few weeks short of her 30th birthday in 2018. Her partner struggled with Lauren’s diagnosis and so thousands of miles away from family Lauren struggled to cope home alone until one day she had the urge to paint. She had been filling her days watching reruns of reality TV shows and these became the first subjects of her drawings. Track forward three years and Lauren has transformed into an accomplished artist and passionate MS ambassador.

MS Ambassador Lauren and I appeared on Ireland AM for World MS Day in May 2021

Over to You

We all face challenges in life. Thankfully not all are as life-changing as those faced by Lauren. Nonetheless, the worst challenge we face in life is always our worst challenge until we face something more difficult. I’d love to hear how you have coped with challenge. Did you something, like Lauren found art, that boosted your resilience helped you to cope.


This transcript has been prepared by AI. It may contain errors but I simply don’t have the resources  (human or financial) to edit it. Volunteers willing to do so are more than welcome simply email me

Dr Sabina Brennan  00:01

Hello, and welcome to super brain the podcast for everyone with a brain. My name is Sabina Brennan. And today I want to excuse the sound of my voice, and probably some stuttering, etc. That will go on because I’m actually feeling a little bit under the weather. But thankfully, my guest today is Lauren white Murphy. And the last time we met, she can talk as much as I can talk. So I think I’m kind of in safe hands today. If my brain starts to work, I think Lauren might actually jump to the rescue and save me. Anyway, thank you so much for tuning in. You are in for an absolute treat. Lauren has gosh, she’s just a lesson in how to thrive in life, particularly in the arts, which can be quite a challenge, but also on how to survive. And you know what, let’s just go straight in and we’re just going to do the plain old fashioned let’s start from Lauren’s childhood and work our way through her really fascinating story. So music has been a big part of your life since you were very young,


Lauren White Murphy  01:05

very young. Yeah. So firstly, hi, thank you for having me on. Welcome. I absolutely loved the podcast. I didn’t listen. So yeah, a little bit about me. And music was my go to since I was a child, I was known in school for ish, I won all the awards. I started off in a marching band and Crumlin and just excelled from there. I just really had such a passion for


Dr Sabina Brennan  01:27

  1. So you’re in a marching band. So did you play the clarinet or


Lauren White Murphy  01:31

Yeah, I actually paid the clarinet and saxophone. They’re my two instruments. But my mother had me in piano lessons and everything because I actually was a very shy child, very, very shy, even like pink and back. And now I’m like, Oh, God, I just get to know in my stomach of how shy I was.


Dr Sabina Brennan  01:46

But I think people have a misconception. I’m very chatty. I’m very sociable. But I would argue that I’m shy in that. You see, there’s this sense that being shy is looking down and not saying I think Lady Di you know, the eyes down and know, and being afraid to talk. But actually, sometimes it can manifest in a different way. I often talk way too much. And I think it’s kind of covering up you’re kind of afraid of gaps, you’re you know, your stomach is kind of going and you’re just kind of trying to make things Okay,


Lauren White Murphy  02:15

yeah. And I usually come out with the most useless information like you know, did you know that like the takes a billion trillion steps to get to the moon? You know, just be stupid, stupid things. Just to cover that. Yeah, yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  02:28

I have that. I always envied people who in fact, I worked with someone. And I always envied him. You could be in the pub after work. And he would just come over, join whatever group you were with, and go Hi. And then just stand there. Oh, listen to conversation, you know, like, people would have thought, Oh, you’re real confident, and he’s real Shy. would never have had the confidence to do that to just go over to a group join it, and expect everyone to just say, yeah, that’s okay. contributing anything.


Lauren White Murphy  02:56

Yeah. When I got older, I kind of would have done bash, I put that aside, you know, yes, we


Dr Sabina Brennan  03:01

hear more. Because your tenacity I want to talk about so you started off in a marching band, and you played clarinet, saxophone and clarinet. And then you moved on because you played multiple instruments. So you mentioned piano there.


Lauren White Murphy  03:13

Yeah, my whole childhood just stay in learn instruments. I was just fascinated. I honestly thought I was going to be the next panel, right? Like I really did. But in a sense, where I didn’t want the big fame or I didn’t like all the attention. I liked working in the background. And I like to work with a team that’s why I loved being in a marching band and have been in orchestras in school and things like that.


Dr Sabina Brennan  03:37

When did you discover that you had a voice because part of my research I love doing we did an episode a week before last where we tried something that where I wouldn’t do any research and then discovered I missed a huge thing that I had in common with my guests. Ah, she actually played me in a play like can you imagine you missed that opportunity to talk about that? Oh, quality and there was a book that a day in me and when I was actually just putting the episode up because we said oh, let’s do a winger because she does stand up comedy and I said, Well, let me try and do it. And was only when I was doing her bio and I said she was in a DMA and then I messaged her and you can make a mess if you wanted to play and um so I will never not do my research again, but actually doing research on you was just such a treat. I wasn’t sleeping the other night actually. Because as I mentioned earlier, not feeling well. And I took the opportunity to look at your SoundCloud and have a listen. Oh my God, you have the sweetest voice hanker? Absolutely oh my god it just because I was quite stressed but it just enveloped me you really beautiful voice and I didn’t know whether those songs are on your SoundCloud. Did you write those songs?


Lauren White Murphy  04:48

They’re mine. Yeah, yes. I think I signed on to the tracks. And then I had some a demo singer for the big belty song. Not me. Yeah, that’s not me. But I write like that.


Dr Sabina Brennan  04:59

Yeah, you kind of do. interested in how you kind of described them? I think one you had called Pop, but I think you had one folksy pop or something like


Lauren White Murphy  05:05

the corps? Yeah, yeah. And I have them to tank because they are still my favorite bond. And they’re the reason that I got into write music Well, so like I was in school, and I started, like, I was in transition year, and we did like a songwriting course, wow, for a day. And my song got chosen and how to perform in front of the whole school and common from like, this shy person, I think out of 1516. I was like, Okay, this is happening. They’re saying I’m good at this. So let’s give it a go. So I don’t do anything in half measures. So I just did my research. And I actually just, I went into a party and I was pitching songs there for I think the TV show was your star at the time.


Dr Sabina Brennan  05:50

Wow. Was that like straight after? Were you just a teen when you did this?


Lauren White Murphy  05:54

Oh, yeah. I wrote my first song actually was given to Belle fire. I don’t know if you remember them. But


Dr Sabina Brennan  05:59

one of the sisters,


Lauren White Murphy  06:01

I think was the sisters. Yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  06:02

yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. The connection. I love it. One of the marks became a psychologist.


Lauren White Murphy  06:09

Yeah, he wrote a song for them. And then people in our tea got in contact with me. And Niall Mooney was one of them. He’s done a lot of songwriting for Ireland for different stuff. We have been writing partner since I was a teen. And we did so many revisions together for Ireland for Malta. I went off and it’s different Azerbaijan and Denmark and different countries.


Dr Sabina Brennan  06:33

Oh my god. So can people find these songs to listen to?


Lauren White Murphy  06:37

Well, so I can definitely put them up. But publishing and my publisher at the time they were like, no, because I used to have everything online. And they’re like, you can’t because what I do is I used to take the songs that I have, and I would reinvent them. So that song that you listened to the other night, just say it’s probably about six different songs. I mean, okay, I have to tell the difference. Yeah, gotcha. Gotcha. And I’ve kind of stepped away from the songwriting just because of the MS. And we’ll talk more about that. Yeah, because it did affect it, unfortunately. But I just want to let you know, I did get picked for this year’s Junior Eurovision. Yes. Just for the kids to song that we wrote. I’d say there five years ago, myself, Niall. I think we got through there last year and the year before. So I just take


Dr Sabina Brennan  07:20

like you just as powerhouse. I just so this shy girl and you just took this tenacity? Was it that you just didn’t think about it? Do you think or like when you say I went indoor to eat? Did you just like, show


Lauren White Murphy  07:33

up? No, I did my research of who’s who? Right. Okay. Don’t talk to me. How will I get in there and not be a nutcase. You know, I had to have the proof to code, right. Yeah, yeah. But I could do and this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to actually work in order T. My thing I wanted to just be around media, TV, radio, music, octane. And I


Dr Sabina Brennan  07:57

always wanted to just yeah, you know,


Lauren White Murphy  07:59

I never knew which part I actually fit in. If you get me. Yeah. So I felt like I had to work really, really hard with the music. And I wrote when I got the MS then yeah, that’s when I was like, Okay, I actually did really have to work hard. Because when I got diagnosed in April 2018, we can go back to that though. Everything just it’s like, it just fell out of my head. Right. And I couldn’t even hold my instrument properly. It just felt so foreign


Dr Sabina Brennan  08:26

to me, you know? Oh, my goodness.


Lauren White Murphy  08:28

So yeah, leading up into that. That’s what I did for what? 15 years, my life.


Dr Sabina Brennan  08:34

I know. But like you’re just talking or to eat, but you actually moved to the US.


Lauren White Murphy  08:38

Oh, yeah. I moved to the US. Now. You became a ghostwriter. Yeah, that’s what by chance,


Dr Sabina Brennan  08:43

was it tell me how that happened. And explain to people what being a ghost writer


Lauren White Murphy  08:48

  1. Okay. So ghost writing is usually generally for writing books. Okay. Yes. So how I got into it was it’s like a risk, okay. I was with Warner Brothers publishing, and I got connections and whatever. They would send me a song and they would have writers on it and they can’t come up with a good hook. They can’t come up with a good verse, etc. Do your magic on that. Okay, you my magic gone bus sends it back. They like it. They’re like, do you want to credit on it? Or would you like the money? Me are 2122 I want the few bob do like I said, I never wanted to be you. They’re famous thing. Like, if I did have anything like that, I would want to be in the background. I felt like I was the gym core. I just like I knew that I wanted to create something forever in music. So I didn’t care if I got the credit or not because I didn’t you


Dr Sabina Brennan  09:48

know, can I ask you so when they said do you want the credit or to be paid as a ghostwriter? Was there no option for you to get credit and royalties?


Lauren White Murphy  09:56

Yes, but the risk was huge. And I was telling So I had somebody in my ears be like now it’s gonna be a flop take the money,


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:04

and wherever any of them big hits, it


Lauren White Murphy  10:08

kills me to say, hits but I mean, they did well on TV shows or, you know, I got the satisfaction that I was looking for. Yeah. And I as a person as well as gets bored very easily so right. I like to jump on to the next thing and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I got songs in front of Rihanna, Katy Perry. And so I thought I was like, I’m so close to I’m so close to I’m going to get the credit on these big ones. Yeah. And then that’ll be it. But it didn’t work out. Right. Okay. And that’s fine. That’s fine.


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:37

But you did get I mean, in my research, one of your songs was on the disk for American horror show


Lauren White Murphy  10:43

the American Horror Story. Yeah, yeah. And that was actually brilliant. Because in Beverly Hills a time they had like a little pop up Museum. It was a freak show was the freak show season. I did. And they had a popup on my music was playing through. And I have no clue was actually one of my friends. I said, Did you write this? And then I went down, and I heard and it was just unbelievable. And even. It was paying on FX on American television when they were doing the trailer for the show. And I was just like, oh, geez, Cup twice on? Yeah.


Dr Sabina Brennan  11:14

Oh, my goodness, that is just amazing. You know, amazing.


Lauren White Murphy  11:19

I always felt especially when I moved to America, how to keep your feet on the ground? How to stay humble, you know? Yeah, Mommy would be very, very disappointed if I turned into you know, somebody that I’m not and I well, I


Dr Sabina Brennan  11:30

can’t see you turning into anything you’re not. When we met. I just felt like I knew you forever.


Lauren White Murphy  11:34

Yes, an instant connection. Yeah.


Dr Sabina Brennan  11:37

And we’ve never actually never met in person. So I should explain to people you’ve alluded to it here, I do a lot of work with the multiple sclerosis Association of Ireland, and indeed, sort of internationally, I’m very interested in supporting people with conditions that affect the brain. And I am very passionate about it, because it just anything to do with neurological conditions just seems to fall through the cracks. There aren’t the supports for people, there aren’t the treatments they should have. And that’s mainly because I’m on a little rant here, folks. But there’s no harm in that. That’s mainly because medical care systems were set up before we had any real knowledge of the role that the brain has in various conditions. So we have physical health is looked after blindness is looked after mental health in later years is looked after. But even things like dementia, if you think about it, you were just considered crazy. And you’re put in a bad limb. And in fact, actually probably for a lot of neurological conditions, similar things happened because the brain affects you in such strange ways. So not just in Ireland, across the globe, really neurological conditions absolutely fall through the cracks. They’re not mentioned specifically in health plans. And therefore that means they don’t get the resources that they need. And I mean, particularly neurologists are, there’s just not enough of them. And so there’s huge waiting lists. And then there’s also really what I call, we call it a postcode lottery within countries, but with multiple sclerosis, across countries, there’s a dreadful disparity in that medical treatment has progressed immensely in the last few years for multiple sclerosis, which is a degenerative disease, which had dreadful prognosis for people really gradually lost mobility and wheelchairs were kind of quite common. The medication has just, it’s been phenomenal. And it’s changed people’s lives. But I spoke at the young ms conference just the year before COVID. So 2019, in Lithuania, I think it was, and I was just horrified to see so many young people in chairs and disabled, basically, because their country doesn’t have the funding doesn’t have access to the and the funding for the treatment. And like one of the girls, she had gone over for one trip to Germany, and the difference that had made to her life was phenomenal. And actually the treatment was only 500 euro, but that was just beyond what was available in our country. Anyway, that’s my little rant, folks. But do educate yourself around that because we need more voices of people behind us to say that neurological conditions need proper supports across all aspects.


Lauren White Murphy  14:15

That’s interesting to say there, Sabina, sorry to interrupt there. But yeah, no, go ahead. It’s like me, I’m back from America two years now this month, and I’m still on a waiting list or year to get my dad to get an MRI just to get on the same page over here. As I were in the US, you know, MSR Ireland has been fantastic like they have really helped me in every way and they will put me in the right direction as have you. I think when we spoke in May, for the MS Awareness Day. I don’t actually think everything sunk in every all the neurological diseases and how tough it is for everybody. I remember saying I think we were on Ireland am


Dr Sabina Brennan  14:59

we were on Ireland day. Yeah, sorry, just to track back, folks. So basically, yeah, sort of every year, there’s a ms Awareness Day, you know, most Awareness month it’s kind of in May is the day, and various TV shows and radio shows are great Ireland am I’ve been very good. I’ve been on a couple of years in a row. And literally usually there’s what they call a patient advocate. So it’s basically somebody to give a face to MS and tell their story. So this year was you learn and you do have a very fascinating story, which will come to


Lauren White Murphy  15:25

diamond. Ms. Ambassador, I do have to say that I am and I’m very proud of that, because I do.


Dr Sabina Brennan  15:30

Yes. And you’re a very good Ms. Ambassador, you know, because I do think it’s sometimes when the word patient is used, people think of someone who’s in bed, sick and helpless. And you’re far from that, although you can be taken to bed.


Lauren White Murphy  15:44

Yes, I do. I have the bad days, you know. And, Sabina, that’s something I really struggle with, even up until last week, like my mother had to sit me down and say, Listen, you need to talk to us. Because I know from my experience, we keep everything to ourselves, I feel like a burden, or I have felt a burden, you know, and I was always go, go go go, you know, there. And I’m just not that person anymore, even though I try


Dr Sabina Brennan  16:13

I think in a way, and I’m not speaking for you, but I think you are but I think this is quite common with Ms. And indeed, even conditions, say autoimmune conditions as well, or people who have something that’s chronic, there’s a sense of when the days are good, you got to make the most of them and do loads, particularly when we’re always doing loads. And it’s totally understandable. But it does backfire. Because then what happens is you kind of have a bit of a relapse, or you need to kind of recover. And it’s about finding that balance, balance that balance, I should say, you know, we’ve had to cancel a couple of times we were meant to kind of record because you were simply just really not well, but prior to that you’d been off back in LA. Okay, folks, right, sorry. We need to fill them in on the proper story. So you’re in LA and what started to go miss what did you notice first?


Lauren White Murphy  17:04

So I thought I was just getting older. I wasn’t I was in my mid 20s. So my balance was the first thing and then I never had any problems with my eyesight, but I started to lose sight in my left eye. Then I was just getting numbing pains. All it actually affected the left side of my body first.


Dr Sabina Brennan  17:23

You just describe that because numbing pain numbing sounds like a misnomer. So yeah, I wouldn’t feel but yet it was pain or


Lauren White Murphy  17:31

didn’t feel anything. I would pick something up and fall actually I probably wouldn’t even be able to grasp it. And then it was just this piercing pain all the way through. Okay, I ignored it. I put everything onto the carpet. I defy and get no old it’s airlaid gone I’m from Ireland. I’m not used to this weather you know that’s what I thought it was but


Dr Sabina Brennan  17:52

your ice ice? Yeah. Never had. Do you just think you maybe needed glasses.


Lauren White Murphy  17:57

Oh yeah. Go I went to an opticians and got the whole test done. And they were like, Huh, okay. There’s a term optic neuritis? Yes, yes. Yeah. I was like, okay, all right.


Dr Sabina Brennan  18:09

No, right. Oh, you may just means inflammation and neuro means nerve. And so optic, is it? So it’s basically just an inflammation of the nerve behind that guy. Yeah. Did they get it don’t just and I don’t mean just, it’s a very painful thing


Lauren White Murphy  18:21

painful and I couldn’t see. And I was I just didn’t know what was going on. And then the falling started. So you asked me before about my business mind of things. Yeah. Right. So I actually just wanted to meet people. And I ran a few restaurants in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, Burbank, and that’s how I got my business mind. But I noticed it start to affect my daily life and work. How in what way? So I was a general manager of a really successful restaurant. And my legs would just give way and I would fall, I was dropping things. And then it was just pain. It actually the very first pain I remember it started in my foot in my left foot, right. And I couldn’t put any pressure on it. And I was trying to think back. So I did I twisted that I kicked something. Yeah, there was nothing. I just did not know what it was. So then I think I had a chat with my mom on FaceTime. And she’s like, You have to go to the doctor, you have to stop doing this. Because I was 16 I was diagnosed with a diagnosis that there was celiac disease. And I just thought it was that and I thought maybe you know, moved to America, different foods. I’m not used to it. I was just putting excuses for everything.


Dr Sabina Brennan  19:36

So Celiac disease is really you can process gluten gluten, which is in a larger food.


Lauren White Murphy  19:41

Yeah. So I was really strict with us, you know? And so things like that. Then my speech started to act up. And at that time, I decided, hey, I’m going to try the acting thing too. I done a bit of acting in Ireland before I left jack of all trades, and it’s crazy. It’s crazy creative. Yeah, yeah. And I started to get successful doing little bits here and there. I did NCIS did an episode of that. So NCIS is the exact law program, you know, the


Dr Sabina Brennan  20:14

crime in something or other investigation? Yeah, I


Lauren White Murphy  20:16

don’t I? Yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  20:18

I must look it up. NCIS I do know, but I don’t know why.


Lauren White Murphy  20:20

I have never watched anything I’ve been in. No, no, because I can’t stand myself. But that’s probably so when I was learning lions and stuff, I used to be brilliant at retaining information. I started to affect my auditions. I knew myself look, do I want to do this? To do would I want to be successful and have people talk about my speech or about this is wrong, or that’s wrong? I didn’t feel comfortable.


Dr Sabina Brennan  20:46

What did people say when your legs started collapsing? Or you’re Irish? Or you’re drinking? Yeah, that’s kind of what I was going to say. Really? And I


Lauren White Murphy  20:55

never really drank honestly, I like yours. I’ve seen some really great drink, but I’ve never found the drink or anything like that. So starts to go and take it serious went to the doctors to be in took about four years. Yeah. numerous tests, MRIs, spinal tap blood, they’re stuck. And the amount of wrong diagnosis that I gosh, I think lupus was one of them. Rheumatoid arthritis. Yeah. You know, I don’t know, if they’re all off immune, maybe they are


Dr Sabina Brennan  21:26

autoimmune. Yeah. And the thing is, Multiple Sclerosis is autoimmune in that autoimmune just means your immune system attacks itself. And in particular, so I have sjogrens. And so my autoimmune system tax the moisture Danzer my body, where the endocrine system, in multiple sclerosis, it attacks the myelin sheets. So in your brain, your brain communicates by electrical and chemical signals, and literally transmits information from one brain cell to another or from one brain cell, to the cells and the rest of your body in your periphery. So in your arms and your legs, and a bit like electricity in your house, it’s prone to crossing over of signals. So like the cables in your house, you have to have rubber around the electric. And so the brain makes these myelin sheets. So they’re the white matter in your brain, the cells, the gray matter. And basically, they make sure that the signals don’t get interrupted, they don’t cross talk with each other. And they also help the speech that the signals travel with. So with Ms. The body attacks that white matter, and that’s why things go wrong. So the message doesn’t get to your legs or against crossed and you actually fall similarly with your speech and, and that sort of thing. But also MS is also considered a degenerative neurological condition as well, because it affects the brain and because it can progress. There are a couple of types of Ms. There’s relapsing and remitting, as the name sort of suggests, and then there’s secondary progressive. Yeah. So you have relapsing remitting.


Lauren White Murphy  22:58

Yes, I do. Yeah. I feel like I do very, very well, most weeks, and then something will just kick off. And I’m just down for the count, you know? Yeah, I think as well, like I said, when we were chatting, a long time ago, when I was in LA, I did not have the support that I needed. And for anyone going through this or anything neurologically, or immune system or anything at all, you need to have your support.


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:28

So were you living alone, I actually was married.


Lauren White Murphy  23:31

I was that I wanted to get


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:34

married. Oh my goodness, we mixed up


Lauren White Murphy  23:39

in tears and 16 and I just got divorced. So


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:44

that’s one of the reasons you went back to LA Yeah,


Lauren White Murphy  23:46

I needed to sort things out but paying for everything. I think I just found a person that just wasn’t able to take care of me, I suppose to take care of themselves. You know,


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:57

just like work. So you got diagnosed after you got married


Lauren White Murphy  24:01

after I got married at all and


Dr Sabina Brennan  24:03

just yeah, just wasn’t able to give you this or presume your partner was also young.


Lauren White Murphy  24:10

Very young. Yeah. younger than me actually. Yeah. All right. Okay. Okay. Since then, though, I’ve met somebody and oh, just Oh, yeah. Oh, I’m engaged again. Yeah, I know I


Dr Sabina Brennan  24:21

I move quick, romantic.


Lauren White Murphy  24:24

I know, you know, and I have to create support was very, very difficult for my mom because when she first found out, she just knew somebody that passed away from Ms. Okay, so she even said to me there a few weeks ago, you know, it took me a long time Lauren to really come to terms with this. And because as well I just put brave face on Yeah, a lot of the time because it is mind over matter it I love my brain. I love everything. I just love my brain and your brain. You are your brain and your soul, you know, and yeah I just then had to say, look, when I need help, I just have to go out and say it. I can’t live this lie of, oh, I’m okay. I’m okay. Because it won’t, nothing will ever go right.


Dr Sabina Brennan  25:11

The thing with MS is the symptoms can be quite far reaching. And actually some of the most challenging ones, as you kind of alluded to there around brain fog, you know, when your brain just isn’t working properly, but also fatigue, where you can do nothing.


Lauren White Murphy  25:26

I hate that. I hate that. And I feel so guilty. I feel like a burden. Like I said, because my parents are on their days off, I want to be able to win things. And you know, I want to enjoy life. But now I’m stuck in a bed and yeah, emotional and crying, five, nothing to actually cry about


Dr Sabina Brennan  25:48

who else except that you can do what you want. You know, I mean, I think that’s something to cry about. I think that’s okay. I mean, I do think I hear it a lot across people is that is what I mentioned earlier, that challenge of not taking too much advantage of the days where you feel brilliant. Yeah. I mean, I think that applies across a lot of conditions. I remember actually speaking to Patrick crane, and him talking about kind of feeling depressed, I sort of saying, Well, look, you know, I don’t have MS or anything like that, but I definitely have cycles, and my father had manic depression. And that goes in cycles. But I have periods where I can just work, work, work, work, work, be creative, and close, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. And then I’m just done, boom, you had a while and I’m bummed, I’m gone. I hit a wall. Yeah. And that’s kind of my pattern as well. And I remember sort of saying it to Patrick trade on that particular episode. And he said, Oh, actually, maybe that’s what just happens to me. And he was calling it being depressed. Yeah, I think, you know, maybe for some of us, that’s the way it is. But I do think I suppose when you’ve got something like MS, where it is neuro degenerative, where if you actually do take more care of yourself, you can limit the progression and the damage that your disease can be causing and also the functional impact because at the end of the day, it’s the functional impact that matters. The thing that’s stopping you functioning, doing what you want to do, and it’s


Lauren White Murphy  27:12

important as well though to eat right, you know, every balance and everything is right, get exercise. laughs actually,


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:19

yeah, that’s my favorite one is it’s funny, like things have progressed. Like we really are still just learning about the brain and probably the person that your mum was talking about, who died with Ms. I mean, initially people with MS were just told to take bedrest, you know. And that actually just progressed as the disease now, people are told to take exercise, you know that they must exercise no matter how challenging or difficult it is, even


Lauren White Murphy  27:44

if it’s a stroll, five minutes stroll. Yeah, just to clear your head. The lovely Irish rather


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:51

lovely at the moment, though, it’s really nice. It is. So you’ve eventually then got this diagnosis of MS. When you were in LA? Yes. You took to your room, in a way


Lauren White Murphy  28:04

I had a moment. Yeah. And my ex partner was working all the time, it just suck. We won’t even get into that. I was on my own. And I decided I need to do something, I need to do something and painting just clicked in my brain, you need to go to the art shop and get yourself some paints. And let’s see what we can do. So I used it as a therapy initially, I was like, Oh God, I can actually draw a straight line. You know what I mean? And I just, that’s what I did for 18 hours a day because I wasn’t sleeping really. And then I was getting a bit better. I heard that sound a Blair came out and told everyone she had Ms. For that Asher got a piece to her. I just wanted to do it to make myself feel better. And just to give something to somebody. I know we’re going through the same thing. So we had a lovely exchange. And you


Dr Sabina Brennan  29:00

know, on social media was a social media on Instagram, actually, yeah. Isn’t social media. And I give out about as a loss. It can be assessed pitch for want of a better word. Yeah, time. But it can also amazing things can happen. People connect with other people in a really meaningful way.


Lauren White Murphy  29:17

I had emailed her manager and just gave a little background. I kind of do that first. So I’m not just any old Joe. So yeah, that’s messaging you some crap. You know what I mean? And I got a piece to her and it’s in her home and you know, no one Gosh, that just makes me happy. Yeah. And then I got involved with the MS Society of California. And they had like an auction nice to raise money. And I did the walk and everything. It was very emotional. It was my first thing and I donated a piece and at auction for over 10 and a half grand.


Dr Sabina Brennan  29:51

Oh my goodness. How did that make you feel?





Lauren White Murphy  29:55

Jamie. I was like okay, now we have to go this is what we have to do. This is it. Hey, Is it? It’s making people happy. was making me to license you know, I created up in my apartment and somebody has borrowed for over 10 and a half grand. Yeah, yeah, that’s pretty amazing. And that’s why I always donate pieces to charities and stuff. I did one there for the Kume the premature baby unit because I have a senator a baby, where are you? I was I was born 28 weeks.


Dr Sabina Brennan  30:25

So you did it for the neonatal intensive care unit or premature babies unit yet?


Lauren White Murphy  30:30

The premature babies units? Yeah. So I was there. I was three months early, that four and one pound nine ounces? Well, so I feel like I came into the world of buying and you know, I only keep giving or buying whatever I do, you know. So that’s why like, I love donating pieces to any organizations close to my heart. And if anyone’s listening, they can contact him because


Dr Sabina Brennan  30:51

he is absolutely incredible. And you currently actually have an exhibition? I do. Yes. Tell us a little bit about that.


Lauren White Murphy  31:01

So I have an exhibition going on in the IFSC Custom House Plaza in Dublin one. And it’s a beautiful atrium, there’s glass walls, overhead, the light, and it’s just fantastic. And my vibrant, big huge paintings, and I actually use diamond dust and gold and just really luxurious. The Beverly Hills thing to me, you know, everyone needs a bit of glitz and glam their life and just when the light shines in just beautiful autism. And you know what? It’s been really successful. I’ve sold seven. So Wow. Yeah. And I’m only there two weeks.


Dr Sabina Brennan  31:38

That’s brilliant. Yeah, thank you. Brilliant I had intended to get in. But unfortunately, we’re isolating in our house because my husband has cold. Yeah, no. But I will definitely get in because it’s running till 2022.


Lauren White Murphy  31:49

There’s no way to I also I don’t know if it’s appropriate now. But I want to give you something because you’ve been very inspiring to me because I know that you have acted. Yes. And that you have gone and done your neuroscience and everything. But I did a painting and I want to give it to you. And this is this.


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:12

Oh my god. I love this.


Lauren White Murphy  32:15

It’s called the Roosevelt lady. So I painted my version of a lady but the Roosevelt pool and Hollywood.


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:21

Oh my god.


Lauren White Murphy  32:23

I just thank you because you know,


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:26

you don’t have to do that, but I’m definitely accepting.


Lauren White Murphy  32:31

Yeah, and you know, you just been very good and very inspirational. I just want to let you know that I’m really really grateful you’ve been very helpful to me and


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:39

Oh, you were just such a sweet. I’ve just bought a new house. And it’s by the water I have to be by the water. So do I have to be by the water and I’ve also gained well I’m not gonna say how much I’ve gained. And I’m dying to get back so I will use that as my


Lauren White Murphy  32:56

inspiration. That’s your house form and present there. Oh


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:59

my god. Well, you will have to come down and visit me because it is a fabulous place. Were you into watersports when you’re in LA surf? I can surf Yeah. Hey, well, there’s no waves. It’s on the lake and definitely got it. We got it. But I’m terrified. I’m having nightmares every night that the sail is not going to go well because it’s just my dream place. manifest God parts you’ve just completely blown me away. No, absolutely. Oh my god. Anyway, so this urge to paint and guys, you have to check it out. I’ll put some links on the blog for this episode. Because your paintings are amazing. You’ll find learn and it’s funny when I was talking to my editor about when you know you have to plan the whole season out on what date so and so going on. And when are we recording? And I was just calling you Lolo, Papa.


Lauren White Murphy  33:47

Everyone tells me Lolo that’s really my brother. There’s like 13 years between us he could never say my name and he was a kid so he used to call me low low and it just stuck. And then the name just came I was like no look up. All my closest people I got lollipop lollipop, you know, and it’s nice.


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:03

Yeah, it’s a great name. So you will find you if you go on Instagram is probably the best place to see lots of your work. Lola pop art a lot of pop worlds.


Lauren White Murphy  34:11

I change it to lollipop worlds because I know that I’m very excited. Now there’s a few things so like I’m designing apparel. Okay,


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:20

wow. Apparel close to you and I


Lauren White Murphy  34:24

thing cleansing nice, lovely clothing. I’m going to to kind of do a few different things. And then my website will be Lolo pop world world because we’re just in a load of Hopper after that. That’s my that’s it.


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:36

I love watching fashion shows. I love watching interior design shows. Like my creative kind of spirit. I’m so excited about I already have done a 3d model of the new house and what’s going where, but there’s a fashion design show on Netflix. Oh, it’s with the blonde model. Heidi Klum. It had been going for years but then they switched over and now it is a Netflix show And it’s basically instead of just people from the general public doing the design, they have designers doing it. So they’re kind of maybe younger or smaller designers or whatever. But one of them that I think she came second, I thought she should have won. But she was actually quite the counterpoint to you. But I loved her designs. She was from Berlin, and her word I can’t remember. I think it was Bridget’s world or something like that. But everything was black. Oh, everything was just everything. But her design. Ah, it was magnificent stuff. But quite the opposite of view. But yeah, it’s amazing. Like, what’s your process? You have so many pieces of art for somebody who’s not painting very long. So you’re like, really prolific.


Lauren White Murphy  35:42

Thank you. Thanks very well.


Dr Sabina Brennan  35:46

You’re not I should say I’m a wheelchair, a video clip for this. But Lauren actually is in a sling and a cast. You broke your elbow.


Lauren White Murphy  35:54

Oh, Jean. So oh, you broke so I actually fractured my elbow. Ah, this is from Ms falls. We call them Ms. Falls, McClaren can’t get up and down the stairs properly every day. So yeah, I went to the hospital there this morning on yesterday. And now they’re saying I have even tendon damage and nerve damage. So I can’t use it at all. I can’t use my arm at all for four weeks. So


Dr Sabina Brennan  36:20

painting can you pay with your left hand?


Lauren White Murphy  36:22

Oh, I paint. Yeah, I use both hands on a paint that’s still dripping wet. Mm hmm. So I


Dr Sabina Brennan  36:27

have to go back to this phenomenon, really. And I’m going to do a booster shot on Thursday, especially about this. Okay, so I won’t go into too much detail. But we’ve heard of autistic savant, right. So that would be Rain Man. Mm. Or it’s a classic film. I’m sure most people know about it. But it’s generally almost this obsessive ability to count numbers are no the streets of cities or the directions or the words to novels or whatever. So usually, that’s called kind of a congenital Savant syndrome. So about 50%, of cases of Savant syndrome. So it means being, I suppose, a genius in a way, but it usually refers to someone who either has autism or an intellectual disability, and then suddenly, they have this incredible ability. And it’s usually around mathematics, art, music, RLS, just as obsessive ability to remember numbers or do complex numbers, even if they might be able to do sums, I might be able to tell you the prime number of every prime number and just a really weird phenomenon.


Lauren White Murphy  37:29

So are you saying I am a genius.


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:33

What I’m, what I am going to move on to say is one other instance that can happen is as a consequence of a brain injury, or a neurological disease or condition. And we also come across in Alzheimer’s disease, that some individuals suddenly develop artistic skills that they never had. So I’m not saying that this is necessarily the case with you. But it is very interesting, because you never painted before. Never. And you are an exceptional painter on your art is exceptional and stunning. And I’m actually seeing now I’m no art critic, but I’m kind of seeing it progress in your art. Oh, absolutely. Dimensionally your art a lot of it is really very much is pop art. Yeah. So you do things like Wonder Woman or Jersey Shore people or


Lauren White Murphy  38:19

I did them because I was watching TV. I was watching reruns of all these reality shows. And I said that would be the easiest people to get the art and they’ll post about it. You know? Yeah, it was my business. That’s their business. My Yeah, that’s really funny, because I actually speak to a couple of them from it. I’ve made friends. Yeah, I have not met yet, you know, and that our celebrities or whatever, yeah, we’ve remained in contact. And I’m doing that with art. Like, they would connect. Oh, it’s


Dr Sabina Brennan  38:48

just incredible. And people are amazed when there is a piece of art about them. It’s kind of a funny feeling, you know, but I’ve seen actually really just and I think you have one or two of them in your exhibition, you’ve started to move more into your MS. Brain and head I think a little bit now I don’t know, correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s one. That’s amazing at the moment. And I saw on Instagram that a lot of people loved it. And it’s the one of the brain. And I’m always talking about Have you ever looked at it? You ever looked at a rainbow online? No. Oh, God, you have to look at rainbows. Oh my god. Whoa, forget your DS shore. Oh, you’re right. So Google Brain bow. Okay. And basically what it is, is everyone listening can Google it as well. So basically, it’s a particular dyeing procedure where scientists dye different neurons different colors. Just to show this. The colors are your art


Lauren White Murphy  39:46

colors. Yes. It’s that real vibrant, surreal, vibrant


Dr Sabina Brennan  39:50

colors. And these are brain cells and brain connections. And when I give my talks I say forget about this beige crinkly mask that you think of when When you think of the brain, this is what you need to think of when you think of your brain. You’ve got 86 billion neurons, trillions of connections, it is the most vibrant organ on the planet. I’m dying to see the inspiration coming from though.


Lauren White Murphy  40:12

Thank you for that. Yeah, incredible


Dr Sabina Brennan  40:15

images, aren’t


Lauren White Murphy  40:16

they? Oh, my God, they actually I’ve actually hair standing up in my arms. But like, you can see the artwork behind the kind of you know, and that’s the joke or for a film book.


Dr Sabina Brennan  40:27

Oh, I see it. I see it. I


Lauren White Murphy  40:28

see now. So I do use all those covers for you do? The majority of my art is gone. It’s in town.


Dr Sabina Brennan  40:35

Yeah. And guys, you just got to go in and see it. It’s fabulous. Um, I’ve only ever seen it online because of lockdown. So you’re dying to see it in person? Because these are big pieces of art? Oh, yeah. The bigger the better. Yeah, no, fabulous. And the color is just so joyous to see. And for me, it’s always reminded me of the brain, you know, I always think of the brain as these neurons, another thing to look up as diffusion tensor imaging, and that also shows the tracking of messages being sent around the brain. And actually, that’s what I saw in this new painting you have of the brain, you can see what I mean, it’s like, it’s like you’ve done a brain bow, but in a broad stroke, as if it was kind of just said this,


Lauren White Murphy  41:15

they’ll face isn’t it? That yeah, yeah. So that was actually during an MS flare. So I actually started to think that my most popular pieces are generally when I’m having an MS flare. Okay, that’s interesting, too.


Dr Sabina Brennan  41:29

I think it’s interesting. I think it’s fascinating. I think when you do get your appointment to see a neurologist or to think you should talk to them about it, and I think they’d find it interesting. I think there’s people do research in this area. Like, it’s interesting is it that see a lot of us, you know, our frontal lobes do a lot of inhibiting of our behaviors. And that’s kind of good in the most part, it inhibits us, you know, prevents us from taking unnecessary risks, and things like that. And some of us, I would be very rule governed in that way. You know, my frontal lobes would actually, in a lot of instances, they’d be checking on me to make sure is that a wise thing to do? Should I do it? And then in other instances, I could be very relaxed and just go for it. But what’s interesting is, is that, do some neurological conditions, unlock something or allow the creativity that’s perhaps there in everybody? Yeah, I believe to be on least I definitely think there’s something like that. And that’s one of the reasons in a way, we connected as I said, literally over that interview, but I was fascinated by what had happened to you. Obviously, you were always creative. But I was also that was going to be one of my questions to you. And you sort of answered it. Was that you feel you lost some of your is it that you’ve lost some of your musical creativity or your language for writing? Because you did lyrics and music? Yeah,


Lauren White Murphy  42:45

I did everything. Yeah, of course.


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:47

Why? Not?


Lauren White Murphy  42:51

Oh, my God, I’m sorry. I don’t mean Cenotaph. Oh, no,


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:54

no, no, no, I guess it’s funny. It’s a little bit of a control thing. And yet you love being part of a team. A team? Oh, yeah, yeah. But you know, you’re you’re a Gemini, aren’t you? Yeah, I’m a Gemini too. So I get that there’s some things that I loved acting, because it was part of a team and you all create the thing together. But then there’s other things where, you know what, I really just can’t trust other people, because they just won’t do it bloody well, really, they won’t do it the way I do. I just won’t do it the way I do and be good enough, and you know, you take too much on and that’s why we mentioned Emily as my editor on the show, and like it’s rare for me to have someone that I feel I can trust like this, just a few people where I go, I trust you because they just show themselves that they can be trusted. It’s awful. But it’s not funny, isn’t it? I love collaborating. You know, I love that I think working with people for ideas. I think that’s amazing. Yeah, I think then it’s the execution of the ideas sometimes where other people fall down. Yeah. But I love bouncing off other play.


Lauren White Murphy  43:54

I absolutely love and that’s why I think life is about we’re not here living on our own to another mean we’re not on the economy individually on our own. We’re not


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:03

so you back home with your mom at the moment or with your fiance. My


Lauren White Murphy  44:07

fiance we actually just sold our house. So we’re moving in back with mommy for a while right. moving in with her mother. So just to save and hopefully get our house by the water. I need to be by the water.


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:22

I’ll have to be by the water I have to have I’ve lived beside the water all my life. And I actually literally have lived in Qatar for like, pretty much since I was born like you know I’m so the view. It is lovely. But I’m still so the opposite of you. I moved to Malahide for four years when I got married first and couldn’t wait to get back here. And I just sort of said with lockdown and all those things. No, I now want that space. I want that water. I’ve learned a lot of time working from home and I’m very happy in my own company doing that. Yeah, but it will be nice to look at a lake as opposed to the back of other people’s houses and I love the people around me but I just feel I need that. Oh, yeah, yeah, I kind of need that. And I was down there during the week the survey was being done. And the man who owns it is wonderful. He’s an eight year old man. And he’s kind of moving on. And I’ve said to him already, you can come visit because he’s created this beautiful garden and his wife passed away during COVID.


Lauren White Murphy  45:16

But I could have stayed there all day. It just tranquil. Yeah, uh,


Dr Sabina Brennan  45:19

yeah, I mean, I really could have sent a message that said, You know what, guys, I’m going to stay here till the sailors.


Lauren White Murphy  45:27

Already here, make your own dinners.


Dr Sabina Brennan  45:30

I’m already here in my head. This is where I want to be. But I’m terrified, terrified,


Lauren White Murphy  45:35

no talented, keep a positive manifest. I believe in manifest. And I love the book law of attraction. That’s another thing. Yes, you know, things like that. I think it is mind over matter and what you put out. And then obviously, when I have my bad days, and I’m like, Oh, I’m missing my energy flow. The next day, I’m like, you know,


Dr Sabina Brennan  45:54

delete, it’s gone. It’s all a new day. It’s always a new day. I like to think of it as manifesting, you can make things happen, you manifest your own future. So it’s the kind of the same of the law of attraction that I propose you’re talking about is you attract the things that you want to you, I will kind of say, your brain is so powerful that you can manifest the things that you want. It’s not magic, it doesn’t appear from anywhere, but


Lauren White Murphy  46:18

it doesn’t fall into your lap. You have no orphan do it, you have


Dr Sabina Brennan  46:22

to work, but you have to know you see, you have to know what it is you’re working towards. Yeah, you know, you kind of have to know those things. And you also have this bit SILAC though, you know, the bravery and the tenacity that you have, and the sheer take neck is what we would call it and I actually haven’t picked one up in RTE, you know, like,


Lauren White Murphy  46:40

Oh, I’ll be there again. I said I’d be better again. I’ll be knocking on Artie. Yeah, you know, absolutely. Because I’m always open to opportunities for anything at all. I’m only 33 You know, and I passed when I when I was six weeks before my 30th birthday. I got the diagnosis. I toss this this to life sentence might think that yes, I did. Oh, I did, because I just was not feeling right. And I was like, all my dreams, everything. It’s gone, it’s gone. Because I found out I’ve made me dreams, and I’m connecting people and bringing happiness to communities, my family homes in Crumlin. I did a mural for Chrome in the United Football Club rice. And every day I met all the locals and I had just come back from LA and I gave them my story and they just thought it was outstanding. And it’s you know, people post about it. They messaged me, I’m doing another mural now when this aren’t dispatcher I’m doing it and problem village of all the Dublin 12 legends you know, so Phil Lenise Gabriel Byrne.


Dr Sabina Brennan  47:43

Fabulous. No, it’s not the one I remember seeing one mural you did? I thought it was on a school wall. Is that


Lauren White Murphy  47:48

the one you do know the school wall was for? That’s it? Was it


Dr Sabina Brennan  47:51

like colored pencils or something?


Lauren White Murphy  47:54

Yeah. 100 pencils. There was the the Marvel characters and actually that was for school crowd on and rathcoole. Were the beginning children. Yeah. When should explain


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:05

a little because we have a lot of listeners from the UK as well. So okay,


Lauren White Murphy  48:09

so we had a very tragic event in Dublin, year, year and year and a half ago. And three kids were murdered by their mother, awful circumstances. The dad, Andrew, who I speak to occasionally and I will be doing some work with him to help charities. Yes, she was very ill. And I got contacted to paint something to remember them. So they wanted all of their favorite characters. So I actually spoke to their class, their classmates, yeah, and told me every single favorite character of them, and I just did it and those kids faces the moon story as well. That’s what I wanted to do. Like, that’s I want to bring happiness. That’s I think that’s what I’m here for just to bring happiness to people. And if I can do that, your art and color, I’m flying.


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:59

Yeah, I think people don’t understand the joy that you can get from giving. Like, we all need money, we need money to survive, we need money, but money doesn’t bring you joy. Directly. It’s indirectly you know, maybe what you can buy things. And in fact, things don’t bring you joy. There is nothing. I did some work in Dash school. Years ago, I developed a brain health forgets program. I’ve never managed to get it funded. But I really think we need to tell kids from very young age, how important their brain is and start looking after them. So just with my own money, I kind of developed a six week program that fitted him with the school curriculum, and teaching them about the importance of physical exercise for the brain of social engagement. And it just had little, you know, it was a little sticker book, and they learned about why the particular thing was good for your brain what it did. And then they had to do it. They had to kind of draw what they did or write about it. And it was things like the school loved it because it had things like if you see someone in the art who’s not talking to anybody go over and talk to them, because their brain needs stimulation from other people. It just gave a different age. to it as opposed to someone else alone. It was Yeah, brain needs to be stimulated by you talking to them.


Lauren White Murphy  50:06

These times, you know, like, well, in this school, I


Dr Sabina Brennan  50:08

was horrified to hear you know about people wearing stab vests and things like that in the locality because of gang issues. And a lot of the children were dealing with very challenging circumstances and maybe no electricity in the home. And we’re not sleeping but actually interesting in that was one of the things that they had to do was switch off their devices an hour before bed. And it was the only thing the kids couldn’t do. Oh, my God. Yeah, I was even


Lauren White Murphy  50:35

saying that though. We’re probably going way off topic, but it is your brain, how’s the social media can be a curse, I know, I would not be able to go to school, and have you know, Facebook, and whatever there is Instagram. Imagine going back in time and about all happening? Oh, my God, would I just wouldn’t have went down? Well,


Dr Sabina Brennan  50:57

no, none of that existed when I was little. And some of it is very good. For us when there was no mobile phones, when there was actually house phones, were really only for your parents, you had to ask permission to use phone, you know, and you had no way of contacting someone. And that was quite lonely. Because if people didn’t call for you, yeah, you had no friends, you had no one to talk to you had no one to play with. And then sometimes you might go out and wander and see. And then you might see them all together, you know, oh, why didn’t they call for me? I know. There was different challenges. Yeah, I’m not saying it was all rosy and perfect. And there was different challenges. And certainly I have some, some memories like that, that aren’t the most pleasant. But it’s nothing in a way compared to your life on social media for all the world to see. And I see it, I see it. Now I go out for walks. And I see, I saw three gorgeous little kids, I’d say they’re about 11, you know, but they’re walking by something. And immediately their reaction was found the phone up and to pose in different angles in the Pentagon. It’s just all about the image. And that’s huge. Oh, I don’t know. And I


Lauren White Murphy  52:03

am not like that. I probably was at one stage. Looking back on my Instagram from years ago, I probably was a little bit like that. But times have changed so much. And I think it’s just it’s overuse the term over overexposed to


Dr Sabina Brennan  52:16

  1. Yeah, I mean, I don’t know. It’s just making it a focus on the central and I think it impacts on things like not just self esteem, but who you think you are. Because we’re all editing the photos that go online like I’m you know, in a way even coming here to interview you. I’m editing myself because I was in bed on more than die and sick. I had my hair in a ponytail I had PJ’s on, I looked like depth. And I said, I can’t go on the screen like that, you know, and why shouldn’t I be able to do you know what I mean? But I just couldn’t. So you edit yourself and you kind of go okay, yeah, I admire people who don’t feel the desire to do that. But by the same token underneath it. I’m a nasty person that say what they know to brush their hair. Hey, I know I’m a nasty person. But I won’t say it out loud. In my living room,


Lauren White Murphy  53:08

but it’s an Irish thing. I


Dr Sabina Brennan  53:09

think. Do you think I do happen in LA?


Lauren White Murphy  53:13

No, because you just have to be on the ball and gorgeous all the time.


Dr Sabina Brennan  53:17

Everybody, you don’t make it in LA unless you’re absolutely like stunning. And they have this generational sin this, I think


Lauren White Murphy  53:25

it’s a joke. It’s a mess that they need to just, you know, reboot that city, they need to reboot, reset and start again, because it’s just too much.


Dr Sabina Brennan  53:34

I remember being in a movie here over I think it was in Roger Corman studios over in the west of Ireland and the lead actress. She must have been like minus zero tiny and I remember saying to one of the crew, and at the time I was quite slim Aloma seem like I feel grossly morbidly obese beside this woman because she is so tiny. And I know I’m in within my healthy range. And he just said it’s inbred into them, you know, generations are most of them being skinny, skinny or whatever.


Lauren White Murphy  54:03

They’re not happy. They’re not happy and be quite a little.


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:07

I don’t know.


Lauren White Murphy  54:08

I just don’t think so. You know,


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:10

I think that’s what I love. One of the reasons I connected with you is because you found your happiness and you’ve found happiness in a way that is giving other people joy and happiness. What I do have to say though, I love your art rice lovers, so this isn’t an either or. Okay, but that voice of yours needs to be heard. Oh my really? Oh, I know people use that term, the voice of an angel but Oh, it’s so sweet. I can feel it. Now. I actually have the Goosebumps it just washes over you. It’s beautiful. I



just don’t know who to believe



to have these feelings. I’m



just not too sure. But the welding on No, no, I believed any years somehow. I’m glad that you can see



You can never



you can never hurt my pride. Even if you make me cry



you can never break my soul. You can never hurt me. No no.



It’s you that is






going to



cause a show you can never break.



You can never hurt



even if you make me cry



you can never hurt me. No, no, no. It’s you





Dr Sabina Brennan  56:47

don’t let that go


Lauren White Murphy  56:49

after boost to me. No, because I really, I don’t know if it was just no confidence yours go with the whole singing? I don’t know. Well, hi. Thank


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:57

you so much. Oh, it’s a wonderful talent. And folks like I can’t remember what you’re called on your SoundCloud. You don’t have much on the SoundCloud I


Lauren White Murphy  57:03

mean now, but I had to take it off. Yeah, yeah. A couple that


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:07

are there. What’s your sound code called?


Lauren White Murphy  57:08

I think it’s Laura. Laura. Mike Murphy.


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:10

I think it’s lauren white Murphy. You’ll find it anyway, I found it quite easily googling it. And I might even put a link to your SoundCloud. Yeah. And if people wanted to be on the blog for this episode, you have been so wonderful to talk to. I mean, I know that you’ve been an inspiration to people listening. You are a real survivor, but also really a thriver. I don’t know if that’s a word. But you know what I mean, you’re taking as you just said, there, you thought it was the end of your life. And I say that, and it is it in some way it did mark an end of a life that you hadn’t imagined for yourself. Yeah. But sometimes the life we imagined for ourselves isn’t as good as the life we end up creating.


Lauren White Murphy  57:52

That’s what I learned. That’s what I left definitely learned. Everything I thought would make me the happiest and everything you know, I wished for and I wouldn’t have been happy. I don’t think so I’m happy. I’m so happy now. I’m happy even that I’m able to talk about my experience that can be so difficult, that it can give somebody else a bit of insight and a little bit of reassurance that everything’s gonna be okay. Yeah. And don’t fall into that negativity. I do have days Sabina where I am crying down the phone to my mom, crying down to my dad. But that’s me. That’s my feeling. I said to my mom, this morning, I cry because it’s near the frustration. I want to go to the gym and be lifting weights and doing all of this like I used to. It’s just a frustration. It’s a part of me that I just had to let go. And I’ll find other ways to come swimming again, you know, things like that. You always just have to kind of look for alternatives.


Dr Sabina Brennan  58:52

I think you’re very early in your diagnosis as well. So like it’s incredible. For a lot of people with MS. The diagnosis is a journey. I remember meeting a girl actually, I think it was at that same conference in Lithuania. And she was about 26. And she’d only received her diagnosis. And she just said Ms has become my whole life. All I’ve done is think about Ms. Since I was diagnosed, I understand that what I had said in my talk was how about you allocate Tuesday afternoons to your MS thinking about day, and the other six and a half days of the week to your doing other stuff and living and enjoying life? And just compartmentalize it in a way think about the words and she said she just found that so helpful, because she was thinking about it. 24/7 And she said, That’s it, it concerns you. Yeah, I can totally imagine. And I think it’s a grief. I mean, I think it’s like a bereavement because it is taking away and similarly with brain injuries. I talked to a guy, a lawyer a couple of weeks ago on the show about concussion, and he was talking about it that way you know the bereavement or loss of what you had before, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world and it can open up Opening Doors. Yeah. And it’s not all happy, happy. And that’s what I love about you, you know, you’re honest about. I mean, that’s I think, in a way, that’s one of the problems of social media is that most people present the best bits, yes, you know, we curate our photographs suddenly pick out all the best bits. And then there’s the other extreme, where there’s the negative gang who only pick out the negatives, and they just keep pointing out. And you know, the government does this wrong, and that round, and they just focus on the negative, there is that kind of a happy medium, and we all have both, we have positives and negatives, and it’s about kind of trying to balance them. Just before we started recording this. And I hope you don’t mind talking about it. You were saying that you get a bit nervous when it comes to talking about your diagnosis.


Lauren White Murphy  1:00:46

It brings you back to a not so nice time in my life. And and it’s just very difficult. Sorry, no, I’m


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:00:56

sorry. No, I upset you. But I Yeah, no, no, no, no, just


Lauren White Murphy  1:00:59

this is this is the emotion, its powers of it just brings me back to an awful time in my life and where I had nobody, and I’m so proud of myself that when I went through this alone, I know my family don’t like to hear that they were always on the other end of the phone, but I went through it alone. So I do feel like, I feel so strong, and I can get through anything. But I do when I go to talk about it with people. I get this anxiety. I was in LA there the summer and I had to drive by the hospital, I got diagnosed and I had to pull over and wring home, I was like, I’m freaking out. And that would not be me. It’s like a post traumatic stress thing, you know. And that’s why as well, like I’m having difficulty with going to hospitals. I don’t like hospitals, especially during this time,


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:01:48

but it’s an especially you’re vulnerable. You feel very vulnerable when you have MS.


Lauren White Murphy  1:01:52

I’m not as quick to think anymore. i And people used to say I was a wordsmith. I don’t know, the lyric writing, you know, and I just don’t feel like that anymore. And that hurts my heart. You know? Yeah.


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:02:05

But I don’t think that’s permanent. Do you? No, no, no, I don’t think that’s permanent. You are very early, as you said, you’re still waiting on MRIs. And when you kind of get sorted when you get a bit more balanced maybe and prioritize your sleep and find a way to exercise. You have broken elbow and tendon damage and all the rest and


Lauren White Murphy  1:02:23

medication. I think that needs to level because in America, they just throw you on everything. I’ve tried all of the top ms drugs, and they’ve made it very, very sick. Okay, then the last bout of drugs, I’m still on, and I’m doing well. But I was told to up the dose without getting an MRI. And that just baffles my mind, you know, saying that. So I don’t want to be playing around with things. But I do notice the difference. I do notice that I have to go and probably have my medication even more changes. Yeah, it’s a trial and error.


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:02:55

I think it is. And over the years. I’m not an MS. expert, but I have spoken to a lot of people over the years. And it does seem to be the thing of finding the right thing. But it is also a combination, your lifestyle and your attitude will impact


Lauren White Murphy  1:03:07

hugely as well as dress also. Stress. Yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:03:11

absolutely. Yeah. And you just got divorced.


Lauren White Murphy  1:03:15

It is all unicorns and rainbows. But I try to limit stress I try. And if I do start to feel stress, I have people I can talk to, or I just get the paintbrush out and just deal with it later.


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:03:27

It’s having the tools. And I think you’ll get better at it. And you were only diagnosed three years ago. But as you said it took four years to get your diagnosis. Yeah. And I’ve heard people wear it 710 years. And that’s impacts on how you feel about stuff because I don’t know about you. Did you kind of feel a bit you were gone mad?


Lauren White Murphy  1:03:46

Did I was I still feel like I’ve gone mad. But it’s like them, you’re out of reality. It’s nearly like you’re looking down on yourself and going is this really happening to me? Right? You know, that’s how I feel. Sometimes I can’t get the words to explain it. I’ll draw a picture. Explain it, unfortunately. But I


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:04:08

think as you said they’re like, as you said, you feel you’re you have some language issues. Now. It doesn’t come across here. Now. I don’t know you before you had Ms. So I can’t make that comparison. I know the best person to make that comparison. As you you will know how fluid you feel. And that’s a very common symptom of brain fog is that fluidity of language but the thing is that can improve so it’s not necessarily that it’s gone completely you can actually kind of work on it and trainers ago Yeah, he would work on improving your guitar skills. Absolutely. Oh, you can kind of start on managing stress and sleep and all that will help but I think the interesting thing and I do write about it in my book is brain fog isn’t the impact of it isn’t given the seriousness that it deserves. Because the amount of people who say that they feel like they’ve lost themselves and you kind of touched on it there isn’t. I’ve lost a bit of me and it’s very true because we kind of are back Hey viewers, and if part of your behavior was that you were brilliant wordsmith, and then you can’t do that, that feels there’s a bit of you missing, you know, but then you didn’t use to be a brilliant artists that can pop into that space anyway as well. Yeah, no. My own brain was failing me a little bit, because I’m a bit under the weather. What I was talking about there, it’s called sudden Savant syndrome. I love these terms. So really, savant is another word for genius. They used to use terrible terms, you know, like mental retardation. Oh, it’s 50. Yeah, but now they kind of, you know, but actually at 50% of cases, it’s got nothing to do with that, but it doesn’t make sense, you know, if something different is going on in your brain,


Lauren White Murphy  1:05:42

especially, like when the years apart, you know, yeah, one thing your practice and doing one thing for so long, like playing music, etc, etc. And then it’s just gone. And then you find something else, you know, yeah, no,


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:05:53

and it was for me when I was reading. I was reading various interviews you did. And you know, you described it in some of those as you just had this urge to


Lauren White Murphy  1:06:00

urge. That’s exactly what it’s like going to the loo like, honestly. Adam nowhere. Yeah. And then it’s not like I went, Oh, I go to the shop later on. Now, I got about a bad left. Yeah, in 15 minutes to get started. There is


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:06:16

definitely a turns by it. Like, there’s a little bit of an obsessive component to it. You know, I get that with creativity. In any negative well, I know. But if I get in the zone, yeah, I’m in the zone. And it’s, I do nothing else. I have this just singular focus. And I can even do that we’re cleaning. Do you know, like, it’s just Okay, gonna do the house from top to bottom? Or decorating my husband? We can do it a bit of time? No, I’m gonna do it all today. Yeah, I understand that you had a line in one interview? I think what he had said was, you go from 2% to 200%. I know that that’s it. You’re in overdrive. And then unfortunately, the batteries all run out. I mean, David, my husband used to describe me as like the Duracell body, you know, funny. The Duracell bunny? Not, were they Yeah, the rabbit just kept going round and round and round and round and round, and then it starts to slow down. Yeah, for years, he’s sort of been described me like that. That’s exactly what I do. You know, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba ba, I mean, it’s just all gone. And I just need to lay down and recharge. And that could take anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. During that period, I can feel the incredible frustration, because my brain won’t work. I can’t even write one sentence. Like just not one sentence. And usually at that time, I get bad migraine, and just everything and pains in my body and everything. But yeah, I can’t even string a sentence together, you know, but I’ve never been great at making the balance work. And I suppose part of me, and it could be completely wrong. Part of me sees it as if my dad had found a passion, would he not have had a diagnosis that if he had a passion that he could have done, done, done, done and another step and then relaxed instead of he had nothing kind of going on in his life, then he would get really depressed. And you know, then kind of come back up. I mean, I wonder, you know, I just think that we have too many normal behaviors. And they just mean average behaviors, that’s what most people engage in. But on all different behaviors, there’s always going to be someone in I don’t know if you’re familiar with the bell curve. So it just means any behavior, like anything to do with humans like height, the average man will say, is five foot 10. So 66% of the population are around that height. But you’ll have some that are right up to seven foot and some that are 410. So that’s the bell curve. So for most things to do with being human, 66% of the population fall within that, and then the rest of us. So if you take soccer skills, most of us will be kind of average, some of us are really crap. And then some of us are earning 50,000 a week because you’re outstanding. So that kind of applies to everything. And I think people forget that. And they feel if they’re not within the normal range. First one thing, yeah, we say mood, that there’s something wrong with them. But is there really? Or are you just on the tail on that one? And that’s not everything of who you are, you know, in other things, you’ll be the top end? Yes. And then loads of other things. You’re right back in the middle with everyone else. I


Lauren White Murphy  1:09:06

can’t be all great at everything you know. Exactly. But


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:09:09

you did a pretty good job at lots of things. On that note, I love to end the podcast with asking my guests to give their tip for thriving and surviving in life. I mean, the whole episode has been an inspiration and


Lauren White Murphy  1:09:28

do I have any tips? Yes. And I say upset this since day one of my diagnosis for for people that are suffering, journal, a diary, diary write down everything. Even if you can string a sentence write down words because I managed to bring three or four diaries back from LA and I’ve read through them and I’ve just been like, Well, okay, I understand who I am. And it actually will make you stronger. When you look at where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where you can tenure to go. So I that’s all I would say and just be healthy and be happy. My tips be healthy and happy. It’s not the end of the world. We’re all gonna go one day make it the best possible life you possibly can.


Dr Sabina Brennan  1:10:16

My name is Sabina Brennan, and you have been listening to super brain the podcast for everyone with a brain. Super brain is a labor of love born of a desire to empower people to use their brain to thrive in life and attain their true potential. You can now go ad free on forward slash super brain for the price of a coffee. Please help me reach as many people as possible by sharing this episode. Imagine if we could get to a million downloads by word of mouth alone. I believe it is possible. I believe that great things happen when lots of people do little things. Visit Sabina for the super brain blog with full transcripts, links and the like. Follow me on Instagram at Sabina Brennan and on Twitter at Sabina underscore brand and tune in on Thursday for another booster shot from me and on Monday for another fascinating interview with an inspiring guest. Thank you for listening

Super Brain Blog – Season 4 Episode 7

Life is not a sentence with Amanda Smyth

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  •  00:11 – transported to Trinidad
  • 02:02 – Life is not a sentence
  • 07:05 – Technicolour Trinidad
  • 11:26 – Oprah Winfrey Summer Read
  • 12:15 – Appropriation
  • 18:05 – Identity
  • 25:31 – Passing the baton
  • 32:38 – Friendship
  • 35:58 – Explosions
  • 41:32 – Controlling father figure
  • 44:48 – Actor training
  • 46:13 – Strength and hardness
  • 47:09 – Love by chance
  • 50:05 – motherhood
  • 52:35 – becoming a writer
  • 56:59 – Amanda’s Tip for Thriving and Surviving in Life


Books by Amanda Smyth


Black Rock

A Kind of Eden

Guest Bio

 Amanda Smyth is Irish Trinidadian, and author of three novels. Her first novel, Black Rock, won the Prix du Premier Roman Etranger, was nominated for an NAACP award, short listed for McKitterick Prize, and selected as an Oprah Winfrey Summer Read. Black Rock was chosen as one of Waterstones New Voices, and translated into five languages. Her second novel, A Kind of Eden, set in contemporary Trinidad, was published in 2013 and optioned as a TV series. Her fiction and poetry have appeared in New WritingLondon MagazineThe Times Literary SupplementHarvard Review and broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Fortune, her third novel, is based on the tragic Dome fire in Trinidad,1928. Amanda teaches creative writing at Arvon, Skyros, Greece, and Coventry University. She lives in Leamington Spa with her husband and daughter. 







Over to You

I don’t really believe in luck but I do believe in working hard being ready to recognise opportunity and being prepared to take advantage of it. I also acknowledge that some people have the capacity to recognise and take advantage of opportunity even when they do not work hard and are not technically ready,

Amanda’s latest novel, Fortune, is about seeking fortune and taking advantage of fortunate circumstances and the role that chance played in her own life.

Have you ever experienced fortunate circumstances.

Don’t forget to share the episode on your social media.


This transcript has been prepared by AI. It may contain errors but I simply don’t have the resources  (human or financial) to edit it. Volunteers willing to do so are more than welcome simply email me

Dr Sabina Brennan  00:01

Hello, and welcome to Super brain, the podcast for everyone with a brain. My guest this week is Irish Trinidadian author, Amanda Smith.

Dr Sabina Brennan  00:11

Amanda Smith, thank you so much for joining me on the Super Brain podcast, your most recent novel is called Fortune, which is a really interesting title, the connotations around luck and chance and fortune. But then also, there’s obviously the double play on your book. It’s about making a fortune. And I have to say, I love a book that takes me to another place. Well, this does two things, it takes you to another place in time. So the 1920s, but also it takes you to another place physically to another country, Trinidad. And it’s another culture  very interesting for me reading this book, actually, is the realization about how little I knew about Trinidad. We’ve all heard of Trinidad and Tobago, and I would hear of it in the context of sports or in beauty pageants. But I actually realized reading this, I knew really feck all about the countries. You know, I like a book also where I go and look something up. And that’s really kind of around the flora and fauna you talk about under the shade of the African tulip tree, and it’s lovely to kind of be transported to a place like that, where you can create new images of things. And there’s another insect, actually, that’s relatively early on in the book isn’t there that somebody gets, I don’t know that she gets stung. Does she ingest the insect or goes in her ear…


Amanda Smyth  01:29

down her throat


Dr Sabina Brennan  01:30

down her throat.


Amanda Smyth  01:31



Dr Sabina Brennan  01:32

And very scary


Amanda Smyth  01:34

Jack Spaniards, they’re worse than wasps. They’re a bit like a bee and a wasp, but they’re worse than a wasp. So they’re nasty.


Dr Sabina Brennan  01:39

I had a look at them online. So the book is kind of filled with those, you know, it works on multiple layers, you get transported. And then of course, there is a riveting story. And this podcast on Mondays I love to interview people about surviving and thriving in life. I think it’s kind of relevant to the book and to your own life,  because I think your life and your work and your writing are kind of interlaced and related, but I’ve just going to read a little passage because I think it’s so relevant. It’s just a kind of conversation here, but it’s a to me, it’s a big, kind of, almost existential kind of piece just snuck in there,  and I don’t want to spoil the book, really, in a way but Eddie Wade has returned from the US to Trinidad and is hoping to make his fortune by striking oil. He has no money really. And he needs an investor and he has one of these fortuitous, so here’s where fortune  comes in again. A fortuitous meeting with someone who goes on to become his investor, Tito. So Eddie is sort of speaking here. He’s talking about his father “and they tell me he was on the mountainside when a stone fell next to him. Then the stones fell thicker, one or two were big, too big to be thrown by anyone’s hands. Then he must have seen it was the mountain pitching stones at him. He ran towards the sea bawling for help, ash and steam pouring out, lava trickled down and buried the crops and houses. Volcano came like that, and no one knew it spewed for days. He’ and he being Edie ‘explained how his mother died soon after, because her big heart was torn right. out of her. There was nothing inside to keep her alive. At 55 years old, she fell asleep one evening and didn’t wake up. It occurred to Eddie that he was talking to Tito like he hadn’t talked to anyone in years. It felt good, like putting down a heavy suitcase he’d been carrying. Mother was full of tears, nothing worse than dying when you’re alive. I’m glad in some ways she’s gone.’ And then he kind of goes on to say, ‘Well, no, that’s not really true. A day didn’t pass when he didn’t think about his mother Tito listened and nodded, dying while you’re alive is a terrible thing. A lot of people live like that. He told Eddie, he was brave, you’re a fighter, you’ll do okay? Most people live their lives like a sentence. You know what you want. And I’m sure you’ll get it. And he goes on to say I know what I want. I died twice and talks about that. But I mean, that is just filled for me with such insights that so many people do live their life like a sentence. And there is nothing worse than a living death where you’re not doing that. I do love that line.putting down a heavy suitcase he’d been carrying. And you know, that’s about the importance of sharing and speaking with others, the weight of whatever it is that’s weighing you down instantly becomes lighter. It’s a wonderful piece. I hope I’ve kind of interpreted it.


Amanda Smyth  04:21

Yeah, no, that’s exactly right. And I think that is probably at the core of the book. You know this. It’s about being alive. It’s about reaching for things and in some ways it’s about overreaching because they don’t they go for something bigger than they can handle all of them in their own way. Yeah. over reaching Eddie is very much about feeling alive and being alive and seizing your life and making something of it.


Dr Sabina Brennan  04:44

Yeah, and interesting in that passage. He goes on to explain that he died twice once malaria and the other time…


Amanda Smyth  04:51

 in a plane crash.


Dr Sabina Brennan  04:52

Yes, I knew it was something very dramatic. And I think that’s also really interesting. You know, again, from speaking to people and reading about people who survive and thrive in life. It’s rather unfortunate. I think there are some amazing People that I have come across who have had something devastating happen from the brain injury, to going blind, to tragically losing all family members, to suddenly find a purpose and a meaning. And they grab life by the balls for want of another phrase. And I always think it’s somewhat sad. It’s amazing that people, and they’re the survivors, that’s generally how people survive these terrible things. And as humans, we’re very adaptive, and we have that capacity. But what strikes me is the sadness that we have to wait for something terrible like that to happen.


Amanda Smyth  05:41

Yeah. And we think we have time, we think we have so much time and we don’t we don’t have that time. You know, it’s when something like that happens. And you think, Oh, my God, we don’t have all the time we thought we had and then it’s now we have to seize the day. Seize the day


Dr Sabina Brennan  05:54

Yeah. And I wish I say it over and I’ve said it lots of times, I’m at the age where I’ve lived longer than I’ve left to live. And thankfully, I see that as a positive a little spur  to kind of go, go on girl, you got to go for it. You make the most of it. I just wish we understood that at an earlier point in our lives, that we kind of appreciated what we have. so Fortune Amanda Smyth is a fabulous read. It is set in Trinidad, as I believe Well, your other books are Tobago. Trinidad.


Amanda Smyth  06:22

they’re set in that in that region. Yeah, I put my characters in both places. And it’s a place that I’ve loved and wanted to write about.


Dr Sabina Brennan  06:28

So I should explain then to listeners, you have a very strong connection with Trinidad, your mother was Trinidadian. And I read one of your interviews and you said that  your mum took you to Trinidad for long summers when you were a child. And in one interview I read and I thought it was really quite interesting was that every time you arrive in Trinidad, it’s like coming home, but when you’re there, you still feel like an outsider.


Amanda Smyth  06:56

Yeah, no, that’s very true. I felt like almost as if when I live here. So I think when I was young before I found my tribe, you know, I was living in Yorkshire, which Yorkshire is a wonderful place, but I never felt much of a sense of belonging or I didn’t have any family there or really, friendships grew, but they weren’t people I stayed in touch with. So it was a bit like living in black and white, you now, and then when I arrived in Trinidad, it was Technicolor,


Dr Sabina Brennan  07:22

right? Okay,


Amanda Smyth  07:23

Everything was alive, and everything was lit and everything was saturated with color. And big things seem to come from that place. For me my strong relationships with family and the landscape itself really affected me, I found it, it moved me


Dr Sabina Brennan  07:39

you do write about it, like throughout the book. And there is that sense, in every scene of the country teeming with life, every part of it, the soil the ground, this is around Eddie hopes to find his fortune drilling for oil. So there is not this passive drilling the land, the ground, the earth fights back in certain ways. It’s almost like a tug of war And there’s a lovely weaving of different cultures within Trinidad. So as I said, At the start, I had very little knowledge of Trinidad and so I went and educated myself a little bit more about the indigenous populations which was, I believe, the Caribs and the Arawaks. But now you really have like a third of the population stems from the East Indies, and about a third from African descent, and then the rest very much mixed. And I love that you said a few moments ago that Trinidad is Technicolor, often it’s called the rainbow country because it has such a diversity of demographic cultures, religions, and tell me do they all live harmoniously? No, this is a podcast and you can’t really see faces, but there was a raising of the eyes and an opening of the mouth. But I’m curious and I’m putting my hands up to my ignorance. So I would imagine there’s poverty, economic divides,


Amanda Smyth  09:03

as you know, kind of rich and poor. It is very complicated place because on the surface of things Trinidadians just get on with everybody. You know, they do seem to have a they’re a harmonious people. They are religious people. They have strong faith. For whatever their beliefs are, it is in some ways it’s a very united country in some ways, and in other ways. They’re also very patriotic. So when you get trinnies who live, I call them trinees you know, you get trinees in in England who get together, you know, there’s a real strong connection and bonding. You know, I met a Trinidadian friend this morning, hearing that accent, just getting into that kind of everything is easy, cool, breezy, you know, there is a sense of it being very laid back. And they all kind of laid back people in some ways, but there are….. politically there’s a very strong black leadership, and then a strong Indian leadership.


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:03

And so they’d be like, the two majority groups by 33% in each.


Amanda Smyth  10:06

Yeah, and 1%. White, you know, there’s a real mixing now, I think, when I was growing up, there was a sort of the whites probably kept more to themselves. Now, I feel there’s much more of a kind of mixing in of people, but there is a strong, there’s a lot of poverty there to some very wealthy people. There’s a lot of corruption. So you know, I don’t always feel so safe there.


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:30

Right. Okay. And you do you actually have written about that in one of your other books..


Amanda Smyth  10:35

A Kind of Eden


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:37

Yes. And it’s… was it a friend of yours, or a relative of yours was attacked?


Amanda Smyth  10:41

Yeah, we have that in our family. So my great grandfather was murdered,


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:45

he was murdered. So that’s what you’ve used for the topic of your first novel, Blackstone, which I like, there’s so many things.  So your first novel was recommended by Oprah as one of her reads, which just is incredible in itself.So that’s incredible endorsement. How did that make you feel? First of all, because this was your first novel,


Amanda Smyth  11:06

that was my first novel, that was it. So it was an Oprah Winfrey summer read,


Dr Sabina Brennan  11:09

thank you.


Amanda Smyth  11:11

It was one of the 25 books you can’t put down for that summer. Which was great. And it was. And it was also at the time it shortlisted for the, you know, outstanding literary work for the NACP, which was things you know, because I’d probably never write that book. Now, for all kinds of reasons. It was a mixed race voice. It’s appropriation.


Dr Sabina Brennan  11:31

 I do find that very, very interesting.  I mean, that’s what writers do, full stop, they appropriate other people’s stories, they have the gift to tell, and even if they do make mistakes, or tell things in a different way that starts a conversation.


Amanda Smyth  11:48

Yeah, I agree with you to a point but i think you know, I’m doing that from a place of privilege. You know, I’m doing a very different place than that and I can in some ways, you know, I used to work as an actor. in terms of inhabiting another character, you know that that’s what you do as an actor, but I can see that I wouldn’t choose to do that in writing a novel from that,


Dr Sabina Brennan  12:07



Amanda Smyth  12:08

if somebody mixed race I don’t think I have any right Actually, I wouldn’t feel good about it. I still stand by the book because I think it’s well written and of its time it was you know, was a strong piece of work. And I felt that I had all the ingredients and the right at that point in my life to write about that because it’s about displacement. It’s about a young woman who didn’t really know where she belonged. It was about the way she used her beauty as a kind of currency, it’s written in the first person so I think that if I wrote that in third person now it would be acceptable,


Dr Sabina Brennan  12:48

right, okay.


Amanda Smyth  12:49

And I got into some discussing this recently with a friend who said that there was a when I wrote A Kind of Eden, you know, the way that I described some of the characters who weren’t white, and you know, I was describing them in a way that wasn’t generous, or I got slated for that.


Dr Sabina Brennan  13:06

 I just wonder how can we explore issues? How can you write about a fiction character, if all your fiction characters have to be politically correct? Because we don’t have a world where everybody is politically correct. So in order to even highlight those issues, you have to have a character who’s not politically correct. You have to have a character who describes people, disingenuously, in this book Fortune, you have people from all callings and walks of life. And if you’re writing from a voice perspective, you have to give that character’s perspective not yours. And you can put caveats in all the time.


Amanda Smyth  13:41

But I think that’s also to do with the reader. I know when I wrote this book, I was very mindful of something that the editor said to me when he initially read it. He liked it. But he said that it’s almost as though I’d written it in a colorblind way, right? Because the characters that weren’t the non whites, so the Grace character who becomes Eddie’s helper, yes, made that a call them a maid at that time, but she was much quieter when I wrote her. And I was also very mindful of, even though I understand and can, I think reasonably well, I can write the dialect. But I wrote it in sort of straight English because I was worried about getting it wrong. So okay, been very careful. And, and he said to me that you have to, and it was very helpful, because it was almost a sort of story where those voices needed to be heard a bit, and I had to do it with some sensitivity. So I wrote the Indian character, the Changi character, I really, I read around some strong Caribbean Indian authors, and tried to kind of really get that, right. It’s a minefield i. So I did get that right, I think in the end, and I was very careful, I was careful with all the black characters that like, I just had to be really sensitive. But what we’re dealing with right now, and there is a conversation to be had, because we’re even talking about that now. You know, that that I got it right? That there’s no controversy here. And I haven’t had any backlash. There’s been no trouble. But you know, even my agent, my own agent said to me, you’re going to have a job getting this published in America, and you probably won’t get it done, because no one will be interested in reading a book about the Caribbean by a white writer. You’re going to struggle. And I expected some even now expected some kind of backlash. And it hasn’t happened.


Dr Sabina Brennan  15:30

It’s interesting I alluded to the fact that your own life story influences your writings and the choice of the subjects that you write about. and your mother was Trinidadian, your father was a jazz musician from Sligo. And you grew up in the UK holidayed a lot in Trinidad. And so that impacts  hugely on your sense of identity. And what I think is interesting is that you spoke about kind of alluding to, you’re talking to your Trinidadian friends that you just met up with how they’re fabulous. And you know, their very particular spirit. And what I was thinking at the time was you were saying that, you know, we have a huge diaspora of Irish people across the globe. And what I found my own siblings left and went to live in the States. And I remember thinking, I literally lived 400 yards from where I grew up, I travelled for work, but I have not. I have not explored the world. My parents are both Irish, I’m going back very long way. I mean, one set of great grandparents did emigrate and spend time, you know, live in Argentina, around the time of the famine, but then they came back, so I’m very Irish, true and true. So that part of my identity I’ve never sort of struggled with and I actually don’t see it as a huge part of my identity. I don’t particularly see myself as an Irish person. I’m more into the humanity of people and connecting with people. It’s easy for me to say because I have no conflict of identity. And what I have found with a lot, and I am generalizing here, so forgive me, but I certainly found it in my own family. But as soon as Irish people move abroad, they become more Irish than the Irish themselves. And it’s a sense of identity comes in, I would imagine that happens with trinidadians, with people, you know, across the globe. And so I was very conscious, sort of going into reading this book of my own biases, my own stereotyping of trinidadians. And I think we all have that. And I think that books like these are fabulous. That’s why I love them. They helped me explore and highlight my own biases that I may not have time to just oh, I read about that culture. But because I’m reading this book, I go, Oh, I didn’t know that. Oh, I must read a little bit more. And I think that does really well. Anyway, talk to me a little bit about your identity. And your rather, I suppose it’s a colorful kind of beginning in life really isn’t. Your mom came to university in


Amanda Smyth  17:57

she came to boarding school in Dublin which people did you know, in those days, you sent your children away. And you may not see them for some time they come back home as


Dr Sabina Brennan  18:08

when are we talking about in terms of your mother having come to boarding school in Ireland?


Amanda Smyth  18:12

I guess she would have come there in 1960.


Dr Sabina Brennan  18:16



Amanda Smyth  18:17

So she went to boarding school in Dublin, and I think she was not thriving in Trinidad. I think she was quite naughty. So my grandmother would have wanted her to come here and maybe get the nuns to straighten her out a bit.


Dr Sabina Brennan  18:29

Yeah. And obviously, I mean, just the fact that she’s been sent to boarding school. She was from a relatively well-off family.


Amanda Smyth  18:36

I mean, I think they were okay. They weren’t particularly well off. They were okay. But they did travel, you know, so they had enough money to travel. I think my grandfather who worked on the oil refinery in Trinidad, he had a certain number of trips, I think, or passages that was part of his salary was Yes, to England. Every year on the boat on the ship. Yeah. So he would, they would have done that. But then she came to boarding school and she was there. But only in the summers. Could she go home, so she would go with her friend to slideshow during the holidays. And that’s where she met my father. My father who was 10 years older than her.


Dr Sabina Brennan  19:13

Right? And so she was only a teen.


Amanda Smyth  19:16

Yeah. So she was 16, 15, 16 when she met him.


Dr Sabina Brennan  19:20

So he was 25 / 26. Again, something that would be hugely frowned upon now.


Amanda Smyth  19:24

Yeah. And then she married him at 18 and persuaded my grandmother that that was the right thing for her. They came over and they went to Sligo and they saw her get married and wished her well and she stayed in Sligo town, you know, lived above the chemist, her father in law’s shop, and she lived there with my dad. But of course, she started to miss home before the Irish weather got to her.


Dr Sabina Brennan  19:51

I’m not surprised in Sligo


Amanda Smyth  19:54

so she would go home, but you didn’t really just go for a couple of weeks, you know, you go for a few weeks, which were then an entire months. And then she stayed longer and longer, longer. And I think she found you know, she’d had my grandmother would whisk her up, take the children off her and you know, she’d have help at home. So my mom could just go to the beach and go to the pool or


Dr Sabina Brennan  20:14

a young woman again, a young mother, I suppose you know, it wasn’t that unusual to be married at 18 back in the day.


Amanda Smyth  20:22

Sometimes I stop and think that my mother’s missed so many moments of my life, because she went to live there again when I was just 17. So she went back after living in England for a chunk of time. And in fact, her story was Tito’s, you know, I use that in the novel where I describe the shape of the island, you know, being like the tiger skin. That was actually my mother when she was…. I remember. She was living in England. She was quite unhappy here. And she went see a handwriting expert. You know, these people who can interpret your handwriting?


Dr Sabina Brennan  20:54

Yes, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah,


Amanda Smyth  20:55

let’s see this person. She You know, my mom’s good fun, you know, she’d be up for doing something like that. She went along, and the lady who was interpreting looked at it and said, I cannot get anything from your writing anything at all, apart from this drawing of an apple core. And my mother said, That’s not an apple core. That’s a map of Trinidad.


Dr Sabina Brennan  21:12

Oh my goodness.


Amanda Smyth  21:13

And then you know, so she was always in her to go back, wanting to go back and stay and stay and stay. And so when I was 17, I just turned 17. We were there on holiday and she just didn’t come back.


Dr Sabina Brennan  21:24

So this is something I wanted to ask you. But just to backtrack for our listeners. So your mum met your dad who was a jazz musician at 18. They married obviously she was homesick he was traveling a lot and decided that family life wasn’t for him. So the marriage didn’t work out. So your mom then moved with you and you have a sibling,


Amanda Smyth  21:43

 a brother,


Dr Sabina Brennan  21:43

older brother,


Dr Sabina Brennan  21:44

and over to the UK and so you did the bulk of your growing up in the UK, so she’s only about 25 at this point, and then rather strikingly, as you said, well, all I had read now I understand you went to Trinidad and she didn’t come back. So I had read it as your mum went back to live in Trinidad And so what I wanted to ask you was, did you have a choice in that matter? Was there an option for you to stay in Trinidad? Did you actively choose that you wanted to go back to the UK? What way? Did that work? Clearly your mom in her head, because she was so independent at 16 obviously figured, well, you’re old enough now?


Amanda Smyth  22:20

Yeah, yeah, the baton gets passed on, you know, and it’s right. And I think I was quite grown up. And she had me at 22. So we have a good relationship. We’re like friends,


Dr Sabina Brennan  22:30



Amanda Smyth  22:30

was a young mum and I daughter, so we’d go shopping and do nice things together. And I think I was probably quite grown up for her. Her sister lived in England. So her sister lived in Leeds. And I knew that I wanted to do my A levels at an A level college. So I said to her, I’m going to be going to do that. And I will stay with your sister while I do those A levels. And she was kind of well, you know, I don’t really want to come back. But she didn’t really talk to me about it


Dr Sabina Brennan  22:58

Wow. So you made the decision, and you made the arrangement that you would make you would stay with the aunt who is described as a very liberal and so how did that play out? Did that make you more mature? Or did it make you take advantage?


Amanda Smyth  23:14

I liked having freedom, but I think my aunt was, she wasn’t maternal, right? Not particularly nurturing. She’s much more she’s got older she is but you know, she had her own challenges. I mean, she was gay. You know, at that time, that was quite difficult.

Dr Sabina Brennan  23:29


Amanda Smyth  23:30

Yes, When I was young, I remember I was about 13. And when we used to go and see her again, she was only 16 years older than me.


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:30

So would she have gone to boarding school with your mom


Amanda Smyth  23:40

different boarding school


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:41

But did she go to boarding school in the UK?


Amanda Smyth  23:43



Dr Sabina Brennan  23:45

My goodness.


Amanda Smyth  23:46

Yeah. She was a high achiever. And she was my mum’s baby sister. And they were very, very close. So my brother and I, when we were little in Ireland, she would come over from boarding school, and they would just have a nice time. And we were very close to her. You know, I’d see her a lot when we lived in Yorkshire.


Dr Sabina Brennan  24:03

So you were her family when she was so far from Trinidad. So Easter holidays, Christmas holidays, those things were developed and spent? Yes, your mom and you.


Amanda Smyth  24:15

And she was impressive. You know, she rode a motorbike. I mean, she, Ali, she was very fine boned and slim. And so she’s not sort of doesn’t look big and strong. But she’d had a big match. Like, you know, I remember when I was about 13 going to her house one day, and she said, I went into the kitchen, and she one of her friends was there. And it was a very sort of quite hippie dippie kind of liberal. And she was quite political, much more so than my mother, and a real feminist. And this woman was typing in the kitchen. And the woman said to me, what’s your name? And I said, my name is Amanda. And she said, um, what do you want to do when you grow up? And I said, Well, I don’t, I don’t know. But I want to be an actress. Okay? And she looked at me in a sort of shadow must have passed over my face. And I said, but I’m worried that I won’t be very good at it. And she said, Well, if you’re not good at it, you probably won’t want to do it because we tend to not like doing things that we’re not good at.


Dr Sabina Brennan  25:09

That’s very astute. 


Amanda Smyth  25:10

Yeah, it is very astute and she was spot on. Now, that woman was Jeanette Winterson. She was typing up Oranges are Not the Only Fruit.


Dr Sabina Brennan  25:17

Oh my goodness.


Amanda Smyth  25:18

And I didn’t really know who she was at the time. But my aunt had people coming through her house that were interesting, that challenged me, you know, she would always challenge me, which meant that she wasn’t necessarily the kind of mum that would wrap you up in blankets and make you feel safe and yummy. And baking cakes, you know, she would tell me to go and travel and do things and push me to be adventurous. In a sense, she was really good for me and I adored her but I think in those years when I was 17 It was tough not having my mom I didn’t have that safe mommy place. You think when you’re that age that you’re old and you could do anything


Dr Sabina Brennan  25:55

Yeah, but then something happens and the first thing you want I mean all you need is a bout of diarrhea and you want your mom


Amanda Smyth  26:02

You want your mom mum and I think as my aunt thought of me as being sort of more like a friend that when I did I remember once crying you know after Christmas just like you know wish my mum wasn’t so far away because you’d have one phone call, it would be 60 pence a minute to phone Tinidad


Dr Sabina Brennan  26:19

This folks is way before mobile phones and I remember when my own siblings emigrated to the United States You know, it would be a phone call a week and that there was a delay on the line and it was just really impossible to have any sort of meaningful conversation because you kept echoing and talking on top of each other.


Amanda Smyth  26:37

Wait for the letters, the blue Airmail letters I remember once  getting upset and my Aunt said to me, don’t make your mom feel guilty. And I remember thinking but she’s my mom, you know and and now I have a nine year old You know, that I cannot imagine at 16 being that far from her, you know, but because I guess, as you said, you know, my mom had been a far from her mother at 16 and had become a mother very young in 19. She didn’t really see it in that way. And I thought look, you know, I was full of it. You know, I was like, Oh, I’m fine. I’m cool. But actually, I wasn’t.


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:10

So you had this, your mum gone? Did you make 10 contact with your father at all? Or was he just gone out of the picture or it and


Amanda Smyth  27:16

he was nearby? I mean, he was around,


Amanda Smyth  27:19


was he in the UK?


Amanda Smyth  27:20

Yeah. And he lived. I mean, there’s a certain point where we lived about 15 minute walk from each other’s houses, which was great. So he was there, but he was just not a father that, you know, he wasn’t my idea of a good father. You know, he was a rebel. You know, he was a bit of a hippie. He didn’t want responsibilities. Particularly, he was free spirited. You know, it wasn’t even about what he could give me. I remember when I was in my 20s. And I’ve been living in New York for a while I got back to England and I, I called him and I said, I don’t even have keys for your house. You know, I don’t even have a set of keys to get in your house. You know, you haven’t given me a home. Yeah. He sent me the next day keys to his house,

Dr Sabina Brennan  28:04

he probably just never even entered his head,

Amanda Smyth 28:06

never entered his head. But what it meant was that neither myself or my brother had a place that we could feel. And your brother stayed here in the UK. Yeah. So we could go back to that we could leave our stuff. If we went on a trip. Yes. Where we knew we could have Christmas where we knew we could return, you know, where we could you

had no home? inosanto home in that way.


Dr Sabina Brennan  31:40

And when your mother went and stayed in Trinidad, did she live with her family? Or did she have a home there? Or was it ever made clear that this will be your home?


Amanda Smyth  31:49

Yeah, no, she absolutely did. And then, you know, she did meet somebody who she’s still with, you know, who’s she’s been with for 30 years, who she’s happy with? And absolutely, she gave me, she would always always might, her home is my home. There have been periods of time when I’ve gone back and lived with her again, right? Um, I’ve had three years or two years of living back in that place again. But I think when I looked back and said, probably really terrible kind of basic psychology, but I can see where the holes would have been in the early years, that later there’s a price and those holes, I have to go back and fill them however I can. Where I may have slipped through. And you know, you find your tribe, don’t you? You know, at some point, I found my tribe,


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:33

you said that twice. So who is the tribe that you have found now,


Amanda Smyth  32:38

all I think I was quite lucky there when I was 18 / 19, I found a small group of friends that were very, you know, strong, I’m still in touch with them now. And that just when I was doing my levels, and they were very kind of interesting crowd. Then when I moved to London, I then found another group of people, again, through acting and through other things I’ve and those people are still in my life. So I think people who will have a strong connection with them, perhaps who were a bit lost as I was, you know, who had similar precarious beginnings and found their way.


Dr Sabina Brennan  33:13

yeah, do you think that because you lack those foundations, it actually makes you treasure and value and nurture friendships more carefully, than somebody who perhaps has a secure background. And so they become your family, your family are those who you live with. And I know I even have one friend who, every year I say to him, you know, he says, Oh, I will spend Christmas with his family. Now his mom is still alive, and he has siblings, but as a gay man who’s now in his mid to late 60s, where being gay was criminal in his early youth, his family are his other gay friends. And they spend Christmas together because so many of them had families who rejected them, etc. So they have become their family. And I think that’s kind of a really interesting perspective. Personally, I’m completely alienated from my blood relatives, I have absolutely no contact with any blood relatives other than my own children. And that’s good for me. So I do think it’s interesting, you know, when I come across, it’s a choice I wouldn’t have liked to make but it’s a choice that I came to a point in time where I go, okay, for my family, for my health. This is the only way that this can work. And it has worked very well for me. And then there’s other people Lemn Sissay, was a guest on the show. He spent his whole life searching to find out who his mom was. And I had a sister in law whose mom died when she was three and the father didn’t know what to do with the children. So he put them all in a home at school and went to the states to send money back. And I remember her saying to me, I thought there was nothing worse than having no parents and then I met your family however perfectly middle class, you know, from a socio economic perspective, it all seems perfectly fine, but it actually wasn’t. So I think probably books and things like that. And films, they can put forward this myth that everybody has perfect families. And that’s the best way to grow up. Or else they can actually open the door to and provide comfort by sharing those other kinds of stories. And that’s what I love about podcasting is that, while we can chat about your book, we can really explore everything more because I’m always interested why writers write certain things, I want to come back to your acting at some point on what you did until you eventually became a writer. You based your central character, on your great grandfather, who was an investor in the original dome oil well, which really is ultimately a tragedy that this book belongs to. So obviously, that was your mother’s granddad. Yeah. And I’m interested to know, so how far back does your heritage in Trinidad go?


Amanda Smyth  35:58

I think that probably from the about the 1850s. So there would have been a kind of, there was a Scottish contingency. So the Scottish I think that he was from barrack would have come, I think in 1840 or sometime around there. And then my grandmother was Portuguese. So there was some Scottish, Portuguese, French. So my mother’s mother and father, both for Nadia and their parents were Trinidadian, and then I think it would have one was anyway, some came from the Caribbean. And then before that, they came from France, a real mixture, but the character that I based this on was Tito is based on my great grandfather, who they called him Allah, the his nickname was Allah because he thought he was God, you know, he was a real entrepreneur, and he was quite successful, had a supermarket had the hotel, he was a very good business mind. And he did well for himself. But he did put money into this, you know, at the time there all these exploratory


Amanda Smyth  36:58



Amanda Smyth  36:59

down in the south for now, so he put some money in there. And on the night of the dome explosion, he was out of town. So he missed it. So otherwise, he would have been there and he would have died. You know,


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:11

it’s interesting, the evolution of this book,  you wanted to write about an explosion, and you were looking at the seven seven bombings in London, and then your mom told you this story. And so yet again, then you were drawn back.


Amanda Smyth  37:29

Yeah, yeah, that’s right. And she, because her partner, it was his uncle was also very involved in the dome. And there was a connection, then again, they were family members who were lost in the fire. So right.


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:44

So this is very close to home. Really? Yeah, there was


Amanda Smyth  37:47

these personal connections, and they’ve been character started to what I don’t know about them, I would then imagine the writer does, you know, you kind of build a story around an idea of somebody and then I start to imbue them with all kinds of characteristics. And then they become real to me, I guess they were. I had a few of them in place. And I was working also on if I had a photograph, which I’ve used in is actually included in the back of this book. Yes, there’s some photos in the back of the book is a woman walking with a man with a white hat and a white suit. So he is my great grandfather, in fact, right. And the woman next to him is his daughter, but I kind of when I was writing it, I imagined him to be Tito. And I imagined her to be ADA. That’s where I began writing the ADA sections from that photograph face.


Dr Sabina Brennan  38:35

Yeah, it’s fabulous. You know, and it’s interesting to see that process about how it’s just a little germ of an idea. I mean, I wonder where your idea dries, basically, an explosion came from the nose. That’s the one that just kind of exploded into your consciousness. So you alluded to it there that you had made friends through acting. So you’re 17 1617 you do your a levels. You’re living with an aunt, you’ve no sort of Central home, where do you go to next? What happens next in your life? Because it’s a long way until your first novel?


Amanda Smyth  39:09

Yeah, I mean, I think the other thing that even as I’m talking to you that occurs to me is that it wasn’t even so much what I didn’t have was and sometimes these things aren’t good, but I didn’t have a sort of father figure or strong directive force in my life. I had nobody guiding me particularly so my aunt would sort of trust me that I knew what I was doing and didn’t want to interfere too much. So the age of I did my a levels in English and drama, and then I applied for drama school, and I got in but then I couldn’t get a grant.


Amanda Smyth  39:43

Which drama school.


Amanda Smyth  39:44

It was the academy live and recorded arts. Okay, which I wanted to go to because they did film. It was yes, that did film so


Dr Sabina Brennan  39:53

I joined a theatre company. And I traveled around Europe with them for about a year. And then I joined another theatre company who will becoming an equity company. So they gave me an equity card, which was the big thing


Dr Sabina Brennan  41:07

really important because there’s certain theatre houses etc. and films that you can’t work on unless you are a member of a union. But it’s one of those catch 22 things you can’t become a member of a union till you show that you have worked professionally as an actor. So as a starting actor, I remember they start it’s this dilemma, how do I get this thing you think it’s so huge to get your equity card, and then sure you think all the parts will flow?


Amanda Smyth  41:32

When I look back, I can see that I was quite focused. So I, I left, I was living in Yorkshire that time, and then I moved to London. And then I got bits and pieces. I then met and fell in love with somebody who was a he was much older than me, obviously looking for a father figure. You know, it’s so obvious, you know, and I was looking fro a father figure


Dr Sabina Brennan  41:52

know in hindsight, I presume it’s obvious, not all the time. Yeah. And


Amanda Smyth  41:56

at the time, he was a director, in fact, an underwater filmmaker, director, so he did lots of adverts for Do you remember those sort of British Gas swimming underwater? The baby swimming under? Yes, I do. Remember?


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:08

Yes. Amazing.


Amanda Smyth  42:09

Anyway, so that was his work. And at the time, I was going for lots of castings. I was doing commercials,


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:15

yes, which is bread and butter money for actors basically seeing


Amanda Smyth  42:19

that kind of thing. And then, and then there was a couple of jobs that came in, and he was quite controlling them, and really steered me away from there was a couple of big jobs that came in and I remember not doing them, you know, that I anyway, that’s another story altogether, but a very big character he was you know, and I think at the time, that was another sliding door moment where I was offered a big job, you know, an acting job, a TV job, and I didn’t take it because I thought it would sort of jeopardize the


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:48



Dr Sabina Brennan  42:50

Now you’ve got a taste, which is interesting. Now you’ve got a taste of what it’s like having parents who want to control your life and dictate your life. I think that’s rather interesting that you had this freedom that perhaps you didn’t see as a freedom you saw it as a no, I don’t have any support, I don’t have any. And then you go for this one where Oh my God, I’m totally constrained. And it’s so funny, you know, it’s a form of rebellion.  You know, so after that, then what do you think sort of helped you sort of survive through these kind of years because you’re on your own you don’t really have you’re not totally on your own you have friends I suppose


Amanda Smyth  43:37

I had a very strong network of friends and I lived in Notting Hill gate I lived in a great flat with a friend you know, hardly paid any rent I had a really lovely few years of lots of just fun, great and by then I was sort of single and and then there was a certain point where I did a TV show. It was the bill I remember doing the bill and I did another TV show which is called all in the game. It was a TV drama, and I saw myself and I thought, oh my god, I am terrible. Doing this, I should not be doing this. I need to get some training. So I basically I left London and all my lovely friends and people and I went to New York to train I need to go and do some training. And I did I went and I learned you know I worked with a really good drama teacher and I did get better because I would get the jobs because I look good. But then when it came to doing anything now and again I did it really well but there were times when I just thought I should have gone to drama school Why did nobody tell me you know, everything on in instinct, and sometimes it worked


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:48

and sometimes that work but you do have done so so when I turned on drama school I had already trained from the age of eight with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and I had a qualification as a drama teacher. So I’d been Learning about all of those things for my entire childhood really, and loved it and all the rest, but I want to spend all my time learning more and kind of doing it. And it does help to go to a drama school because that can give you work and jobs can spring from that.


Amanda Smyth  45:17

You get better at your craft. Yes, yes. Unlike writing, you can write without anybody and basically need, you know, a notebook and a pen to write and practice your craft. But with acting, you need to be


Dr Sabina Brennan  45:28

Yeah, yeah, you need to be working. I mean, you can practice scenes and stuff at home. But you learn so much. That’s why I did initially I did an awful lot of student films, to learn my TV craft because I was trained as a theatre actor, which is very different. They’re different skills. So your book is called Fortune. And I know there was something else on page 71 that I wanted to refer back to in the book. I thought it was a very astute comment is about Katherine. And it just says in those early days, she was tough in a way that people who are hurting sometimes can be. And I underlined because it just kind of went Oh, how true is that? And I wonder did life toughen you up early life? Did you know In that, no, it didn’t?


Amanda Smyth  46:13

I don’t think it did. And I don’t think it did. And I think I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve felt most of the people that I’ve had around me, I’ve managed to meet some very lovely people and been loved and been looked after, you know, in friendships and just today I said to somebody that I’m a softy, you know, he’s not hardened. And I know I haven’t hardened. And I’m glad that I yeah, that’s good. I think I’ve got stronger through this. I’m definitely haven’t got hard.


Dr Sabina Brennan  46:46

Yeah, strength and hardness are kind of two different things are just brettler actually. And you know, if that kind of breaks, then what’s behind, you know, whereas stronger, you know, something that can bend and flex with things. But you’ve said you’ve met some really lovely people. And given that the book is called fortune, and talking about chance. And face. You met your husband on a tube?


Amanda Smyth  47:09

I did? Yeah. We’d actually met each other many years before. In fact, when I was with the director, really? Yeah. When I was 24, I was only 24. And he had come to the house to talk to this chapter about working with him because he worked in the business as well. So we met them. And then we saw each other a couple of times after I’d broken up with this man. And you know, we liked each other, but we were offering different things. He went to film school and it was off. I went off to New York, and we lost touch. And it was by chance. I remember I had a hangover, and I was supposed to be at work. It was the 23rd of December and I thought I should get to work but actually my head was pounding and I thought I hadn’t vouching for Waitrose the shop to go for 25 pounds. And I thought I’m going to my answer, Christmas, same art. And I’m going to go and buy some Italian biscuits. I had it in my head that I wanted some Italian biscuits some you know those little round sort of amoretti to do


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:12

you were craving sugar after your hangover.


Amanda Smyth  48:15

So I jumped on the cheap and instead of going to the waitresses that I would usually go to which is in Marlboro, I went to a totally different one in Finchley road. So jumped on the train went up there got my tin of biscuits, a big red tin, ran down to get on the train. And a woman was trying to chat to me, she was kind of annoying. She sort of chatting in my ear. And as the train pulled up, I thought I’m not getting on that train with her because my head is hurting. And I ran down the track down at the end of the train jumped in the last carriage. I looked up and he was there. That’s mad. Yeah, it was mad. And I had a black hat on and I was wearing a black hat with a red question mark on it. So he saw the hat and he saw me and I was wearing a long green. It was a beautiful coat. Actually, it was an emerald green velvet coat. It was quite dramatic. Wow. And he looked at me and he put out his arms. And he said, I’ve looked for you know, yes.


Dr Sabina Brennan  49:09

Oh. Oh my goodness, my heart.


Amanda Smyth  49:15

He doesn’t remember it this way. But this is what I remember. It


Dr Sabina Brennan  49:17

doesn’t matter yourtruth is your truth badly.


Amanda Smyth  49:20

 And then he came over and he gave me a hug. And then he said, we’ve got the train together up till Oxford Circus. And then he gave me his card and he said, Let’s speak later today. And we did and then that was that Really? Wow. How does he remember? He remembers it that I think I looked up and he said Amanda and I said Lee and that’s how he then came to write but he did say I’ve looked for you because he because he knew I’d been acting but I also had a different acting name. Ah rice you’ve been googling me but on on me and that, you know, it’s 2003 I guess you know those, but he had a photograph that he kept with me all those years. Wow. We’ve met And gone for a walk with friends and it was just him a knives this photograph and I also had the same photo. Ah, yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  50:05

there you go. So interesting. And so now, so you became a mum then at the other end of the scale to your own mum. And was that sort of by design or just the way life panned out that you met and fell in love later than your mom will say, or Yeah,


Amanda Smyth  50:21

I didn’t have even when I was with Lee, I didn’t have any interest in having a child at all right? My mum used to say, Oh, I hope one day you will experience what I experienced. And I think you’d be lovely my life just are Please go away. You know, I had no interest whatsoever. And then when I was 40, I just absolutely made a beeline for boots, and I wanted to buy folic acid. I just thought I have to have a child. It wasn’t even an emotional decision. It was a biological. It took my feet from London. I mean, it was so strong. And I came home with these mum to the tablets and I put them on the kitchen sink. And he came home that day. And he said, Do you think we should have a chat about


Dr Sabina Brennan  51:12

he noticed?


Amanda Smyth  51:15

And then he would have been okay without my thing without having a family. And then I think I was 40. And I thought I have to do this? Well, it was not negotiable. I ended to become a bit of an obsession, I think in the sense that I have a real white coat syndrome. So I was in any sort of medical procedures, I would just get very jittery very nervy around doctors. And I remember I was unpacking something and a box. I can’t remember how long I’ve had it. But I was looking through a box of papers. And I found this card that my aunt had given me the same amount, you know who’s been getting really all this time. And this card said every day. Do something that scares you. Yes, yes. Yeah, never remember that. So I picked up the phone that minute, picked up the phone and I rang the doctor and I said, I’d like to talk to you about fertility. Can I come and see you? And that was that. And within three years. I mean, it took three years I was pregnant, then I knew I wouldn’t have IVF I knew I wouldn’t do anything invasive. And then I was fortunate enough to get pregnant naturally when I was 43. And do you have a


Dr Sabina Brennan  52:18

boy or girl? Yeah. A girl. He’s nine. Wow. Wow. Lovely. I’ve talked to you for so long. Actually, the time just flies by but I can’t leave without because I’ve alluded to it so many times. I can’t leave without finding out when and how you then became a writer.


Amanda Smyth  52:35

Okay, I’ll try and make this quite tight. Yes. Yeah. So after being in New York, I felt quite battered. So I went back to Trinidad, which is what I did every year I go to Trinidad and I’d spend a month with my mum. And she’d always nurture me You know, when I went back she’d always give me the best you know, lots of fruit and really look after me encouraged me to rest. She’s brilliant like that my mom very, very caring and nurturing. So I went back typically to do this again to get fit to get brown to get feeling great. Come back to go for the castings that now I would had some training and a bit more confidence. Anyway, I got there and I was exhausted. And I stayed for a month. And then I delayed my ticket my state another month. And then I delayed my ticket. I said another month. Wow, I was sad. You know, I’d broken up with a boyfriend who was a kind of Irish boyfriend who drives, you know, take me back to Ireland a lot. And I was very, very sad. So I was probably slipping into a depression. And my mom was brilliant cuz she never said a word. She never said, When are you going? Your tickets expiring? Yeah, she just gave me the fruits gave me place to be and I stayed three years did you really, I stayed three years. And it was during that time I started writing. I had a laptop that somebody had given me to write some stories. And I’d always been writing I just started writing a bit more seriously. And around that time there was a guy who was running workshops in Trinidad creative writing workshops. He was a journalist, poet, creative writing teacher, and just a brilliant, brilliant writer. And he was running workshops, and my aunt came for Christmas. And she said, I think you should go to these workshops. There is about writing you should go. And as a gift, I’m going to pay for them v Oh, lovely. So Off you go. So I didn’t really want to do it. I think I was very down in the dumps.


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:36

And I asked you what kind of age you were at this point.


Amanda Smyth  54:39

I was not young. I was 28


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:43

at that young 39 Yeah, that’s still very young


Amanda Smyth  54:47

2829 and I went to the workshops and he was a brute. You know, he was a very direct, super smart, you know, he tore apart somebody his work in the group and I came out and I said to my mom, I am Never going again. He was such a brute. And when I went back the following week, and I said to him, whatever home would you give everybody, triple mine? Give me three times as much. So he said, Okay, so I would do the work. And then I would see him before class, and he would go through it. And he became my kind of mentor. Wow. And he sat across from me one day, and he said, Listen, kid, he said, you have the thing. Oh, wow. Now if you have the thing, you must use the thing. But you haven’t been using the thing. So in another few years, you think that you should get married, have a family, get your fancy car, get your matching towels, he said, but you know what you’ll do your mash it up, you’ll do it and your mash it up. And then you’ll get married again, and you’ll have a bigger car and a bigger house, you’ll have more kids. And then when your looks have gone and you’re in your 50s everybody will want to run from you at parties, because you will be annoying and exhausting. So I suggest that you buckle down and you use the thing, and you start working


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:05

very interesting. Now I don’t like what he said about being your 50s and nobody, or what he’s getting at is when I call it finding your joy, you know, you haven’t found your passion. So therefore you really have very little to talk about and you become very your world becomes very small. I do think that’s what a lot of us are suffering from in the pandemic in a way as well as not being able to


Amanda Smyth  56:28

do but the other thing he also gave you was what he said that in his mind. I’m not saying that he was completely right. But he saw me as a sort of wave that I was untethered. You know, I had no home I had no sense of roots and no sense of real belonging. So for him, he said, If you make the stories and your work, the thing that becomes your home Yes, that thing that will make you feel good and safe. It’s not a man it’s not a house. It’s not those things


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:59

from within you. Yeah, I think we found I was going to end by saying you know, what piece of advice would you give people on surviving and thriving in life? I think you’ve just done it there.


Amanda Smyth  57:10

You know, it’s about you know, making bounce strong this your core, isn’t it? I mean, people talk about exercise to get your core strong. But it’s there’s another core, you know, there’s Yeah, absolutely all as the, the central view that it’s not about the things outside, it’s about building that and making that strong so that you can then have your place in the world, you


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:28

have your place within yourself, I say it over and again, you got to lose yourself to find yourself. So I’m sure you lose yourself in your writing. And that’s actually when you’re most connected to yourself. And I think we do tend to look outwards far too much for happiness, and for reasons for living. And yes, having children as a reason for living, but at the end of the day, at the end of your life, there will always just be you. And that’s not a lonely thought. I mean, you can have all the other things. But if you have found something within you within which you connect, that can be a very fulfilling life. Thank you so much for speaking to me. I didn’t even get to talk to you about your wonderful relatives in Sligo. But it’s been a real pleasure speaking with you, Amanda, thank you so much. The novel is fortune by Amanda Smith. I’ve said this before as well. I love when I get to speak to other creative people whose work I’ve never come across before it because it’s wonderful. Then I have a back catalogue. It’s like discovering your own little treasure.



Thank you so much.


Amanda Smyth  58:32

Thank you for having me.

Super Brain Blog – Season 4 Episode 6

Heal your hole with Norma Sheahan

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  •  00:37 – Why heal your hole?
  • 02:45 – Acting is an addiction
  • 07:27 – Acting as therapy
  • 10:41 – Working for nothing
  • 13:19 – memory, learning lines and Shirley Valentine
  • 23:03 – writing a book
  • 27:09 – brain fog
  • 30:15 – habits
  • 32:26 – selling houses
  • 34:53 – breakdowns, itching and fasting
  • 40:43 – studying
  • 45:03 – creative parenting, parental struggles
  • 55:47 – heal your hole test
  • 57:59 – Norma’s wisdom


Norma is appearing in Shirley Valentine at the Gaeity Theatre, Dublin from 11th to 16th October 2021 

Book tickets


Guest Bio


Norma Sheahan, actor, writer, voiceover, and host of the Heal your Hole podcast, she’ll try anything. She’s in Gaiety performing “Shirley Valentine” presently. She’s RADA trained and has performed in most theatres. She won best actress for Enda Walsh’s ‘Bedbound’. Tv roles include The Clinic, Mooneboy, Bridget & Eamon, Damo & Ivor, Dead Still, Holding, Women on the Verge, Can’t cope won’t cope and lots more




 Over to You

Shirley Valentine mis-pronounced the word clitoris incorrectly because she had never heard it said aloud, she’d only read about it in books – and thought it was rather ‘grand’ they way she pronounced it cliTORus.

Do you have any words that you mis-pronounce in public? I have a few to be honest – one of them is vegan and I’ve reached the point where I panic and don’t know which is correct veegan or veygan.

Don’t forget to share the episode on your social media.


(this transcript has been produced by AI and checked by a human  – nonetheless it may contain errors)

Dr Sabina Brennan  00:00

Hello, my name is Sabina Brennan and you are listening to Super Brain the podcast for everyone with the brain this week’s episode is really really different because myself and Norma Sheehan are kind of combining our podcasts and everybody knows that I usually research my guests in depth and have lots of prepared questions this time I’m going Commando.And myself and Norma are just going to kind of get to know each other talk about all sorts of stuff and this is also going to go out as one of normals podcast episodes which has a fab name


Norma Sheahan  00:37

Yes mine is called Heal your Hole I’m not as experienced as you are now so I let your brain lead the way and if you have any holes that need healing will heal them along the way what my intro is usually


Dr Sabina Brennan  00:49

Welcome to the Heal your Hole podcast with myself Norma Sheahan where we look at all the various holes in your life physical mental, spiritual, emotional, financial, chemical sexual, and we give them all a good seeing to


Dr Sabina Brennan  00:59

our that’s brilliant. I was just about to ask you why Heal your hole? I don’t mean why you should heal your hole Why did you call your podcast heal your hole?


Dr Sabina Brennan  01:06

Well I did Celebrity Ireland’s Fittest Family, and Donacha O’ Callahan was our coach and we won it and we got 10 grand for Arc House Cancer support in Cork. But during the first challenge, I fell on my cocyx and broke it. Yeah, and Donacha said get up off your hole and get on with it. Down the line someone asked me to do a comedy tour and I said I don’t know anything. All I can think of is Heal your hole life this heal your hole idea. And I started it as a one woman show kind of a stand up it was touring, it was selling out because so many people needed their hole healed. And then COVID hit so we were 10 or 20 shows and they were selling really well and a few more sold out. And then I changed it to a podcast once COVID hit and turned the car into a studio with duvets and pillows and mics. And I used to do my voiceovers there anyway. But I started the podcast out there


Dr Sabina Brennan  01:59

it’s just absolutely brilliant. And of course, the way that came out was you needed COVID like a hole in the head. Like literally, everything was just taking off. Now Norma and I know each other because of the excellent Emily Burke who happens to edit both of our podcasts. And we really would be lost without her. She’s an absolute genius. She’s just brilliant to work with


Dr Sabina Brennan  02:19

Not only is she genius here, but she would be the guide of my voice career for many years. She’s always looked out for me, I do voiceovers as well. So I’d be the voice of supermarkets, for the government and fore banks and stuff. And certain people gave me a leg up when I needed.


Dr Sabina Brennan  02:36

Oh that’s fabulous. Well done, Emily, and I can do voiceover work too, Emily.


Dr Sabina Brennan  02:42

You certainly could, have you never done this?


Dr Sabina Brennan  02:45

No, I did always kind of want to do it in my acting days. So this is one thing that I know that you and I have in common is that I used to be an actor, and you still are. So I’m kind of a little bit jealous of you. Because…


Dr Sabina Brennan  02:57

Well, I’m jealous of you. Why? Because it’s an addiction and you’ve got over your addiction and got on with like having a sane life.


Dr Sabina Brennan  03:05

That’s really interesting, because it is kind of an addiction. I’ve never heard it described as that. But the reason I do know of it as an addiction we’re talking about acting as an addiction is that the amount of people that I know who are still in, it’s still doing, it’s still trying to make it and not making it and seeing that as “Well. I never gave up on my dream”. But you know what, sometimes you can go other directions and find different stuff. I mean, I’d be really honest. Like I didn’t go cold turkey and give up on my acting like I worked in TV, and my character got killed off. And it’s really weird here in Ireland, like you’re kind of told after you’ve had a big story ‘well, you won’t work for a while’ because everybody will know who you are with that, which is crazy everywhere else you’d be snapped up to go and work on other stuff. And I just thought I’d do a night course while I was waiting around because the hardest part of being an actor is doing nothing. The acting is the easy part in a way really,


Dr Sabina Brennan  04:00

it’s the acting is like going to a spa for a weekend or whatever. And you get minders, you get whatever. And the thrill of being actually performing is like taking drugs. So it’s trying to get the work is the slog, as you just said,


Dr Sabina Brennan  04:13

Yeah, and the not getting the work, the disappointment. And it’s that one thing you can’t act to yourself at home. I mean you could but then you’re really kind of going mad. You need to have a job somebody needs to employ you at least if you’re a writer, you can continue to write stuff. Acting is just one of those things and that I find that very, very frustrating. But you’re right, it is like a drug, you will get such a high. And even and I never did that much live theater, I preferred film and television. But I did used to get it right through to my fingertips just before I was ready to go on stage. And I remember someone beside me – we were doing a play in a pub somewhere –  mad play. And I was saying oh my god, it’s everywhere. And the girl next to me was waiting to go on stage said ‘Yeah it’s better than sex.’


Dr Sabina Brennan  04:57

And I knew I had the addiction. I wrote essays when I was six or seven When I grow up, I’m going to be an actor. And that’s it, you know, full stop


Dr Sabina Brennan  05:02

Right, Well, I started acting at eight.


Norma Sheahan  05:04

Yeah, yeah. So I was determined, but where I’m blessed is that I can’t not work. So I can’t sit and do nothing.


Dr Sabina Brennan  05:13

I can’t either.


Norma Sheahan  05:14

 You can’t either. So you know, you just basically found different strings to your bow. When you’re on a podcast, you’re acting. When you’re writing your books you’re writing, you know, you’re you’re still researching and creating, you have a creative gene that needs the buzz and the highs and the lows. And even if it’s your book, doing well, or doing good from day to day, it’s still a high as a whole


Dr Sabina Brennan  05:32

Yeah, it’s the same I make animated films, like I have animators, but I write produce and direct them, they’re the creativity, I found a way to blend the science with that creative need, urge, desire, I have to do it. So actually, I don’t feel in a way that I’ve given up on acting, I’m just doing it in a very different way. And I’m doing it in a way that I have control over. Like I give talks, I do a lot of corporate wellness talks that’s performing I’m not standing up on the stage acting as people might think.


Norma Sheahan  06:01

But it is performing way more difficult, you don’t have someone else’s script to perform. It’s your own script or your own.


Dr Sabina Brennan  06:08

So I have to write my own scripts. And these ones are research. They’re grounded in science, that’s great. But actually what I do is translate complex science into easy to understand information. And I hang a few jokes, and I try and find entertainment. My animations are all funny. Well, funny. They’re not funny Haha, in a way, like a stand up show would be


Norma Sheahan  06:26



Dr Sabina Brennan  06:27

Yeah, my first set of films where I got funding to make I actually pitched Could I get funding to make 10 fun films about dementia. Now there’s a pitch. But I said, here’s the thing. We have problems with dementia awareness. Nobody wants to talk about dementia, everybody has their head in the sand. I’m passionate about raising awareness about how you can reduce your risk for dementia. Yet the Alzheimer’s Society sent me films and say ‘Have a look at this and see what you think’. And I didn’t want to watch it. Because I don’t want to be depressed. So my solution was, well hang on, can I make little cartoons where there’s a bit of humor in it, but the message is there. And I did that and they just took off. Just because the topic is serious doesn’t mean that you have to treat it with this reverence, where you can’t laugh. And they worked because people can laugh and cry, and still get the message


Norma Sheahan  07:13

That’s why your podcasts are great as well. Because you know, one week you could be crying listening to it, and it could be so deep and scientific. And another week, PJ Gallaher, has you peeing in your pants, you know, I find with acting as well, but we got sent to drama classes as kids,


Dr Sabina Brennan  07:26

Me too


Norma Sheahan  07:27

I was addicted and hung on to it. Well, my sister did the best of all of us, because she had a stammer and a lisp. And she went from that to having a better job than the other four of us and outearns us all, because what drama gave her was the humiliation of standing up in poetry competitions or in a class or whatever, and delivering blah performing. So she’s able to present herself like you do at your talks in boardrooms and wherever and at trade shows, and I would reckon drama did more for her than probably me.


Dr Sabina Brennan  07:54

But you know what, when I so kind of to give myself permission to kind of try acting full time, I got into the Gaiety School of Acting, unfortunately, I couldn’t afford to go because I had a mortgage at the time, which was kind of tough. At that time, I had two young kids, but I qualified with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama to be a drama teacher. So I taught Speech and Drama to kids. Now a lot of the parents came to me and said, Can they do their exams? For people who don’t know you can do exams for Speech and Drama like you do your music exams, You do your grades, and you can qualify, etc, at the end as a teacher or as a performer. And I did those from the age of eight, right up. But that’s not the kind of teacher I wanted to be. And so I said, No, if you want them to do that, send them somewhere else, I’m here to actually build their self confidence, give them the skills to be able to have a conversation or to talk to people in public. And that’s what I was about. It was about fun. And that’s actually obviously then sort of what your sister gained of it. And I had a couple of parents came down and said, You’ve just oh they were so shy, and it’s just kind of transformed them got them out of their hole, their dark hole.


Norma Sheahan  08:58

Got them out of their dark hole, because it is therapeutic. Like a lot of kids who are anxious or have difficulties in certain areas of life. They do art therapy, or music therapy, but acting would be another one. And yeah, I’m delighted that you got a good mix of it. And the  poetry and the boring stuff as well. Like I did those exams too that was good as well because I learned the basics of the breathing and whatever and helped me in life. And then when I went on to drama school in London, you know, do you still do bits of that


Dr Sabina Brennan  09:21

Did you go to Rada?


Norma Sheahan  09:23

I went to Rada.


Dr Sabina Brennan  09:24

Wow. So guys, who don’t really know like RADA is the créme de la créme really.  Oh, I’m so jealous. And did you go full time?


Norma Sheahan  09:32

Yeah, it was three years full time


Dr Sabina Brennan  09:34

Oh my god. Was it heaven? What was it like?


Norma Sheahan  09:38

Well, I mean, just getting through the auditions was tricky because they see 1000s and they pick thirty every year. I don’t know what it is like now but back in the day, they didn’t really focus much on the voice overs or the filming. It was very theatrical, which I thought was not great in that they didn’t prepare us for the real world. We should have had a class and accountancy to manage our  ourselves of businesses. We should have had voice over work. We should have had way more filming work because that’s the way work was going. I mean, I had amazing three years it was like most best therapy ever. But, you came out of it thinking that you could live off theater. And like the people who’ve worked in theater 12 months of the year could not live off theater. It does not pay and you’re not told that. You’re not told that.That you can’t go and have kids and a mortgage and have a life if you’re a theatre actor it’s not possible


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:23

I think it’s different now though, isn’t it?


Norma Sheahan  10:25

No it’s worse isn’t Worse, effing worse


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:29

Worse – oh my god


Norma Sheahan  10:29

I got offered Oh could you do this play for 1000 I was like a jeez whatever


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:33

No, no, I don’t mean the theater. I mean, RADA


Norma Sheahan  10:35

Oh Sorry


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:35

I’m sure RADA do some film acting now


Dr Sabina Brennan  10:38

Oh yeah, theatre Yeah, any sort of performing art Oh yeah.


Norma Sheahan  10:41

I might as well finsih that one. They said 1000 euro and I was thinking jeeze, you know you know whatever I’ll weigh it up see if that covers child care, petrol all the rest of it looks good. Sounds good. No, it was 1000 euro for five weeks work which might be good if you were living at home with mammy and you know after tax whatever that would be. I was just like, Are you asking someone in their 40s to do five weeks work someone that’s been working at a trade for 20 years I was just going I don’t know what to say to you actually I don’t know what to say


Dr Sabina Brennan  11:10

Yeah, yeah. Actually before we started the podcast myself and Emily were just chatting there I mean, the amount of people who expect me to work for nothing, I mean, you think you leave that behind when you’re in acting and you do it at the start right? So I think I was about 32 when I started to act professionally and I was happy enough I had two kids so that same sort of scenario mortgage all the rest and I did a lot of student films and stuff like that and you do those for nothing and then there was this like profit share theater. There was never a profit. So essentially you worked for nothing you paid for your own costumes you know like literally it costs you to work on those shows


Norma Sheahan  11:47

and the films as well doing the short films for people I would still help someone out if they wanted to get a leg up and they wanted to make a short film over a weekend I will turn up and I’ll help them and there’s no money involved and you’ll do it just like you know a favor


Dr Sabina Brennan  11:59



Norma Sheahan  12:00

But if they come back then and ask you to help them with PR and stuff like that you just go look Are you having a laugh now you better send me a picture to post them if you expect me to spend a couple more hours on they’re going to go to this festival that festival the other festival


Dr Sabina Brennan  12:12

Yeah. Yeah,


Norma Sheahan  12:13

sorry you want to go to the festival buy the ticket and pay for your hotel travel as well. Just going hang on No, I gave you a weekend my life.


Dr Sabina Brennan  12:21

I gave you something Yeah, you see and I thought you know, that would change but it’s quite the same. You know, I give talks and those talks take a long time to prepare and I do get paid for them thankfully and I have an agency, I do most of it through an agency because it’s just unbelievable with people they just expect you to do it for nothing. And you kind of go It’s like they think ah well it’sonly an hour and you kind of go well actually no it’s not only an hour it’s been all the years I went to university and it’s all the time that it takes me to put together I do a top class talks and that all takes time and I do a lot of pro bono work


Norma Sheahan  12:54

even just showing washing your face like and getting there


Dr Sabina Brennan  12:57

and putting your makeup on and when you’re doing that you’re not doing anything else. And I do pro bono work exactly like that. And you know, I have a group of charities that are related to dementia, multiple sclerosis, migraine, those kind of things. And I do a lot that way and happy to do that. But like people, I don’t know randomly in some businesses expect you to just show up


Norma Sheahan  13:19

come here speaking of dementia right, and you being all knowing about the brain and stuff like that. I’m doing a show shortly opening in the next couple of days. Shirley Valentine. I have to speak for an hour and 40 minutes and I’m in the middle of rehearsing and learning the lines. Do you have any tips for me because I thought I knew how to learn lines. But there seems to be obviously it’s probably more difficult when you get older. But it seems to be about focusing being in the moment, being in now, getting rid of every distraction, reading it numerous times, listening to it numerous times, then putting it into the mouth numerous times saying that I still get up in rehearsal and it just comes out my hole literally, and it’s to try and stop just seeing it and then it has to be literally in your like you’d say abcdefg hijk lmnop to get the emotions across. I’d forgotten because I hadn’t taken on a part this big with so yeah, you might only have two scenes in a day, you might have nothing The next day, then you might have three scenes The next day, you might have nothing The next day, then you four lines of a day. So your grand so you can fit that. It’s a long time since I’ve done something so gigantic.


Dr Sabina Brennan  14:18

And it’s an amazing play. And if you get a chance go and see it. It’s an in the Gaeity 12 to 16 October


Norma Sheahan  14:25



Dr Sabina Brennan  14:25

Gaeity 12th to 16th October,


Norma Sheahan  14:27

but then it’s going to tour the country anyway. So you have to


Dr Sabina Brennan  14:30

Oh, right. Okay, brilliant. The thing is Shirley Valentine. It’s an incredible part. That was my audition piece for the Gaeity School of acting.


Dr Sabina Brennan  14:40



Dr Sabina Brennan  14:40

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello wall. She talks to the walls basically doesn’t she? I loved it. It was my dream to get to play Shirley Valentine. I know at the time like that was my audition piece and I would have only been in my 20s you know, 26 – 27 but Willie Russell is a fabulous playwright as well.


Norma Sheahan  14:56

I had a zoom call with him yesterday. He He wrote Blood Brothers as well.


Norma Sheahan  15:02

We zoomed with him because he knew we’re doing in Ireland and he knows that I can’t do the Liverpool accent. I have no intention of boring people. Oh, you’re not doing the Liverpool? No, I’m not. So he’s really happy for it to be set in Cork because that’s like, the biggest city in Ireland. So he came on zoom for two hours to help us. There was about 20 words that he wanted to make Irish.


Dr Sabina Brennan  15:02

That’s right


Dr Sabina Brennan  15:21

 Oh, cool.


Norma Sheahan  15:22

So he’s allowed us to adapt it to.


Dr Sabina Brennan  15:25

Oh that’s brilliant. That’s brilliant. And I can still see her face. The woman who played the part in the film because it is a film folks.


Norma Sheahan  15:33

Pauline ….


Dr Sabina Brennan  15:34

Pauline Collins. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, she’d lovely dimples. And she was just brilliant. And I always remember that line. CliTorUs


Norma Sheahan  15:40

Clitoris. I think it’s nicer that way could even be a name. High ye clitoris, wait till I tell ya clitoris


Dr Sabina Brennan  15:50

She’d only ever read the word. So obviously, she said it out loud is just brilliant. It’s a lovely piece of work. And at the time, it was really very novel. Do you know what I mean?. Because I mean, that was early 80s. Would it have been?


Norma Sheahan  16:01

Late 80s, well mid080s it was all about discovering the clitoris, you know, it wasn’t all wham bam, Thank you, ma’am. And about just finding in your mid 40s that you’re, you know, your kids have moved on, and you’ve got nothing and you’re, you’re institutionalized by the sink and you’re afraid it


Dr Sabina Brennan  16:16

she used to literally be talking to the walls?


Norma Sheahan  16:18

Yeah, yeah.


Dr Sabina Brennan  16:19

And then she goes to go on a holiday? And she does?


Norma Sheahan  16:21

She does.


Dr Sabina Brennan  16:22

Yeah, that’s it. It’s a fabulous play. Like it really is. And it’s a fabulous part. But I don’t envy you the hour and a half of script, exactly like that. I worked in television and soap. And you might have 16 scenes in a week. But you have time in between scenes to learn your lines and know them. And it is true. Like, you can’t act, you can’t be a character. If you’re looking for lines, the lines have to be there. And then you can be them. There’s nothing worse I don’t know about you, like you know the way sometimes, you know when you’re not getting it because you can hear yourself saying yes, that’s when you’re not in it. I never really was fond of the word you know, in this as an actor you’re performing and I said no, I’m not performing. Someone who sings perform someone who dances performs in a way when you’re an actor you’re being if you’re performing, it’s false. If you’re being you’re in there in it, you don’t always get it is one sometimes you can hear yourself and you kind of know you’re not quite there. And that’s why you have to have the lines.


Norma Sheahan  17:23

Only like some shows you come off and go oh, god tonight was a bit stilted. A bit technical. Yeah. And then other times just go with that just felt great from start to finish.


Dr Sabina Brennan  17:31

Yeah, it does and I suppose that’s the little piece of magic?


Norma Sheahan  17:35

How does the brain work to? I don’t know


Dr Sabina Brennan  17:37

to do that.


Norma Sheahan  17:38

 Like, I’m getting I’m getting there. But like, it’s you know, and I will, it will be perfect. I probably,


Dr Sabina Brennan  17:43

yeah, I suppose I guess what you got to do? Yeah, cuz I mean, I give our long talks. But the thing is, I have the freedom to change lines. And to go with the flow, I don’t have a set script for my talks, I have set topics that I cover, and I have slides and I know what I’m going on to and some of them becomes set because they roll out. And you know, maybe you said the one time you go that really works. And you can kind of say it again. But I have huge freedom. And that’s why I like my talks to be that way that especially if there’s people in the audience, and you can see when people are nodding, and you can see when it’s a moment an ‘aha’ moment for them. And so you’ll give it a little more. And you’ll say yeah, you know what I mean, and so I like to be very free in my talks. And that allows you to improvise, but the thing with theatre and with plays is you can’t you’ve got to stick with the script, I guess the best trick would be to because it’s so long is to break it down into…. and the play is sort of broken down in that way


Norma Sheahan  18:39

you’ve scenes


Dr Sabina Brennan  18:40

Yeah, so it’s probably is to see it nearly as multiple different pieces rather than one long piece. So you do this piece and then your brain can get rid of that piece. And then your brain doesn’t have to think oh, I have to remember, an hour left. Now Actually, I only have to remember this next little five minute segment. And this next little. I’d say that kind of might be a good way for your brain not to get overwhelmed or really for you to get in the way of your brain, thinking you’ll be overwhelmed.


Norma Sheahan  19:08

And I suppose the brain as well, you know, simple thing of going for a walk and getting some air and coming back to it. The brain does get exhausted, doesn’t it


Dr Sabina Brennan  19:17

Oh yeah it gets exhausted, and you have to give it a break. And that’s the same like I’ve done stuff around kids studying for exams, and coming up to Leaving Cert and their kind of studying all day right through to te night. IIt’s pointless. Like it really is pointless because there reaches a point where nothing is going to go in, you are far better off taking a break. And one thing that I often say is actually to take exercises at lunchtime, There’s a natural slump in the afternoon, all of us kind of feel as there’s a dip in our alertness. And one way to counteract that is actually to take exercise at lunchtime. And if you actually take exercise at lunchtime, you can learn better, you can remember more and you can focus better. So like that say if you’re kind of working on and learning and actually if I think about it now I didn’t know about it at the time, but when I used to be learning my scripts for the show, I would learn them at home and learn them and learn them and learn them. And then I would go for a walk. And I would say them in my head. And similarly, I would say them in the shower,


Norma Sheahan  20:11

or driving is a great one as well.


Dr Sabina Brennan  20:13

Yeah, those kinds of things. And I would kind of go through them and that, yeah, I mean, that is it. Yeah, repetition and trusting that your brain knows it. And that you just don’t get in the way because if the stress hormones get released, that will get in the way of you finding the words,


Norma Sheahan  20:30

and it’s not brain surgery, you know, it’s not life or death. It’s close enough, but it’s not. And I do remember when I was studying for the junior cert, I loved studying for the junior cert I, my granny had just died. And I went over to her house. And I put my nine subjects in different corners of the room, and the hall and the kitchen, I made out how many days I’d left, and I was going yeah, that many days, which means that many half hours left before the junior starts. And I put all those tickets into a box. And I go over and I pick a ticket out of the raffle. And that meant I to do 30 minutes of music. And I think I then went to the music. And there was another ticket in there to do something else. Well the excitement.


Dr Sabina Brennan  21:06

Ah, that’s brilliant


Norma Sheahan  21:07

of going through it. And knowing that history was over there by the telly, music was out by the coat stand. And yes, I could visualize everything and did it in little chunks. And yet,


Dr Sabina Brennan  21:20

the chunking is an absolutely brilliant way to do it. So the surprise bit for me there is that you pulled it out of a hat and surprise yourself, which is lovely, I would have that organized brain and I would have had all that organized. And I did it for my sons as well, you know, and I would say right, that’s what you have to do for geography. That’s what’s there for history. You’re going to do that today, because there’s only X number of active days left and I would figure all that out. And but actually, obviously, then that will work really nicely for Shirley Valentine as well just put different parts of it in different parts of the room.


Norma Sheahan  21:50

Actually, sorry, I’ve done a bit of that already. I cut the script up into the 30 something pages. I had the script as well. But I  printed it out, 36 pages or whatever. And I put one in my bra when I’d be going down to, just picking a random page and stick it in my bran and walking down to the shop and back and pull out and have a look Then another one I was going for, someone was driving me somewhere and I took I just didn’t know which page would be just random obviously have to put them back into order.


Dr Sabina Brennan  22:11

Yeah, yeah, yeah,


Norma Sheahan  22:12

like that.


Norma Sheahan  22:13

That’s what I did, actually, a couple of weeks ago was to just get started and get familiarize. And yeah, I’m probably at some point here we go back to Yeah, and


Dr Sabina Brennan  22:20

you’re kind of doing it you kind of know yourself, what works for yourself. It’s just been a while, as you say, since you’ve kind of done and doing a one woman show. That’s Well, in one way I think that’s kind of empowering because you’re totally in control. So you’re not dependent on anyone else’s performance


Norma Sheahan  22:37

inside the door of the cooker or the fridge, I’m going to put a little list. Worst case scenario, I go over for a top up of the wine and I go, Oh, Jesus, there we are. Back we go.


Dr Sabina Brennan  22:45

Yeah, yeah, you could, but sometimes having that then can put you off.


Norma Sheahan  22:49

That’s true. That’s true. That’s true. How many books have you written?


Dr Sabina Brennan  22:53

Two Beating brain fog? Yeah. And 100 days to a younger brain?


Norma Sheahan  22:58

You’re just legend? How do you get your brain over a book? How do you keep the whole book in your head trying to create it?


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:04

Oh, yeah, it’s a bit like that. It’s a bit like what you’re talking about. It’s kind of a bit backwards. First, I suppose you know, there’s a story that you want to tell. And then you know that there’s really important key messages, key points that you have to tell. For me, then it’s again, probably a bit like acting as well. You have to find a way in. So you have to find a way to tell the story. Do you know what I mean? Because, yeah, these are science based books, but you want to tell a story. And I learned like, I think my second book is better than my first book. The first book has all the content, but I didn’t trust myself enough. Whereas this one, I went, Okay, I know how to do this. It’s got more anecdotes, and it’s more casual, has all the science in it. And I think it’s an easier read because of it. But you still have to find a way and you kind of have to find a structure to build it on. So you’ll know that you have to have a structure to the play you’re writing. There has to be highs and lows because if you deliver Shirley Valentine all at one level, it’s the most boring piece of drivel. So part of the story is the highs and the lows and the emotional piece and the humor and all that


Dr Sabina Brennan  24:11

in editor thing because I know you’re seeing some of his scientific push. Still people are going to put your book down and pick up a different book if you don’t grasp them. And like the way when you’re watching a film, if there isn’t a twist or a turn or a hope every four minutes apparently you know people change the channel or turn Wow, wow. You’re involved in your book to keep an


Dr Sabina Brennan  24:28

eye Yeah, but they don’t really do that. So basically, I had to for this one, I needed to find an inn. I knew I’d had to be there. I knew I wanted to write about hormones and brain fog. I knew I need to write about autoimmune disease and pain and brain fog. And then I knew I needed to write about like the lifestyle factors like nutrition and exercise. So that was fine. That was kind of my chapters. But I also knew that I need to tell people what brain fog is. And then I also wanted to empower them so that they understood their own brain fog, not just to say something Oh, I have Brain fog, I wanted to be able to say to them, well look, if you have issues making decisions, that’s actually related to your frontal lobes, your executive function, here’s things that you can do to work on that specific aspect. Or this is exactly what you can say to your doctor so that you’re not just going in with this vague sort of, Oh, my brain doesn’t seem to be doing what it should any more. Well, for me, what I needed to do was find a hook to sort of hang it on. And actually, for me, it came with the art of war. It’s the Art of War by Sue, I think, I knew how to pronounce it when I was doing the audio book. And I included quotes from him. And it’s fabulous. So I have one section, which is knowledge. That’s the first section. So that’s knowledge about the book. And he says, you know, if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of 100 battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you’ll also suffer defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Matt gave me the hook because I was giving them knowledge about the condition, which is the enemy, but knowledge about themselves. What is it about you that is kind of contributing to that and so the four sections, I think in the book, I have to kind of look at them again, our knowledge, power, change, and future. So knowledge is power, and you can change your future. And so I was kind of able to slot them everything in under that, once I kind of had that. And then I suppose as well, people like patterns or brains like patterns. So each chapter follows the same pattern. There’s an anecdote sort of at the beginning about someone’s experience, then there’s a brief explanation, then there’s a bit about what you can do about it. And then people get into that rhythm. I suppose. That’s it, but it’s very different to writing a fiction book, I think it’s more about keeping it accessible so people can see themselves in it. And actually that’s the biggest compliment I’ve got about that book from people emailing them saying to me, I can see myself on every page and I just had a great that’s it


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:09

because the hormone thing with the menopause was it hormone brain fog with menopause more than


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:15

well no right across with hormonal changes, fluctuations or imbalance so you can get brain fog with BMT you can get it during pregnancy baby brain you know post pregnancy


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:25

coming off the boob is a scary one as well.


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:28

Is this I didn’t breastfeed so I actually didn’t know that I know


Dr Sabina Brennan  27:31

it because it’s basically a delayed generally you get postnatal depression yeah it can be held off onto if you suddenly come off the ball when you don’t gradually do it right you just get thrown into this madness and yeah my dear friend who was running around naked throwing plates at people and draw to be okay well don’t up and you know, and luckily she told me her situation just as I was delving into whenever I can


Sabina Brennan  27:55

Yeah, it’s amazing that if you know something is coming, that sounds more like mental health for you know, rather than brain health or brain fog, but I can sort of imagine and see why but it’s just the change and it’s the estrogen job really in menopause, which is really particularly awful, perimenopause and getting there and that’s one key reason I wrote the book because I think so many women because of the age that happens out there may be dealing with parents who have dementia and they may be concerned that they’re getting themselves and I just wanted to kind of get but no this is brain fog. This is something that you can do something about this is absolutely categorically not dementia It is very different. It’s reversible it’s occurring because of x y Zed


Dr Sabina Brennan  28:35

I agree it’s very connected to nutrition as well because I did of course nutrition and I would say my mind is much clearer if I’m having like alkalizing foods and avoiding you know the wheat and dairy and stuff and even a few years ago I did kind of a yeast infection diet and I during the die off period I have a lot of brain fog which I felt was like almost like a mini chemotherapy because


Dr Sabina Brennan  28:55

so what you mean the die off period when you’re coming off yeast,


Dr Sabina Brennan  28:59

what’s called the Candida diet to reduce these so into our fold sugars so I think the body is expelling all this toxins from all the yeast in you to get the right balance back and then you get this die off period where you feel you’re burning a fever and stuff and you get brain fog a lot of brain fog as well. Okay, so no my dream


Sabina Brennan  29:18

no i don’t know i mean i you know, there’s a huge relationship between the Gosh, and your brain. And there’s a huge relationship obviously the fuel for your brain is the food that you eat. So like rubbish in rubbish out. The best evidence is for Mediterranean diet in terms of brain health. So basically lots of colorful fruit and vege oily fish, nuts, olive oil, really healthy diet, no processed foods, and I know myself. That is when I feel the best. That’s fine. I feel the sharpest. That’s when I don’t even have to worry about my waist. And I’ve tons of energy and all the rest. I don’t know why I fall off. It’s sometimes like why do we fall off anything you It’s


Dr Sabina Brennan  30:00

really I mean, we told that I just went on bisque thing the story and I was, I just felt Yeah, life is tough to be I should have stayed on her feet, I just just went out the window only olive oils may have candles and sponges and all rest of it, and it was the exact time when you needed it. But yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  30:15

I know and it’s really funny creatures really in that way that we, you see, the thing is, habits never disappear. So bad habits or unhealthy habits never disappear. And it makes sense for habits not to disappear because you don’t want to forget how to tie your shoelaces just because you spend six months in flip flops over the summer you know what I mean? That’s habitual behavior. So it makes sense for them not to disappear so they’re always underneath there and so we would have been certainly my age I’m older than you but would have been brought up with very unhealthy diets actually, to be honest as I was kids loads away bread, cornflakes for breakfast, white bread samples were probably an orange colored cheese for lunch and then dinner was potatoes and a little bit of meat if you got it and most of us hated our vegetables we really had crap diets. So then for us introducing a healthy diet is introducing a new habit a new way of eating and I know I feel great when I do that etc but like that we know that all habits resurface when you have disrupted sleep and when you’re stressed that’s when they resurface and that’s what the last 18 months has been is just chronic stress and it takes work it’s cognitively demanding to introduce a new habit and I think that’s probably it’s so many of us have experienced brain fog during the whole time. It just feels like that it’s just hard it’s just too hard to just do the day to day stuff without having to do that extra work of the diving Of course if we did that it would work out well but you know what I am kind of a little bit with people who say Hold on a second we are dealing with a lot let’s kind of do what we can deal with because I’ve gone up and down now during the pandemic like I’ve gone skinny and heavy and skin well not skinny skinny is is a relative term. But when my book came out like I knew I had to be pinned for that vanity worked there because I knew I was going to be on the telly and so that was fine but then I kind of fell back and gained it again and I sort of been opened down but I also have had other stressors you know one of my kids was seriously ill a couple of months ago um you know this and we should talk about this My house is up for sale


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:26

is it still optimal


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:27

yeah yeah it is still fucking hooks oh no exit podcast I can do that yeah, yeah that running around and I mean my house is always tidy unless I’m madly rushing to put on makeup then I can create the illusion of a bomb explosion in my bedroom in the two minutes but generally speaking it is but when you know someone’s coming to walk around your house and may open your heart press or open you’re saying like you literally can spend hours cleaning and that’s what I’ve been doing anytime people come to view the house


Dr Sabina Brennan  32:58

well you were very lucky because we sold our house in the height of COVID so people were told you will only get one visit right if you put down your deposit you may get another one all the visits were 30 minutes apart so the house can be cleaned. I think they’d wear gloves coming in and so it was very intense


Dr Sabina Brennan  33:14

and did you have to clean out the estate agents do a bit of a recurring what they didn’t


Dr Sabina Brennan  33:17

touch anything and they were given gloves to Yeah, so that was the house was totally aired while they were in there so it was really really clinical but the beauty of that is that it sold in a week wow but yes what I was also told is they have one visit so during that visit they are allowed into the attic they are allowed into everything in the house yeah they’re allowed to open everything which normally on the first visit you could shove stuff into the attic and just yeah the attic had to be sure house as well. So I just was like right, let’s throw our lives away. So I just got rid of so much stuff.


Dr Sabina Brennan  33:48

We got rid of a load of stuff during COVID Yeah, as well. Which was quite therapeutic.


Dr Sabina Brennan  33:53

Yeah, no, it’s still stressful. But I have to say we probably have the easiest sale you could imagine June


Sabina Brennan  33:59

Wow. No, our house went on the market in April. We had Yeah, we won’t talk about the first estate agents we had but needless to say shouldn’t bring anyone in.


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:09

Okay, yeah, I’ve had a few dodgy experiences over the year with a woman where we follow with them and we sold it ourselves years ago and they back to us and said oh do you mind if we put a sold sign outside the house for you know what I actually remember going grant Yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:24

so they were pretending they sold your house we’re also


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:27

looking at another house and they’re saying we really want to see we really want to see it and they were like no no we can’t get you to see what we want to see this other house and they were selling our house the fella selling our house had both this other house and had pizza Wouldn’t it they were selling the house as well and we wanted to see that house for moving but oh that’s illegal


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:44

I don’t think they’re allowed to do that.


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:46

But I’m not saying they were the cause Yeah, anyway we


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:48

got another guy in who’s great man. He’s brought loads people in to see the house so


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:53

it’s you know, with all your brain gurus, do you know where to park all that stuff and to prioritize and like not having mental breakdowns.


Dr Sabina Brennan  35:00

Oh god no I had like, as I say to everybody, I’m a human being first like Jesus, I know what to do doesn’t mean I can do it or I do it all the time. At the moment like I’m struggling desperately with my sleep, I give talks on how to promote good sleep. I’m struggling with my own sleep at the moment, but I do know and I’m working on it and I do know that I have to fix that mental health to be honest Actually, I did a podcast on this a couple of weeks ago that I’d been trying and failing with diets lately and that’s not like me like I really determined it’s a bit like that actor thing you know, you can go all focus blinkers on, this is what I’m doing and that’s normally the way I would be with diets and exercise. If I want to lose weight, I could have done in like two weeks exercise three times a day 800 calories and lose a bunch really quickly. And I’ve tried that the last few months and I just keep falling off the wagon you know, and that’s just not like me and it was only when I was doing a piece for one of these booster shots that I realized, you know, I really have had disrupted sleep for the last few months for several reasons. And to cut a long story short, if you have disrupted sleep, you can eat up to 600 more calories the next day. Yeah, and a few other issues like that. So actually what I’ve decided to do now is I’m not focusing on dieting I’m focusing on getting my sleep back on track and if that gets back on track then I should be able to kind of and I started back at the gym yesterday and I should start to be able but I have a problem is I developed a rash sort of last year during COVID I think my brain is allergic to my body Do you know I always get these things like itchy stuff and


Dr Sabina Brennan  36:36

like eczema eczema


Dr Sabina Brennan  36:38

no it’s not like an exam of this this thing is literally just there’s nothing there I’ve had biopsies taken my skin just gets mad he and you can see them there I just aged till I dig a hole in it


Dr Sabina Brennan  36:48

and then that leads and Julie’s wheat and dairy are you off to wheat and dairy?


Dr Sabina Brennan  36:51

Well you know what I am back on the Legion dairy but I go off again But no, this started like April 2020. So I actually was eating quite well then at that point, it’s


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:00

probably you’re just trying to close your own skin then you’re trying to


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:03

lay down I don’t know what it is I just Yeah, like my husband got his hair cut the other day and he came back and he said can talk to you have to go publish our I get that feeling the itchy hair off me is what he said. And I said Well, welcome to my world because that’s what my body feels like all day, every day at the moment is just either like you’ve been in the attic or you’ve been at the hairdresser’s it’s just mad,


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:24

horrible. I’ve done three day water fast if you just take water, just water, maybe maybe a little bit of Himalayan salt or something like that. And what it does actually is Yes, you’ve got you get the brain fog part of it. But you start to I’ve never been enlightened. But you start to have this amazing awareness and space and your senses go up and your snoring goes down, and your teaching goes away. And your vision improves. And it’s just all these yeast attacking you that are they whatever, whatever is going on in your body, or your body just gets an old hug.


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:57

Probably a last hug before you die of starvation. Yeah, no, we’ve gone into another zone, I think Yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  38:03

my friend just don’t up to 14 days. And like, you know, Jesus did 40 days in the desert. And that is a thing. Nobody wants to do that. But apparently you should do a three or a five day one a few times a year. It’s basically stop breaking down sugar and you move into breaking down the free radicals. So you’re breaking down the toxic sells your fat burning. So you’re breaking down the toxic sales. Now it’s not for weight class, because you’ll put it on straightaway back off. Yeah, it’s not it’s not a diet. It’s just for like, it’s like a mini chemo detox.


Dr Sabina Brennan  38:30

Yeah, I kind of think we so much junk. And we actually eat too much food. You know, like a lot of these blue zones where people live long and live healthily. And with sharp brains, they tend to eat very little, you know, they just as much as as they need. And we weigh more than we eat.


Dr Sabina Brennan  38:49

all the religions have one day fast a week. So that would right, you’d eat your dinner on a Thursday night. And you wouldn’t break the fast breakfast till the morning. So every Friday it would be just water but sure we turned it into fishy and fake. It’s Friday day. And you know, yeah, if he were to be diligent about it, you’d have one day a week where your system would re


Dr Sabina Brennan  39:11

just get a chance to Yeah, I mean, I did the 800 fast. And that’s eating 800 and I’m not advocating any of these. This is just us chatting away here. I did the 800 fast which is Michael Mosley I think it’s I don’t know anyways, he is a doctor and it’s basically you eat 800 calories a day and you try and eat it in a relatively short periods and the longer you can leave between your so and it’s actually quite easy to do. If you eat just healthy basic food. 800 calories is not that small. Oh yeah, it’s 800 calories, and you can have as much green vegetables as you want. So you can really kind of fill up with that. I did it in an advantage relatively pleasant. I didn’t find it that difficult. And so you’d say maybe have your dinner at seven o’clock, and then not eat your breakfast till 11 the next day and so your eating period, and then as you sort of progress through that one then You go into what he calls his five, two. So it’s five days of normal eating two days of 800 fast. And that’s similar


Dr Sabina Brennan  40:07

enough to the Buddhists or the water fasts or whatever. You find what suits you. My husband loves to stone, because he just does intermittent fasting. So he eats between six or seven hours of the day and he fasts for the rest. And yeah, to be


Dr Sabina Brennan  40:18

honest, there’s a lot to be said for not eating late at night, and not drinking late at night. You see, that’s the problem, though, is if you have a couple of games, then they are willpower goals. The frontal lobes are shut down the willpower goals, and you start picking and starting to erase all sorts of stuff. Yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  40:32

I might pick your brain on of teenagers that they haven’t done the junior search. But it’s interesting that your son did medicine that he or he did, yes. And you managed to give him a timetable to get him there.


Dr Sabina Brennan  40:43

So yeah, yeah, we have a podcast we did I actually interviewed this particular song, because which one on another Listen, yeah, he’s dyslexic. And it was season two. Yeah, so Darren was dyslexic, so he never any problems, reading written language was a big issue for him. So thinking and writing at the same time is really, really problematic for him. He also doesn’t see sequences or patterns, he could figure out, you know, what seven times six was, but he couldn’t see the pattern in a timetable, it’s really hard for us to get our heads round, because you can see us and reading a regular clock, or even the seasons, or the months of the year, those kinds of things were really challenging. And this is a really smart kid. So then organization was really challenging for him. And so yeah, by necessity, I kind of stood in and planned out his exams for him, literally, because the school were useless. The schools operate on data and information that’s 2030 years old, they used to kind of be trying to teach him how to spell that wasn’t his issue. It really wasn’t. But anyway, yeah, I organize stuff. I did out exactly what you were talking about doing yourself. I actually got onto the Department of Education website, and figured out because that’s what it used to be available there anyway. And literally, what are they looking for? What are they marking? What are you going to get a job, really the school and the teachers should probably tell the kids and and I would say to right? Okay, in geography, you’re going to have three questions on this subject. And for each of those, we’re looking for 10 points, three of those points have to be about x, y, Zed. And literally, we work together and we worked out answers that spoke to the actual questions, because it’s just a game. I mean, to be honest, it is just a game. Those exam results don’t mean anything other than you’re good at giving the right answers and those results.


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:33

What year did he do the leaving search? Because I think they’re a bit better now they do they do are the exam structure and they show you Well, if you’ve broken that up into three points, you would have got three marks instead of one mark. Right? Okay. So


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:42

it’s a while ago now. Yeah. So that was when he did his junior cert, is Leaving Cert, he went to the Institute, and they were much better they do break it down according to how you study. And so he did that as also their


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:54

places No, as well. It’s to do sort of dare dare stands for something to do with dyslexia where they there’s certain places and each course in college, given to someone who needed nicknames with dyslexia. And so


Sabina Brennan  43:06

yeah, so then he did an undergrad degree in biochemistry and Immunology. And then he did a degree in medicine. And yeah, he’s flying is flying now,


Dr Sabina Brennan  43:15

that is really working the system and it’s working the system. Yeah, I


Dr Sabina Brennan  43:18

mean, that’s what I just said to him. This system doesn’t measure your intelligence level appropriately. But there’s no other way. We can either give up, we can be broken by the system, or we can just play the system. And it was awful. And I was, you know, in a way it was a big strain on our relationship because I couldn’t be mother who was Oh, I know it’s awful sweetheart. Kamera give you a hug. I was mother who was cracking the whip going, if you don’t study this now for the next 20 minutes, will be thrown behind. And like I literally did, like I was in the room, I would send him off and say right, you got to go learn that come back to me with the 10 points. I’ll examine you the 10 points. How did


Dr Sabina Brennan  43:57

you study in college them when you weren’t there to kind of set up while we were there? So


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:01

in college, yeah, he did manage the course was very confusing. So where I helped was looking at the course and breaking it down from him saying, okay, that’s what you need to study. So he was well able, and because he did the sciency ones, you know, a lot of it was learning facts and stuff. So it wasn’t about writing essays and pulling that kind of stuff together. So that kind of did help immensely. I think what people don’t understand when you have something like dyslexia, or other form of learning difficulty is that it is the exhaustion it is the cognitive load


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:32

that you can’t watch so much harder than someone who work three times


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:35

harder than someone else. And so just for him, just listening in the lectures was exhausting. So whilst others would be maybe go to the pub for an hour or two and then come back and do a study. He would come home and have to go to bed for three or four hours and then get up and try and study. That’s what’s not accounted for. Yeah, they might give you 15 minutes extra in an exam because you’re slower writing. But really what it is is you have to work through Four times harder than anybody else.


Dr Sabina Brennan  45:03

You use a lot of creativity and improvisation and acting there within dealing with parenting I find I have to improvise every day in every situation. There’s no manual is there no frickin manual so it’s just constantly coming up with something exhilarating and different. That’s just the I mean my kids a bit older now but just safe. It’s just I don’t know trying to get them to bed at a certain time dangling carrots this that the other. Something will work for a few weeks, a bit of reverse psychology a bit of, I don’t know, something to stimulate the older older years now. And my identical twin girls are Oh my god. Yeah, they’re great. They’re 14 Wow. And wow, in the younger daughter is 11. So there’s two and a bit years. So she’s


Dr Sabina Brennan  45:45

Gosh, what was that like having twins?


Dr Sabina Brennan  45:49

I didn’t know any better. But it was very hard in that I didn’t get a lot of sleep. And there was no time for googoo Gaga. I love you stuff. So it was just a conveyor belt. So yeah, picked up the one that was either choking or washing themselves or needed burping and you just neglected the one who was happy. It was until I had my third child that I kind of went oh, I actually I think I


Dr Sabina Brennan  46:12

don’t have to put this baby down to pick up the other one. Why


Dr Sabina Brennan  46:16

is this love? Like, oh, yeah, so sorry. It was just friendship. I didn’t know till I had a third one. what it would be like to have a baby.


Dr Sabina Brennan  46:29

Yeah, I can’t imagine. I mean, I my first one was tough. I have a lovely interview with Melissa Hogan boom, this season. She’s Episode Two. She’s written a book called The motherhood complex. Yes, he keeps it out here are fabulous. Because what I loved about that was she was a professional, you know, with BBC science journalist and a great career and really excellent career didn’t great, become pregnant, and had her baby and thought, Oh, this is really hard. This is tough. I’m kind of struggling here and had a second baby and just felt like that she was just firefighting all the time, just trying to keep them alive, trying to stop this one hitting that one trying to how am I going to cook? Like the book really is about how it changes your identity. But I could totally identify with that. Because I would always see myself as a very competent person. I have perfectionist tendencies, which I try to dampen down as often as possible, because it’s just the worst thing. But I thought that I would sail through motherhood, and then sort of be like you they’re saying, like Darren was a challenging baby. And I feel awful saying that, because he throws back at me sometimes like, Oh, yeah, I was a tough baby. But he was he never slept. He cried all the time.


Dr Sabina Brennan  47:43

You were probably a pain in the hole as well at some certain stages as a mother, like,


Dr Sabina Brennan  47:47

oh god, I was dreadful. dreadful. I put my hands up on that PMT. I mean, I literally could have, I try not to, because guilt serves no purpose. And I have apologized to my kids. But like some of the things, I shouted at them, and did when I was PMT. were two young kids running around the house, or the guilt I feel when I see their faces, you know, but then it got to the point where say, well, Mommy is like this, just go to your room and shut the door. Because essentially, Mommy is


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:16

crazy. I just get out the car and walk along the road a few times. And they’d be annoyed then because you know, they’re late then for where they want to get to, or they’re wondering where their mother is walking, but I’ve just, instead of shouting at them, I remove myself from the situation.


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:28

See, I wish I had that sense. back then.


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:31

I do it for selfish reasons. Because if I have conversation with someone, it takes me up to 48 hours to shake off a comment I make to somebody or a mean thing or whatever. So I’m doing it to be selfish.


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:42

Yeah, but that’s smart. That’s huge self awareness to know to do that, because I would have been like that. My temper would go I would say something. They’re not just the kids, but like, you know, when I was younger, I don’t do it anymore. And then like that, the way you just described it as perfect 48 hours to shake it off. Sometimes it would take me even longer it would just keep going round and round and round in my head. Why did I say that? I shouldn’t have said that. Oh my god and probably the person that you said it was? Yeah, you know, gone over their head humor if


Dr Sabina Brennan  49:13

you careful on the other hand is they know you crack a lot, which I think I’m hilarious. Of course I crack jokes and be a bit cynical with people. Most people know me and don’t take it seriously. But it’s the odd time someone comes back and going. Oh, when I said go f yourself I actually know I was like I might just say something like I forgot for yourself. there literally like she told me to fuck off with myself. Yeah, so I have to be kidding. Obviously to be more extreme than that maybe or something. That’s a RMIT something like or sugar Nutri or the Yogi’s pig in the bladder and I might be saying they think the person is so beautiful. So it’s like yeah, and yeah, I have to be careful there thinking I’m hilarious when I’m, yeah, that’s


Dr Sabina Brennan  49:51

kind of a funny thing, because that’s kind of an Irish thing. We kind of have that. Well, some of us have that you do yourself down and you slag other people off and Yeah, yeah, maybe not everybody has that kind of thing. I noticed that when you interact with people from other countries cultures or whatever, you kind of have to temporary particularly the language thing, you know, because I’d say fucking this And from that, and some people just don’t use it.


Dr Sabina Brennan  50:14

I was reared on CNT like, you know


Sabina Brennan  50:16

where, you know, that was that was a taboo one. I preserve that for some people. There’s two people I reserve it for,


Dr Sabina Brennan  50:23

I’ll say pointing here, just in case no one has anybody be like my dad would be like all the pointing, careworn start Oh, look at that bond. It wasn’t till I moved to Dublin in London, you realize that it was connected to the vagina. This is like connected to a bad vagina or something. I’m not actually sure what this is connected to.


Dr Sabina Brennan  50:41

Yeah, neither mine really just thought it was it’s a really, really bad word. No, that was a really bad word. My mother actually didn’t use bad language at all. Which was really, actually quite funny. When she got dementia, the language that came out for was off was just brilliant. You gotta go. It was in there all the time. Yeah.


Dr Sabina Brennan  51:01

One of my daughter said, The teachers are wondering why she was getting on. So well, with this particular teacher. All the parents have problems with this teacher. And one of the moms said, Look, why does your daughter get on so well, you know, they’re taking on grace in the classroom. And I asked her, she said, Oh, yeah, whenever that teacher is talking to me, I just do my head, I go, f an F and F and F and F and F and F and F and F and F and H or something I was doing, okay, that’s fine. Just just keep that in your head. Because that was her to when she just now the wave smile going. You’re an F and F and F, and I think you’re an F and and you can FA and she just smile away? Like imagining the person would like clown nose or no clothes. Yeah, yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  51:39

yeah, yeah. I often wonder if it’s linked to being an actor, that kind of thing. Someone said that to me, once God is your emotions are very near the surface. And it’s funny, I’m putting my hand there, you know, kind of on my chest, just under my voice box now. And our emotions are in our amygdala, you know, in the center part of our brain. It’s an unconscious part. But I guess I can access my emotions very easily. I think that helps you, if you want to be an actor. But it also means that as a human being, you feel an awful lot of things a lot more than other people feel them. And that isn’t always a good thing. Yeah, you know, and I would be


Dr Sabina Brennan  52:23

an easily so yeah, that’s probably why I avoid confrontation. If your emotions are here, you would get used to


Dr Sabina Brennan  52:29

  1. Yeah, I mean, I suppose what my mother would have described me maybe as being highly strong, you know, that kind of way, like, so I would have in my youth have had a lot of confrontations. A lot of arguments, a lot of hours, I was the youngest of five, we had a very strict family, Boss, I had this humongous sense of justice, race. No, that is not right. That should not be happening. You should not be doing that. And it didn’t matter. If I saw a guardian or we just call them then like, you know, somebody you shouldn’t approach on the street dropping letter, I would say did you pick that up? Like really, I had no filters, no bars, and you know, I have done it. I’ve done it as an adult. I’ve done it several times. I’ve had my husband pulled me back and say you can’t do that. And I think as I’ve got a bit older, I’ve learned to filter and stop that. But I am sort of fearless when it comes to if I see something wrong happening. I’ll say it. I don’t know what it is, you know. And I mean, I did have a woman in a fast food store nearly jumped over a counter to punch me in the face because I gave out to her for hitting her child. That was one of those where I felt guilt for days afterwards because I felt I had to speak up for the child. She had about four kids. She was only bully and one of them and being horrible. It was horrible to watch. And what was awful was everybody in this fast food place was sitting watching it and saying nothing. And I’m looking at this six year old being his been demoralized, being demeaned. And I actually think a certificate your mom can teach you like that. And I said don’t be doing that. And she says he’s mine. I can fuckin do what I like with them. And I said you cannot. And I said, Listen to me, son, your mom should not be doing that to you. You do not deserve to be treated like that blackout. Who did? I think I was my husband literally dragged me out. She was going to punch me in the face


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:21

your page here because when you said at first, I mean, I didn’t know if it was a tap on the wrist.


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:25

Oh, no, she was really beating the child up. Like it was horrible. It was just horrible stuff. And everybody was just ignoring it. And I just said what is that doing to that child?


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:35

What age was the child?


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:36

I’d say about six. Hopefully that child will remember


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:39

that moment. That was


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:41

what I consoled myself with because I also went home thinking Fuck, she’s probably going to beat the shit out of the child when she takes him home.


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:48

There is that side of it as well. But she’s doing that anyway. She’s doing that anyway. Is that click something in that child’s brain that went this isn’t okay. Actually. Yeah.


Dr Sabina Brennan  54:57

Like you see parents. I You lose and as I said you know I’ve done things to my kids no not like that but you know that you regret you’ve shouted at them or or whatever but


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:08

like listen I’m not quite oh my god I’ve thrown my kids onto the site I threw my daughter and her friend over there was really rude to me and I thought they’d walk back to the house which was down the hill the poor girl walked back to her own house miles where to go and find you know, yeah whatever but


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:21

being tell her mother


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:24

her own multiple choices it just but


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:27

there’s another brother could take it really badly.


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:29

Aaron No, no, nobody takes me seriously.


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:31

Where are you from? Now? What’s your Aaron?


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:33

Aaron? I’m from white church near Blarney in Cork all right okay,


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:36

so that’s why you’re going to set charity Valentine in car Yeah,


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:40

good. Michigan cork Yeah, we were I was going to do a little test on you to see how brainy you are.


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:45

I know I’m not very brainy yeah go on.


Dr Sabina Brennan  55:47

Hey, this is a heater hole test. So see how many answers you get right in 30 seconds right oh Jesus now I’m under pressure. Yeah, so no, it’s a word association one and you have to get the right words that are you’ve thought of as well so you have to get the same answer Are you thought of Okay,


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:03

can I not just come up with the first one think of you can so am I meant to come up with the first thing I think of are what I think you might have come up with


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:12

that you think of but it’s more the connect with my answers. So you have to also be able to read my mind because your remaining


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:18

Okay, yeah, I did. I tried to in the mind reading thing on your marks.


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:21

It’s also where I’m gonna say words you say words Association. Ready, steady. Go. ass. Told part. whole key hole nine. Hole blow. Oh, cubby hole pie. Hole peep hole help. Hello worm hole the stone right 30 seconds don’t


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:49

Oh, I was waiting for one that didn’t have hold where I would just say everyone just says hold Do


Dr Sabina Brennan  56:56

they have never done the test before. Just tried it on you


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:02

it’s amazing how many words and and whole you know and I love that idea of heal your whole I thought it was so funny at first when I heard it when Emily told me about it but it’s brilliant the way you put that all together you know and you can just kind of


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:17

it well it’s gonna die data at some point so i’ve i’ve on episode 76 of this stage.


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:22

I yeah, I’ve done 100 and something but I only started at the same time as you now I started on the ninth of March 2020


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:29

Wow. You’ve done more than one a week then.


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:32

I’ve done two a week yeah, but I’ve also taken breaks I do the season and then take a break although between kind of season


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:38

Yeah, but yours actually have information I mean mine is next episode 69 was me talking to people on the street about just having 60 Niners or whether they still


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:45

are brilliant. You know what, like brilliant. Does anyone know that? I remember joke from that that’s what’s come from my mind. What’s the 68 for play? Give me a blowjob and I’ll owe you one


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:57

oh my god I need to write that down.


Dr Sabina Brennan  57:59

Well I like to finish my podcast with my guests and seniors were each other’s guests. I like to finish it with your tip for thriving and or surviving in life. If you have a tip.


Norma Sheahan  58:10

Yeah, like my dad would always say he doesn’t see it actually. Bush got over a few of them can I have to give me a few oh that’s okay.


Dr Sabina Brennan  58:20

Give me a few


Norma Sheahan  58:21

Right okay, well, I see my dad, nothing is a problem. So just say yes, it can be grand and and stop thinking thinking start faking doing so if your brain is in beats just physically do something as he is very physical man. So I guess they’re kind of things I’m sorry another one he said is worrying is like paying interest on a debt you haven’t received are brilliant so I probably just go to him whenever I got to worry or whenever I’m getting stuck in the head or nothing is a problem because if you think something is a problem today there’s always a bigger one room for corridors that are someone else has a worse life than you it’s not really a problem. Yeah, it’s just get on with this lawsuit. The two things that are gonna get you through the next moment. You’re not just get your keys and get your mobile and your passport and whatever it is. Stop worrying about the other 75 things you were meant to bring which or whatever. I don’t know I’ve given you too many there. No Yeah, I


Dr Sabina Brennan  59:13

haven’t. It’s kinda on the one it’s really just do it, isn’t it? It’s like that Nikes


Dr Sabina Brennan  59:17

you know, poke your hole and get up get up off your morning.


Super Brain Blog – Season 4 Episode 5

 Football: A Concussion Delivery System with Michael Kaplen

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  •  01:48 – Michael’s first brain injury client
  • 03:30 – The invisibility of brain injury
  •  06:08 – Personality Change
  • 09:12 – Explaining invisible symptoms to jurors
  • 17:58 – Lack of treatment and supports
  • 23:00 – Sport and brain injury
  • 26:45 – Heading the ball
  • 28:18 – Children, a special case
  • 33:29 – The consequences of concussion
  • 36:47 – Brain injury – anytime, any place, anywhere
  • 41:26 – The portrayal of brain injury in movies




Visit Michael’ website for the videos, guides and resources he mentioned in this podcast.

Guest Bio

 Michael V. Kaplen is a senior partner in the New York personal injury law firm, De Caro & Kaplen, LLP. His practice focuses on personal injury and medical malpractice with an emphasis on representing individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury and/or other catastrophic injuries. Michael has been selected a New York Super Lawyer for the last 14 years and named as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in New York State by the American Association of Trial Lawyers. Michael has been selected as a Best Lawyer, New York and De Caro & Kaplen has been designated a Best Law Firm by US News & World Report.

Michael is also a Professorial Lecturer in Law at The George Washington University Law School where he teaches the only course in the nation devoted to traumatic brain injury law. He also chairs the New York State Traumatic Brain Injury Services Coordinating Council. Michael was invited by President Obama to be a participant in the 2014, White House Healthy Kids & Safe Sports Concussion Summit and serves as a member of the American Academy of Neurology, Concussion Work Group. His views and opinions are often sought by well-known news sources including, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, Gannet News Services, the New York Daily News, the National Law Journal, the New York Post, the Huffington Post, ABC News, CBS News, ESPN, Fox Broadcasting, and NBC News.

Over to You

Have you or has anyone close to you experienced ongoing symptoms following a concussion. What do you think about children playing contact sports where there is a risk of concussion. Do you think heading the ball in soccer should be allowed? Balancing out the benefits of playing team sports, including the physical fitness and social benefits what would be the best way to protect players brains from concussion and the associated consequences.

I really would love to hear your thoughts.

Don’t forget to share the episode on your social media.


Dr Sabina Brennan  00:01

Hello, and welcome to Super brain, the podcast for everyone with a brain. My name is Sabina Brennan, and my guest this week is Michael Kaplan, a lawyer, but not just any old lawyer, Michael is quite literally a super lawyer. And that is a fact. He has been selected a New York super lawyer for the last 14 years and named as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in New York State by the American Association of trial lawyers. Michael has been selected as a best lawyer in New York, and De Caro and Kaplan has been designated a best law firm by US News and World Report. To be perfectly honest, folks, I could fill an entire podcast, just listing Michaels accolades and achievements. But I’d rather talk to Michael about his work because it is work that is very close to my own heart. Michael focuses on representing individuals who have sustained a traumatic or acquired brain injury, including concussion because of course, if you have listened to one of my booster episodes, on concussion, you will know that concussion is actually a traumatic brain injury. Michael, you were invited by President Obama to be a participant in the 2014, White House, ‘Healthy kids and safe sports concussion summit. And I want to talk to you about that in this podcast, because children are particularly vulnerable when it comes to concussion, because they have developing brains. And I personally believe we really have a duty of care to protect them. But first, I’d like to learn a little bit about you, Michael Kaplan, the person as opposed to Michael Kaplan, the lawyer, I’m also keen to learn how you came to specialize in representing people with brain injury. But first, tell us a little bit about you.


Michael Kaplen  01:48

So Michael, Kaplan, the person and Michael Kaplan, the lawyer kind of all mixed together, because what I do is really a 24, seven day a week job. And I take great pleasure in representing my clients, many of whom, as you said, who have sustained traumatic brain injury. We have a firm in New York with a nationwide presence as well, we have been involved in representing individuals of brain injury for the last 40 years. And it’s interesting how we got involved in this, it was really, by accident, because one of our clients was in an accident, a car crash. And he sustained many physical injuries as a result of that, and was hospitalised for a good deal of time. But when he got out of the hospital, he made a good recovery from those physical injuries. He went back to work and went back to trying to live his life. And he encountered problems both at home on the personal level and at work, people at work didn’t want too much to do with him. Because his personality had changed. His boss didn’t want to give him new assignments to do, because he just couldn’t handle the work. And he was on the verge of being fired from his job. At home his family commented that he just wasn’t the same person anymore, that he would be forgetful, he would have memory problems. Because he would even walk out of the house in the middle of winter and forget to take his coat. And he was a very, really nice man.


Dr Sabina Brennan  03:25

Can I just ask you there? How many years ago was that?


Michael Kaplen  03:28

This is about going about 25 years ago?


Dr Sabina Brennan  03:30

Yeah, yeah. And I mean, it still happens today. Here. You know, the focus is so much on the physical and physical recovery, forgetting, of course, that the brain is a physical part of your body, but it is so hugely ignored. And I’ve heard so many stories like that, going back where people put it down to almost saying, he turned into a nasty person after that accident, no, his brain is malfunctioning. You know, and by the sounds of that individual, there must have been I would imagine some frontal lobe injuries because he couldn’t access his past behaviors. And actually, to be honest, he sounds like he was very severely debilitated. And the funny thing is, you will get much more support and financial personal and sort of in terms of equipment, etc. If you have a physical injury, which might be far less debilitating,


Michael Kaplen  04:20

you’re absolutely correct, because the brain injury is invisible. You can’t see it and people. The population in general is trained to look at an individual and assess the disability just by looking at visual clues. But a person with a brain injury doesn’t need a wheelchair. They don’t need a walker. They’re not drooling, they look fine, they sound fine, but they have an injury that has affected every aspect of their lives. And this is the most frustrating part of this injury both to my client, who we’re talking about, and to any person with a brain injury because people just don’t understand what is happening to that individual and They’re told, unfortunately, that they’re making this up, get over it get on with your life Come on. And when they say at three o’clock in the afternoon, that their battery has just run out of steam, and they can’t do it anymore. People just don’t understand. And when they’re sitting at the Thanksgiving Day table, and they put their head down, and they say they have to leave the room, because there’s just too much going on at the same time conversations and noise and bright lights, and they just can’t handle it. And they have to walk away, people look at them, like their eyeballs.


Dr Sabina Brennan  05:32



Michael Kaplen  05:32

but they’re not. They’re really, really suffering. And that is really the tragedy of traumatic brain injury. And that’s the greatest problem I think that survivors face when it comes to traumatic brain injury, the fact that nobody understands their problem. Now we’ve created some videos on our website to assist people in understanding this injury and helping them explain it to other people. And I really do suggest that some of your listeners go on our website and look at these videos, to have a better understanding of what it’s like to live with a traumatic brain injury,


Dr Sabina Brennan  06:08



Dr Sabina Brennan  06:08

I will certainly share a link to those videos. I remember speaking to one woman and she was in her 90s caring for her son, who was I think, coming up to 60. Now who had acquired a brain injury in his 20s in a car accident, and she looked after him all her life, her husband had died. And it was getting increasingly difficult. And of course, she was worrying what would happen to him afterwards. And I said, Well, you must get someone in to help you. You know, you can’t be doing all this and looking after and she said, but I’ve tried. But she said ‘I can’t bear it’. She said, ‘I’ve had carers come in and slap him because he’s being rude or telling him to behave himself’. You know, if he has an injury he has no control or the neurons, the connections are broken between certain areas that you and I use to inhibit our behavior or not engage, and I came across another woman. And I don’t know if you’ve come across this in some of your clients, but another woman, her husband had acquired a brain injury. And he became completely disinhibited and disinhibited sexually. Because I think what people don’t realize is we learn those behaviors, we learn what is appropriate. within society, a two and three year old child can strip off their clothes, if they felt like it. They get told Actually, no, you can’t do that. And they’ll reach out and touch things. And they could touch a woman’s breast to see what it feels like. And they learn No, you can’t do that. But if that part of your brain is damaged, you will revert to those disinhibited behaviors. And this woman used to walk around with her husband, and she actually had a card and a sign and said, My husband’s not a pervert, he’s had a brain injury


Dr Sabina Brennan  06:15

Sound likes one of my clients does this,


Dr Sabina Brennan  07:44

it’s very, very difficult. It


Michael Kaplen  07:46

really does sound like a client that I had. Because you know, when you get an injury to the temporal lobe of your brain, you lose your brakes. That’s what it is saying the most inappropriate thing doing the most inappropriate thing. This gentleman would actually touch woman’s breast. Yeah. And he didn’t understand that that was inappropriate, he would go under a table to peek under a woman’s dress. And he would do inappropriate things, unfortunately, in his home with his wife who couldn’t sleep in the same room with him anymore. And it was just an untenable environment. Because he had severe behavioral issues, frontal lobe and temporal lobe problems with great disinhibition and he had no break, you know, the brain is the most complicated computer in the world.


Dr Sabina Brennan  08:32



Michael Kaplen  08:33

And that’s what we’re dealing with, with a brain injury. And as I say, in my class, at George Washington University Law School, to my students who are learning about brain injury, and how to represent individuals with a brain injury, you shake it, you break it. And that’s what happens. But what I also tell them is, remember when you were a child, and your mother asked you to go buy a box of eggs for her, but my mom told me, make sure you open that box and look at the eggs. Because Same thing with the brain that the outside that skull is pretty thick, but it doesn’t prevent an injury to the inside of my brain.


Dr Sabina Brennan  09:12

And I’m kind of hopeful in a way that the brain fog that’s been associated with long COVID is shining a little spotlight on an area that I’ve been working in, that’s been in the dark. And the reason I wrote my most recent book, Beating Brain Fog, was to shine that light. And as it happens, I was actually writing it when COVID began, and straightaway, and it wasn’t any great science to say that people are going to experience brain fog after COVID. Before long COVID became a thing because it happens after any viral illness or after sepsis or whatever your brain has experienced an insult and assault. And I’m sure some of your brain injuries also have come from something during surgery as deprivation of oxygen for a period of time or whatever. But the brain is very vulnerable. And I think what people don’t realize people think when they hear fatigue Which is dreadful, a physical fatigue is really tiring, they think you just need to sleep. But the problem with mental fatigue is, as you described, that individual who is at dinner, his brain cannot cope with the noise, there’s too much sensory information, your brain is just too tired, and it needs to restore its batteries, etc. And it’s those subtle things that can really, really impair the quality of life for someone. And that must be challenging for you in terms of a lawyer and you’re seeking, I presume, compensation or supports or whatever, in a courtroom. How do you go about it? Do you use your videos? Do you just explain what happens I noticed as well with you, you’re a graduate of the Marquette University of neuro anatomical dissection of the human brain and spinal cord. But you know what I mean, I think that has to be critical if you’re going to represent your clients properly, that you actually have an understanding of how the brain works.


Michael Kaplen  10:54

Well, it was a fascinating course that I took at Marquette University. And I was one of the fortunate only lawyers ever to take this course. Because it’s not a course for attorneys. It’s the course for people in the medical field to introduce them to the brain, and all the different functions of the brain, and you actually spend days dissecting the brain. And you realize when you’re doing that this organ that weighs three pounds, controls every aspect of who we are, our emotions, our behavior, our feelings, our actions. It is an amazing organ that we still don’t understand. And I doubt we’ll ever fully understand. Now, how do you go about explaining all of this in a courtroom, to a jury, what happens to a person with a brain injury? Well, it’s very complicated. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of different kinds of witnesses and a lot of different types of exhibits. To explain that, we need to do a show and tell to a jury, we need to show the brain, we need to explain the lobes of the brain, we need to explain through expert witnesses, how their brain functions, and we need to display that as well with visual images. Sometimes we use computer animations to do that, as well, we need the assistance of witnesses who are in a field of neurology and neuro psychology, and neuro radiology at times to objectively show the injury that a person has. But CAT scans, MRI scans are, for the most part, incapable of showing the injury.


Dr Sabina Brennan  12:29

I think that’s it, what struck me there, and my listeners will be used to me saying this, but you said, you know, your brain is involved in pretty much everything that you do, which is very true. But I mean, what I actually say is you are your brain, and that’s it full stop. At the end of the day, you are your brain, it is the sum total of your experiences, your genetics, you know how the brain evolved and adapted. And so the things that we call a personality is actually the data that your brain has collected, and the information that it has learned, translated into how you behave in any given circumstance. And that’s patterns of behavior. And basically what happens and what is disrupted, when someone has the kind of injury where they have behavioral change, and personality changes, that pattern is no longer there, they have no access, or else the pathway to that pattern is gone. And so people see it as a personality change. And because we think we kind of give more power to our sense of self than to our brain, it’s complex thing to talk about. But at the end of the day, your brain creates your sense of self. And so you are your brain, I can imagine it’s hard to explain that kind of thing to a jury, or I don’t know, if there’s juries involved in the kind of cases that you do,


Michael Kaplen  13:44

there are juries involved and you raise some interesting points. So when you say you are your brain, I’m gonna steal that line,


Dr Sabina Brennan  13:53

if you can, if it helps people understand what it is that a brain injury means you fire ahead,


Michael Kaplen  14:01

because we call that legal research. But what I like to say is, this is not something that I’ve come up with this is what professionals neuro psychologist in the field, have told me, it’s really a death case, when a person has a brain injury, they’ve died and they’ve become a new person. And until they can accept this new person that they are, they can’t move on in their lives. In regard to rehabilitation. rehabilitation will never be successful for a person with a brain injury until they can accept the new person that they are. And of course, you raise so many different issues. We could spend days talking about it. Brain fog and COVID-19, which is a really important issue that people have to understand people make a physical recovery from COVID-19 and they now are encountering long term neurological problems as a result of that. And hopefully, while this is not a good thing for anybody, but hopefully it will shed more light on this invisible entry of brain injury and lead our government to devote more resources to this injury and provide more support for people with a brain injury because tragically, the ability of individuals with a brain injury to get proper care and support is lacking. It’s lacking from the time they get a brain injury when we talked about concussions, because of concussion is a brain injury to getting a diagnosis. Because still, there are many people, even in the medical profession who don’t understand that concussion is a brain injury. Understand it, you can’t let a child return to play before that brain injury, he knows they need help in school, if they’re going back to the classroom, it’s just not a sports issue. It’s a classroom issue as well. It’s a knife issue, I would say yes, and and if they’re a victim of domestic violence, unfortunately, and get a brain injury, and we know that 90% of victims of intimate and domestic violence, According to the Centers for Disease Control, will have a brain injury. And nobody understands that injury and nobody diagnosis that injury in these women and that screen for that injury. So they don’t get proper treatment for that injury. And we have cases of people leaving the hospital and the doctor will hug them and they’ll kiss the doctor for saving their child’s life. And they don’t know what they’re in for. Because nobody tells them what’s going to happen after they leave that hospital. And if they try to find a rehabilitation center for the level one their child, their husband, their wife, they’ll find that these centers really are lacking in proper facilities. They don’t exist all over the country, it’s difficult for people to get there, when they need help. They’re very expensive, and our government doesn’t pay for it. Insurance companies are fighting about that. They’ll say, Well, you could go to a rehab center for three weeks, and they say it’s like a broken bone. And after three weeks, while they haven’t made any recovery, they’re the same place. So go here, because this is the brain doesn’t take three weeks. Yeah, yeah. So we have all these fights that we have and legal issues that we’re fighting about with with a brain injury, you say, Well, how do you go about proving that in quit? And my answer is the best test for brain injury is life. I bring people in to court who know my clients before the injury, and know my client now to look at the jury to explain to the jury the differences that they perceive in my client, which is the best way to explain it, how my client is going about their daily life in the problems that they’re having. Because that’s the effect of the brain injury. It’s not the injury itself. It’s how it affects the person. That’s important to me, as an attorney representing people with a brain injury,


Dr Sabina Brennan  17:58

I think, you know, you’ve raised all the points, I do want to just track back to one thing that you said, and just to clarify that not all brain injuries will give rise to full personality change, you know, so, so just to clarify that when you said earlier, you know, people need to accept that they’re a new person. But I think another thing that people don’t realize, and it speaks to some of what you said is that the brain is incredibly plastic. And it does have the capacity to adapt to change, and to recruit other areas to compensate for areas that have been damaged. And if you actually have a brain injury, and you are fortunate enough to get rehabilitation, the occupational therapist, you know, because obviously a brain injury can also lead to paralysis, etc, lead to a physical injury in a way you’re almost better off if your brain injury leads to a physical injury, because then it’s diagnosed, that you have a brain injury and your cognitive consequences. I think where we have the real issue is when the brain injury doesn’t affect the motor cortex, or your visual cortex is not affecting your sight or your ability to move or walk. But it is affecting your ability to be human in a sense, because it is our cognitive functions that set us apart from our closest relatives. It is that capacity to make decisions to disinhibit behavior to engage in social behaviors appropriately within context, our memory function, you know, without memory, again, who we are it becomes something different, and our ability to learn and learn new things. But I think one of the issues I don’t know how it is in the US, but certainly our neurological services in Ireland are absolutely appalling. They are understaffed in terms of neurologists with hospital say, having two neurologists, when they work out, they need eight, you know, that kind of level. But on top of that, we have a terrible situation. I don’t know whether you have it in the States. But basically, for example, if you’re in a car accident and you sustain a brain injury, you’re taken to an acute hospital, right? But basically, in our country, that person stays in that hospital once their life supported or their life is saved or whatever, and assuming that they have an injury that requires them to stay in hospital, they stay there until there is a place for them in the National Rehabilitation Hospital. Now that could take six, nine months. And what you have done to that individual and that six to nine months is actually created a lifelong injury that perhaps had they had an immediate brain health plan, you know, a rehab plan put in place immediately with people who understand where the injury is, when rest is needed, when work is needed, that person could have made a much better recovery. So what we’re actually doing is costing insurance companies costing the state much more money by leaving people languishing without treatment, because those people, if they’d had treatment, might be able to reintegrate into the workforce might be able to actually learn new ways to be social, or whatever, depending on their injury, but you leave them languishing and you don’t give them number one, they might be just lucky to get rehab, a lot of people don’t get it at all, and you’re actually making that person’s brain injury worse. It’s no different actually, in a way to my mind. And I don’t mind be controversial, but it’s no different than kicking someone in the head when they’ve already sustained a brain injury. Because that’s what you’re doing.


Michael Kaplen  21:16

You’re right, you raise many, many important issues that tragically are not just in Ireland where you are. But in the United States in Europe throughout the world, people are not getting the treatment that they need for a brain injury, either because they can’t access that treatment. It’s just not available. It’s limited in quantity, and in quality and in duration and these are real problems. You raised another issue when you talk about the brain healing, something called plasticity. Yes, but it’s a very dangerous concept. Because you talked about I know you’re passionate about children with a brain injury. It’s a very interesting concept with children. Because when a child gets a brain injury at a very early age, they need to grow into that brain injury, what the problems are not going to be apparent right away for that child. If you would take a two or three year old child, they haven’t learned how to read, they haven’t learned how to write, they haven’t learned arithmetic, yet. They’re still learning social skills. And they have to grow into all of these things. And you might not realize the problems that they have until they get older. So a child might fall and hit their head and a mother might pick up the child and say oh, you’ll find it’s just a bump on the head of booboo. And later on, unfortunately, that bump on the head could cause all kinds of problems. So it’s very different when it comes to children, then it comes to adults when we’re talking about a brain injury. And children need a lot of different kinds of supports than an adult. And again, unfortunately, that rehabilitation just really doesn’t exist.


Dr Sabina Brennan  23:00

I do want to move on to sport because we have talked about the kind of injuries. And I want to particularly come back to that point that you’ve just made. But the kind of injuries that we’ve been talking about frequently are accidents or the consequence of an act of violence, you know, car accident, or falling or whatever. And what fascinates me and frustrates me is that we have learned from when accidents happen, in that we develop car seatbelts, we introduced laws around wearing seatbelts to prevent these things, wearing helmets, when you’re riding a motorcycle, wearing reflective clothing. In fact, actually my first book was about brain health. And it’s talking about things like sleep and stress. But actually in the very first chapter, I say, Well hold on, here’s practical tips about how you keep your brain healthy, you know, wear a seatbelt drive safely. Don’t drink and drive, don’t text and drive wear properly fitting helmets, be seen when you’re out. Don’t stand on unstable chairs, remove tripping hazards around the home. If you have young kids, make sure windows can’t be opened by curious little hands, and so on and so on. And we have lots of those. We’ve accepted those things in society that we need to take care and precautions to prevent injuries and especially around the head, people are aware of that. However, there seems to be just a, I don’t know a disconnect when it comes to sport. We seem to be much slower to learn from mistakes, to learn from what injuries in sport can give rise to and you have one and I’m going to quote you and I think it’s a fantastic quote. And of course you’re referring to football, we would put in front of that American football and in the UK, they would say football and we would say well they mean soccer and then we have football which is Gaelic football. Anyway, most of them are contact sports, which is the point about things like concussion and brain injury. You don’t have to be hit in the head. You can be you know, a force to the body. But the quote that I love from you is that football is a concussion delivery. system. And that’s exactly what it is. And whatever about an adult making a choice, I think there’s two things, I think plenty of adults make choices that they want to play contact sports, there’s a big difference between making a choice to do that and making an informed choice to do that, that’s one thing. And then there is the other thing that I touched on, which is the duty of care to children who can’t, or uh, you know, don’t have the maturity of understanding to be making an informed choice, and parents making that choice on their behalf to do things like you know, in Europe rugby is what gets the most bad press when it comes to concussion. In the US, I think it’s American football. But actually, soccer is actually much more detrimental. And you’re more likely to sustain a brain injury, you’re actually heading a ball at speed repeatedly and repeatedly doing it over time. And we’ve seen that with a lot of soccer players getting to the age now where there’s an increased incidence of developing dementia,


Michael Kaplen  26:06

we could spend a lot of time talking about soccer and heading a ball, I have a video cast that we tried to do every week, that’s part of our website called the Brain Injury Insider. your viewers could watch that by going to our website, where we’ve discussed some of these issues when it comes to soccer, and heading a ball. In fact, I’m preparing a new one on recent rule changes in the EU, for soccer leagues about heading a ball. And it’s my opinion, and I’m quite honest and upfront about it. Let’s talk about children, children should not be allowed to head a ball, period. End of story


Dr Sabina Brennan  26:44

totally with you.


Michael Kaplen  26:45

As you said, football is a concussion delivery system. It doesn’t matter if it’s American football, or international football, which we call soccer is still a concussion delivery system and heading a ball is something that does repetitive head trauma causes all kinds of problems. It doesn’t have to lead to the level of concussion. And we do kind of stupid things. Let’s put it bluntly, we haven’t, we make rules that make no sense when it comes to that we say in the US now Well, you could only had the ball 20 times I’m making up a number now. And after that, you can’t head it and we come up with this number from the oh children under 14, can’t head a ball but children over 14, can. You think the brain is any different and the head is any different? It’s not. So we make these arbitrary rules about heading a ball, without really coming to grips with the fact that this is not a good idea. This is not safe, this is not good for the brain. You could enjoy soccer and have a great time on the field, with your friends, with your teammates, learn the social skills that are important.


Dr Sabina Brennan  28:00

Yeah, all all important and the physical activity,


Michael Kaplen  28:03

and do everything that you can without heading the damn ball. Yeah, it’s not necessary to have a good time to head the ball. Children in the US, it’s not necessary to engage in tackle football to have a good time to play tag football.


Dr Sabina Brennan  28:18

And tag rugby, I think is another thing you just say, hold that thought. But the reason why children’s brains are so vulnerable, and adult brain is vulnerable to but that’s entirely different. But and also, that’s something I want to push out is. So the child’s brain is developing. And as you said it’s learning skills and depending on where an injury is, but also so you’re thinking 14 arbitrary, you know, oh, yeah, well, first of all, not all kids are the same size. And this is a size issue. The neck muscles are not fully developed in children. Similarly in females, females are much more susceptible, because they don’t have the same strong neck muscles that men do. Because with brain injury, it’s not just about the force of the injury, it is about the shock to the brain within the brain. So it’s like a reverberation. If you think someone kind of inside a washing machine, it’s a bit kind of like that, but the damage can kind of come from that. But the thing is, when you hit puberty, the human brain goes through a really, really important period of development. And that period of development, that whole brain is transforming. There’s two periods of growth that are really critical. One is just in infancy and then the other is from puberty, which what surprises a lot of people up until about the age 24/25. So legally, we would see people as adults, I don’t know at 18 or whatever. But actually when it comes to the brain, you don’t have an adult brain until you’re 25 and you also don’t have when it comes to frontal lobe function. Basically the brain restructures itself from the back to the front, from puberty to the age of 24/25. The last part to be restructured is your frontal lobes as a young person without a brain injury, you do not have the capacity to assess risk, because that part of your brain isn’t fully developed. So once legally, we say someone has the capacity to assess risk and make decisions, actually, organically, you don’t fully have that capacity. And that will differ across people. One of the things that I do want to say is about children and adolescents being at risk. And when it comes to sport, and ‘if in doubt, sit it out’ all those things, you know, we have these things, I think parents and coaches have to assume a greater responsibility here that their child’s brain is much more important than winning any game. But that when kids recover in a lot of injuries, there isn’t actually loss of consciousness, you can still have a bad concussion, even without being unconscious. There’s kind of no real relationship there. But I think in terms of the consequences of a concussion, or multiple concussions, people often don’t make this connection, a child can sustain a concussion or whatever, get over to whatever, and then suddenly starts getting into trouble in school, you know, has problems with attention, lack of concentration, planning, organizing, solving problems, that can come across as a child acting out, or a child has been difficult, or a child being bold, because you didn’t used to be like that. So now you’re just being ‘bold’, in inverted commas. But actually, these are the consequences of a concussion. And I think a lot of people don’t realize that. And these are huge consequences, because they affect learning. And they’ll affect the person’s progression through school, they may even have a language impairment or have difficulty understanding things, as well as then impacting on their mood in the sense of they can become depressed, they can have affective disorders, depressed or more anxiety, or manage stress inappropriately. And these are huge things that have long term effects for the rest of their lives. And I feel very strongly I would be a, I suppose you’d call me a brain health advocate. But we’ve looked after physical health for years. And there’s been a whole movement in recent decades about mental health. And that’s great, but actually fundamental, you know, the primary health we should be looking after his brain health, because if you live a brain healthy lifestyle, if you consider your brain health, and you look after that, your mental health and your physical health actually automatically follow because you’re getting enough sleep, you’re getting enough exercise, you’re engaging socially, all those kinds of things. And I don’t know what we need to do to, you know, someone said to me, once I was talking about what I wanted to do, and they said, Sabina, you’re not an entrepreneur, you’re an evangelist. But that’s kind of a bit what I feel is like that we have to get this message out there. And for me, that’s why I was drawn to you for for an interview, in that you’re someone who’s advocating on behalf of people who have these utterly life changing injuries and experiences and not to the extent I think people are aware that you can have a brain injury and we all know of that child who had a brain injury, who ends up living in a home or an adult where they can no longer function, and they’re in a chair and a wheelchair and all that. And you know, everybody knows that extent. But I think the problem is that actually, some of the other injuries are incredibly debilitating. And that’s the issue.


Michael Kaplen  33:29

So I think this would be a good time to just discuss with your listeners, all different types of injuries that can happen. The consequences of a concussion. There are physical consequences, sleep disorders, sensitivity to light and sound, headaches, dizziness, vestibular problems that can develop cognitive problems that can develop memory problems, concentration problems, multitasking, doing more than one thing. At the same time. There are behavioral issues that we’ve talked about, disinhibition doing the most inappropriate thing or saying the most inappropriate thing or acting out inappropriately. And there there are these emotional issues that you’ve also touched upon depression and anxiety that are hallmarks of concussion or brain injury. And a person doesn’t have to have every one of these injuries. Everybody’s brain will be affected differently by a concussion or any other type of brain injury. And as the medical profession likes to say, when you see one brain injury, you’ve seen one brain injury, exactly. Everybody’s brain injury is different.


Dr Sabina Brennan  34:47

That’s the thing. Broadly speaking, our brains are similar, but because your brain is constantly changing, and is shaped by your life experiences, no two brains are the same. Every single person’s brain is unique. That’s why it’s important to live a brain healthy life is that you can build resilience. And that resilience can actually really help you were you to sustain an injury, you may do better, because we know two people could sustain identical injuries, and one will have severe cognitive issues or other impairments. And the other might have minimal impairment. And that’s because their brain actually is in a, you know, it’s like you have a better prognosis, if you’ve been healthy before you go into surgery than if you’re overweight and a smoker, etc. It’s the same, but in a healthy brain, at the core of that resilience is this thing neuroplasticity. And it’s an inherent property of the brain, but you need to support it to be able for your brain to do it. And learning is the key and challenging yourself and engaging in new activities. And so if you’ve been doing that all your life, you’re pushing yourself, you’re pushing your brain beyond its capacity at any point. And so then your brain can, it recruits other areas of the brain to help in the activity you’re engaging in. And that’s to, you know, get to the next level of your console game or study for an exam that you’re pushing yourself, whatever. So then if you sustain a brain injury, and you’ve been doing that, your brain already knows how to recruit other areas to compensate. Whereas an individual who hasn’t been doing that, when they if they’re fortunate enough to get rehab, what the people engaging in rehab will be doing is to try and train a new area of the brain to compensate for the permanently damaged part of the brain. But you have to work up to that, whereas a healthy brain will already kind of be engaging in that. And that’s why none of us ever know that’s why I feel strongly about this. None of us ever know when we might sustain a brain injury.


Michael Kaplen  36:47

That’s true. And I want to give a shout out to the Brain Injury Association of America. My partner is the chairman, woman of the board of directors of the Brain Injury Association of America, shout out to Carol, and the Brain Injury Association of America has a slogan that they use brain injury anytime, anywhere, any place.


Dr Sabina Brennan  37:10

That was the martini ad was  Martini anytime, anyplace anywhere. Yeah.


Michael Kaplen  37:15

Which is very true. Yeah, of course, a brain injury can happen to anyone. No one is immune from a brain injury. And it could happen in all different aspects of one’s life from a fall, which is a large cause of brain injuries in children and adults. It could happen from vehicle accidents, it could happen from an object falling on you. It could happen from pedestrians being struck by a car, it could happen as a result of violence, domestic violence, or other type of violence can happen from toxic substances. And it could happen unfortunately for medical neglect as well. Brain injuries can happen anytime, anywhere, any place. And it’s important that people get the support and assistance that they need. They could go to my website, They could go to the website of the Brain Injury Association of America to get information about brain injury, I’m sure. In Ireland, you have other groups like headway?


Dr Sabina Brennan  38:14

Yes, absolutely. We have Headway and we have the Neurological Alliance of Ireland and we have various different organisations. But yeah, I think it’s hard for people, it’s hard for families. Brain Injury doesn’t just affect one brain. It affects many brains and the relationships because as you described, our husbands can become something different. Likewise, wives, children, all the rest. I wanted to ask you again, just coming to that children. So 2014, you were part of the Obama initiative around sports injury concussion. We’re now 2021. We’ve had a different president in between I will reserve comment, but you’ll know. He’s not a president that I have respect for


Michael Kaplen  38:56

I have not reserved comments if you’ll see about one of our former presidents and the shocking things that he has said about brain injuries and particularly servicemembers who have brain injuries it Pooh poohing the headaches that they sustained. And the other emotional trauma that they sustained as a result of sustaining a concussion on the battlefield. It’s disgraceful.


Dr Sabina Brennan  39:20

Oh, it is appalling. But what can you expect from a man who mocks people who are disabled. What you just said about people who have sustained concussions, brain injuries as a consequence of war, the headache issue alone to just have a headache, I wrote about it in my recent book, because if you have a headache, if you have a migraine, if you have a severe brain pain, you know, your brain can’t function, the focus is on your headache. So it’s much more than a headache when it’s those kinds of severe headaches. But those people are also dealing for the most part with post traumatic stress disorder, with stress as a consequence of being in combat and stress impairs your brain function. as well, so there’s so many like it’s a complex issue and those complex issues should be in the realm of people who understand those advising, which is I assume what Obama had been doing when he called that group together.


Michael Kaplen  40:17

I think the purpose of that summit was to raise attention about the dangers of concussion and brain injury in sports, that create awareness of that, on the part of parents on the part of the military, on the part of the medical profession itself. Because we have faced an epidemic of concussions in the United States, there were 3.5 million individuals each year, who seek some type of emergency department treatment for concussions and other types of brain injury. And that doesn’t count all the people who never get to the emergency department, who might go to a family physician where it’s not recorded, or go to no one will go to no one will go to an urgent care facility, or in the armed forces, because these concussions are not recorded. The problem is far greater than that. And it’s a problem that deserves the attention of governments, public health officials, and all of us to understand and tackle this health crisis and epidemic. So


Dr Sabina Brennan  41:26

There seems to be, certainly to me, you know, over the years, there does seem to be an increased awareness. I like I do think people are talking and there’s a greater awareness and things like movies, you know, I mean, when these things start to seep into entertainment, and that kind of thing. That’s good. That’s positive, because


Michael Kaplen  41:45

it’s good, but it’s bad. And I’ll tell you why. Okay, good. Yeah. Because we learn from watching movies and television. And unfortunately, many times the way a brain injury or a head injury is depicted in these movies, creates the wrong impression of what’s happening. And I go back to my childhood, we’re watching The Three Stooges, Moe, Larry and curly, they used to get hit in the head over time, and they nothing happened. And you watch cartoons, like the Road Runner, who runs into things all the time without problems, and you watch other popular movies. And part of what I do in my class in law school is we show some of these clips of what the public is exposed to about brain injury. And it’s amazing. The misinformation that’s conveyed to people about brain injury, that it’s no big deal. There’s a movie that we talked about called Regarding Henry, it’s about that movie it’s with,


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:49

was it Harrison Ford?


Michael Kaplen  42:50

Yes, Harrison Ford,


Dr Sabina Brennan  42:51

I don’t know where that came from, isn’t the brain brilliant.


Michael Kaplen  42:54

And Harrison Ford, unfortunately, gets shot in the head in a grocery store. And now his wife is sitting in the doctor’s office. And the doctor, the neurosurgeon is explaining the injury to her. And the doctor says, In the movie, your husband was very lucky. The bullet only affected his temporal lobe only only affected is tempora lobe – of give me a break. You know. So getting a bullet in the brain, it only affects your temporal lobe is no big deal. That’s the impression that walk away from that? Well, that’s anything but true. So when we talk about movies depicting brain injuries, it’s a good thing. And it’s a bad thing, if it’s not depicted properly.


Dr Sabina Brennan  43:43

Okay, I agree with you totally on that. What I was referring to though, was movies like Concussion, movies that are actually aiming,


Michael Kaplen  43:50

But the movie Concussion, the name of the movie has nothing to do with the facts in the movie, they’re not talking about a Concussion. About is an injury called CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:03

Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, that is different. It is related to multiple concussions and associated then with dementia.


Michael Kaplen  44:11

Right? So the name of the movie and what you’re seeing the right is not accurate, though. I think every one of your listeners should watch the movie, because they could take away a lot of useful and important informations about the dangers of repetitive trauma in sports and why this has to be taken seriously by everybody.


Dr Sabina Brennan  44:29

Yeah, but I take your point. You watch people in movies, you know, and they get punched and hit on the head and all the rest and they come back in the sequel and they’re still perfect and so perfect. Yeah, there is that but I’ve often thought that in terms of we need to raise awareness, and we need to put responsibility on parents and coaches etc. Sorry, we have a duty of care. You don’t bring kids into the world without actually realizing that you have a duty of care to them. And I think schools Hold a huge responsibility. I don’t know what the culture is like with you. But school rugby in Ireland, you know like it’s Oh, this school against this school and there’s much more a stake than just a game. And people are tempted to put kids back on when they shouldn’t or kids pretending they’re fine when they’re not and all the rest. We need something in place to ensure that people have the best interests of the Children at Play. I think when it comes to sport, certainly team sport, I do want to point out that it’s not always team sports as well. A lot of brain injuries come from trampolining. But when it comes to team sports, and a lot of this comes down to money, I think in that these teams sports this huge amounts of money, billions being made out of them. And number one, there’s the issue of people don’t want games toned down, you know, by removing heading the ball or removing scrums or whatever the case would be in American football. But at the end of the day, these are human lives, I often think about it myself. So you were mentioning movies. So if we talk movie language, you know, another great movie was Gladiator, with Russell Crowe, an incredible movie and incredibly sad movie. And we think that we have progressed in time over these Romans that used to go to an arena to watch people fight a lion or gladiators fight each other to the death. But it’s no different. It’s just slower. You’re just paying someone a lot of money to sustain what could be life changing injuries. I mean, I’m very proud, we just got a gold medal. young female boxer just won a gold medal. But like, at the end of the day, when you’re sustaining repeated trauma to a head, you don’t get away scot free, you just don’t


Michael Kaplen  46:48

No. And when the goal in boxing is to knock someone out, knock them unconscious, you have to wonder whether or not this is really a sport, or it is what you call it being in an arena and watching gladiators kill him. It is no different.


Dr Sabina Brennan  47:04

It’s no different, we would stop and obviously Unfortunately, some boxers have died. They put in safety issues, and no there’s a count and whatever. But the person is still sustained brain injury. In fact, I would love for the word concussion to be removed from the lexicon altogether. And just call it what it is, which is a mild traumatic brain injury or just a traumatic because mild is a misnomer as well.


Michael Kaplen  47:28

Yeah, no, I was just gonna say Sabina, there’s nothing mild about a mild brain injury. It’s a terrible, terrible word, or description to use about brain injury. It’s only mild if it’s someone else’s brain. And


Dr Sabina Brennan  47:42

that’s a really, really good point. I think we need more research as well. I think we need more education, not just about brain injury, but just about how the brain itself just works just for people to kind of understand that. I’m very excited that you actually have these videos on your website, do check out my website, On the bottom of it, I have tons of resources, I use animation as a means to explain how the brain works, you are more than welcome to use if there are of any value to you, and you can link them on your website, I’ll certainly check yours. There’s only so much you can do and only so much I can do as individuals, you can only reach certain amount of audiences. When you have a tool like that, like an animation or a little video, hundreds of 1000s of people can see them. And clearly we’ve been talking about these kinds of ways because what you want to do is to help people to survive a brain injury with the resources necessary to do so. But I like to ask my guests for their personal tip about surviving and or thriving in life. Would you have anything that you would like to share?


Michael Kaplen  48:46

Well, since we’re talking about a brain injury today, let’s stay on that topic. And shed this remind that the best cure for brain injury is prevention. Absolutely.


Dr Sabina Brennan  48:59

Absolutely. My name is Sabina Brennan, and you have been listening to Super brain the podcast for everyone with a brain. Super brain is a labor of love born of a desire to empower people to use their brain to thrive in life and attain their true potential. You can now go ad free on forward slash superbrain. For the price of a coffee. Please help me reach as many people as possible by sharing this episode. Imagine if we could get to a million downloads by word of mouth alone. I believe it is possible. I believe that great things happen when lots of people do little things. Visit Sabina for the Super brain blog with full transcripts, links and the like. Follow me on Instagram at Sabina Brennan and on Twitter at Sabina underscore brand and tune in on Thursday for another booster shot from me and on Monday for another fascinating interview with an inspiring guest. Thank you for listening

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